Micro-Credentials: Competency-Based Skill Recognition for Leaders Jason – lead off Dr. Jason Leahy Executive Director Illinois Principals Association Dr. Susan Homes Deputy Executive Director for PL
Our Agenda The WHAT of Micro-Credentials The WHY of Micro-Credentials The VALUE of Micro-Credentials Our Partners Our Development Earning a Micro-Credential Questions Jason
The What Of Micro-Credentials Sue
2011 2017 Sue
Foundational Understanding A micro-credential is NOT a course. A micro-credential is earned as the result of an assessment of competency. Sue
Skill Development Resources The Scout Analogy: Skill Development Resources “Do the following” Sue Screenshots from: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/Merit_Badge_ReqandRes/Camping.pdf
Traditional Coursework A badge represents an independent mix of learning and experiences which are unique to each earner. Traditional Coursework Workshops & Conferences Independent Learning Experience Sue Administrator academies Research Collaboration
The Why Of Micro-Credentials Jason
SCHOOL LEADER PARADIGM Becoming While Doing Creating Hope for All #CreateHope
Learning Forward Standards Design based on the Learning Forward Standards Learning Communities Leadership Resources Outcomes Data Learning Designs Implement Jason
Our partners Jason
Our Partners Jason 8 Micro-Credential Development
The value Of Micro-Credentials Sue
Value or Currency EARNER Personalized learning Professional development credit Salary advancement Licensure requirements Accumulated over time to move along a career pathway (i.e., master certification) Personalized learning Evidence of competency Scalable learning opportunities Sue EARNER
Value or Currency ORGANIZATION Vision & goal alignment Skill verification Candidate differentiation Growth evidence Sue ORGANIZATION
Value as we and others see it ALL – Perceived and Anecdotal for each state
Our DEVELOPMENT Of Micro-Credentials Sue
Researched Developed Published Added to catalog on public platform. Skills identified by reviewing relevant standards. Developed Research completed & assessment developed by content experts. Pilot phase for norming completed. Published Added to catalog on public platform. Sue
STACKS Leadership Coaching (IPA) Communications (IPA) Collaborative Directive Reflective Communications (IPA) Standards Advocacy Structures Personal Communicator School Finance (IASBO) Creating a Tax Levy Culture & Relationships Sue Results Orientation STACKS
Overview Essential References Alignment Outcomes An introduction to the subskill represented by the micro-credential. The observable actions necessary to demonstrate skill mastery. Evidence Submission and Assessment Parts of the Micro-Credential Document References A description of the artifacts that must be developed and submitted as well as the assessment scoring criteria. The research which supports the essential outcomes. Alignment to Standards Learning Resources Sue A digest of learning resources to guide the earner in developing his/her skill. The connection of the subskill to recognized educational standards.
Earning a Micro-Credentials Sue
Our Platform Choose Visit the micro-credential catalog www.edleadersnetwork.org Sue Choose Visit the micro-credential catalog
Earn Review Submit Develop Participate Complete Choose Earn micro-credential if mastery is reached Review Assessor’s feedback Submit Submit artifacts for assessment Develop Required artifacts Participate In a virtual learning community Complete Learning Review the MC & assessment criteria Choose Visit the micro-credential catalog Sue
Questions Dr. JASON LEAHY Jason@ilprincipals.org Dr. Susan Homes sue@ilprincipals.org All