Why are you writing a letter to your hero? What are you supposed to learn from this assignment? Three lines, two minutes. (2 minutes)
For our peer editing we are using the glow and grow strategy. What you will do in google docs is comment on your peers paper giving them three things they did great (glows) and three they need to focus on (grow). In addition you will comment at the end of their letter on their three focus question/areas they gave you at the beginning of peer editing. I will be looking for all of this when I grade your letters. If you are completing this on edmodo, simply place your grows, glows, and replies to questions in the comment box. (For edmodo you will need to switch computers so you can comment)
Continue writing your letter to your hero. Remember to follow all your FCAS. Do this independently and remember to ask Mrs.Thompson for help as necessary. This is a test gradeSummative assessment. Continuously check that you are following the FCAS. Please type it in google docs. If google docs does not work for you please type in Microsoft word and save to your hdrive. Once completed on Microsoft submit on edmodo. If you finish please raise your hand and I will pair you up to peer edit. Dont forget your peer editing guidelines: 3 glows and 3 grows with your Focus Areas written on the rough draft through comments.
On a scale of 1 to 5 how confident are you in your letter being an A? Why? 5 being very confident and 1 being very unsure. What do you need to do to make it a 5?
Bell Ringer (5 mins) Finish letters/Peer Editing (24 mins) Final Edit and Submission (16 mins) --If you finish early help your peer editing partner. If you both finish then you may pre-read our next story on p. 115, read your own book, or you may help the person sitting next to you with their letter. Exit Ticket and clean up (3 mins)