Changes Rock! BPRO Conference May 2019
Agenda Expectation Overview Multiple Program Guidance Reporting Requirements Changes Reported Actions on Changes Scenarios
Expectation Part 1: Are changes ruining your daily jam session? We all know how fast and furious changes are being reported. During this rock show we will help you understand the policy around changes for each program. We will help you go from changes put me in shock to changes really rock!
Expectation Part 2: Are changes ruining your daily jam session? We all know how fast and furious changes are being reported. During this rock show we will discuss a multi program approach to handling different scenarios. We will help you go from changes put me in shock to changes really rock!
Expectation Just a reminder, if you attend the Part 1 session of this workshop, please come back for the Part 2 session. We have lots more rocking information for you in that session also.
Why Are Changes Important? When changes occur within the certification period that affect the household's eligibility or aid category or the amount of the benefit allotment or cash payment, the agency must act to adjust the household's benefits. The responsibility for changes lies with both the recipient household and the local department of social services.
What Changes Impact Multi Programs? Address Household Composition Age Income Expenses Living Arrangements
Overview Medical Assistance (MA) Eligibility must be partially reviewed when the agency becomes aware of any change in the enrollee’s circumstances that might affect continued eligibility. The timeframe for acting on changes is 30 calendar days from the date the change is reported or the agency becomes aware of the change (exception deemed newborns). M1520.001 For Medicaid: Deemed newborns , born to MA or FAMIS eligible Moms are to be enrolled as soon as possible upon report of birth.
Overview—Medical Assistance (MA) Continued Enrollees must report changes in circumstances which may affect eligibility or patient pay within 10 days from the date the change is known. The eligibility worker is responsible for evaluating reported changes, keeping a record of changes that may be anticipated or scheduled, and taking appropriate action on all changes. M1520.100
Overview—Medical Assistance (MA) Continued Reported changes requiring verification should be evaluated using online system information to the extent possible. If necessary send a checklist and allow at least 10 calendar days for the information to be returned. If the information is not provided , cancel coverage, send advance notice and document the case. M1520.100 For Medicaid: Use system information to determine if consistent/compatible with the change reported. If yes, use system information, if no send checklist.
Overview TANF: Overview: Any changes reported by a TANF recipient during their certification period must be verified and evaluated by the eligibility worker. (401.2 Page 2a Section 2) In the process of determining eligibility, the EW must provide the applicant/recipient with information regarding their responsibilities on reporting changes. (401.5 Page 10 Section b) The TANF recipient is required to report changes within 10 calendar days from the date the change occurs, but the report is considered timely if reported by the tenth of the following month. (305.1 Page 11 Section 3.a)
Overview—TANF Continued TANF Manual 401.2 Page 2a-2b Section 2.a
Overview—TANF Continued TANF Manual 401.2 Page 2a-2b Section 2.a
Overview—TANF Continued TANF Manual 305.1 Page 9 Section D
Overview—TANF Continued The eligibility worker must evaluate the information within 10 days for potential impact or request additional information and necessary verifications. (305.1 Page 11 Section 3.a) The eligibility worker must act on changes that have been reported by: (401.2 Page 2b Section 2) the TANF recipient changes put into VaCMS to meet the requirements of another program changes to prevent duplicate receipt of benefits changes that are considered verified upon receipt
Overview—TANF Continued If the change reported results in the case being eligible for increased benefits, a Notice of Action must be sent to the TANF recipient to be received no later than the effective date of the action. (401.4 Page 7 Section A) If the change reported results in the case being ineligible or the benefits decreasing, an Advanced Notice of Proposed Action Form must be sent to the TANF recipient 10 days prior to the effective date of the change. (401.4 Page 9 Section 1)
Overview—SNAP Handling Changes The worker must contact the HH to clarify circumstances if there is not enough information to take action on the reported changes. Any changes that a client/household reports must be evaluated and/or acted upon within 10 days. The Request for Contact must be sent during the certification period if the information is required to be reported or significantly contradicts information on the application. Note: Important to keep in mind the length of the certification period and who reports the change; these can be factors in whether or not the worker must take action on their case.
Overview—SNAP Continued Part 14, A 1. Changes that Must Be Reported The length of the certification period determines change reporting requirements for each household. a. Certification periods - one to four months Households certified up to four months must report the following items: • Change in household composition with members moving in or out of the SNAP household; • Change in the household’s residence and shelter costs that result from a move; • Change in legally obligated child support paid outside the household; • Change in total liquid resources that exceed the allowable limit of $3,500 for households that have a member who is elderly or disabled or $2,250 for all other households; • Change if the number of hours worked per week for persons who are subject to time-limited benefits is less than 20 hours per week. • Change of more than $50 in the amount of unearned income; • Change of more than $100 in the amount of earned income; • Starting or stopping a job; or • Changing from full-time to part-time status or from part-time to full-time status.
Overview—SNAP Continued b. Certification periods – five months or longer With the exception of households that receive benefits through the Transitional Benefits component for former TANF recipients or that are certified through VaCAP, households certified for five months or longer must report the following items: • Change if the number of hours worked per week for persons who are subject to time-limited benefits is less than 20 hours per week. • The total income exceeds the gross income limit based on household size as established as of certification, the Interim Report evaluation, or a change reported during the certification period. The income limits are: See next slide for income chart.
Overview—SNAP Continued The gross income limit increased for all household sizes increased effective October 2018. Households subject to simplified reporting must notify agency if the total gross income exceeds the monthly amount for their household size. Household Size Monthly Amount Weekly Amount Bi-weekly Amount Semi-monthly Amount 1 $ 1,316 $ 306.05 $ 612.09 $ 658.00 2 1,784 414.88 829.77 892.00 3 2,252 523.72 1,047.44 1,126.00 4 2,720 632.55 1,265.12 1,360.00 5 3,188 741.40 1,482.79 1,594.00 6 3,656 850.23 1,700.47 1,828.00 7 4,124 959.07 1,918.14 2,062.00 8 4,592 1,067.91 2,135.81 2,296.00 Additional members +468.00 + 108.84 +217.67 + 234.00
Overview—SNAP Continued SNAP Guidance—Part 14, A, 2 2. Time Required and Methods for Reporting Changes Households must report required changes listed above within 10 calendar days from the date the change occurs or, at the latest, 10 days into the next month after the month the change occurs. Households may report changes using the Change Report form, by telephone, by personal contact, by mail, or electronically. The household may also report a change of its circumstances with the filing of the Interim Report. A household member, an authorized representative, or any person having knowledge of the household's circumstances may report the change to any staff member of the local department of social services. When the household reports the change by mail, the report will be timely as long as the postmark of the letter is within the required 10-day period regardless of when the local department of social services receives the information. During the interview, the EW must advise applicants: • the responsibility to report changes; • when changes needed to be reported; • how to report changes; • the changes that need to be reported; and • the telephone number of the local office and, if necessary, a toll-free number or a number for accepting collect calls from households outside the local calling area. The local department of social services must provide the Change Report form to each household at initial application and reapplication and when the agency alters the household size. Additionally, the local department of social services must provide the form at recertification, if the household needs another form, and whenever the household returns a form or reports a change in the number of household members.
Overview—SNAP Continued SNAP Guidance—Part 14, A, 3 Actions on Changes: The agency has 10 days from the date the agency learns of a change to act on the new information. When the reported change requires a reduction, termination or suspension of benefits, the EW must issue an advance notice within 10 calendar days, beginning with the date the agency receives the change, unless one of the exemptions for mailing the notice in Part 14.D is applicable. In these cases, depending on the change, the agency must send an adequate notice if a notice is required at all.
Address Changes—Medical Assistance MA Case transfer guidance (M1520.500) MA Move out of state
Address Changes—Medical Assistance MA Move to a new locality. Applications and cases are transferred when the individual retains residence in Virginia (exception for LTC). (M1520.500) Move out of state that is not temporary. Close coverage and send adequate notice. (M1520.001). Discuss exception to transfer—LTC cases.
Address Changes—TANF Address Changes: The TANF recipient is required to report any change in address. (401.2 Page 2a Section 2.a.1) When a TANF recipient moves from one locality to another within the state, their case should be transferred to the new locality. (502.6 Section A) If a TANF recipient moves to make their home in another state, eligibility for TANF in Virginia no longer exists. (201.6 Page 5a) The TANF recipient should also be asked to report any changes to his telephone number. Since this does not effect eligibility or benefits, the agency will not take a negative action if a telephone number change is not reported. (401.2 Page 2b)
Address Changes—SNAP If a household reports a change in their address this must be evaluated and entered into VaCMS. If the move is within the State of Virginia the worker must transfer the case to the new locality. If the move is out of the State of Virginia, close accordingly and send notification to the household. When a household reports moving the worker must ask about the shelter costs at the new residence, if the household does not respond to this request you must remove the shelter expenses that are in VaCMS. Note: If the household moves out of the state, in VaCMS at the Get Locality box, DO NOT REMOVE THE FIPS.
Household Composition—Medical Assistance MA New HH Member (MA) Required HH member can be added without application if not requesting MA Requires an application to evaluate a new member for Medicaid eligibility (exception newborn to Medicaid eligible mother). M0120.150 Changes in marital status impact household composition. Spouse added or leaving may impact eligibility. For Medicaid: Use add a person application to do annual renewal on case. Discuss spouse with income/resources/expenses.
Household Composition—MA Continued Member leaves HH (MA) Is absence temporary? Should person be removed from case? Impact on assistance unit (AU), i.e. size of AU compared to income and/or resource limits. Special Review if Child leaves parental home (M1520.100.D). Do not cancel based solely on move, do not require a new application. Case management depends on age of child and new household composition. For Medicaid: Discuss MAGI HH if tax dependent leaves. Child moves to grandmother HH example.
Household Composition—TANF Adding new AU members The TANF recipient is required to report when an eligible child, father or mother of an eligible child enters the household. (401.2 Page 2b) The eligibility worker is required to add the new household member within 30 days following the date the change was reported. (401.2 Page 2d) To evaluate eligibility, the TANF recipient must complete the TANF Application to Add New Assistance Members, meet and provide verification of Categorical Requirements and Conditions of Eligibility. (401.2 Page 2d )
Household Composition—TANF Continued Removing AU member The TANF recipient is required to report when an eligible child, father or mother of an eligible child leaves the household. (401.2 Page 2b) The eligibility worker must evaluate if the AU member is temporarily away from the home or if it is permanent. (201.5 Page 2)
Household Composition—SNAP Adding New Household Members: Households must report the addition of new household members at interim report and/or renewal. Once a household reports an individual moving into their home, the worker should take action on this within 10 days. You will need to do the required system inquiries. You will need to know if they have a felony drug conviction, are illegal immigrants, and their school/education status. You will also need to know the income and resources of the new member. Note: Part 6 of the SNAP Manual gives in-depth guidance for household composition.
Household Composition—SNAP Removing Household Members: Households should report members leaving the home at interim report and/or renewal. If the household reports during the certification period members moving out of the household the worker has 10 days to act on this change. Worker needs to make sure the member has actually moved and will not be returning to the household. Client Statement can be accepted to make this change to the case, unless the information is questionable as per Part 3, A, 2.
Age Changes—Medical Assistance MA Individual turns 1, 18, 19, 21, 65 Changes in age = potential change in covered group that must be evaluated. (M1520.100) Newborn turns age 1 FC, MN or 300% SSI child turns 18 Individual < 21 turns 21 FAMIS/FAMIS Plus turns 19 MAGI Adult turns 65 Review for Newborn DDS for 300% SSI Child, Foster Care child in Independent Living Arrangement – eval FFC < 26 MAGI Adult for age 19
Age Changes—TANF AU Member Age Changes When an eligible child turns 18, that child is no longer eligible to be included in TANF grant unless the child is scheduled to graduate prior to their 19th birthday. (201.2) The entire case is ineligible if the AU no longer has an eligible child in the home. When a VIEW participant turns 60 years of age, they are no longer required to participate in the VIEW program. (901.2 Page 2a) When a child turns 1 year old, the eligible parent must be referred to VIEW if the parent doesn’t meet another VIEW exemption. (901.2 Page 2c) Hmmm, this policy, 1st bullet, changes effective 7/1/19.
Age Changes—SNAP Age Changes: When an individual in a SNAP case turns 6, 18, 22, 50 and 60 this can impact the results for SNAP. Pay attention to any alerts you might receive on age changes for your clients. Note: You will not get an alert for all of these ages.
Age Changes—SNAP Continued Age Changes that can effect SNAP-ET, Student Status and ABAWD’s: Child turning 6 Child turning 18 Adult turning 50
Age Changes SNAP Continued Age Changes that can effect income and or expenses: Child turning 18 and working Adult turning 60 that has medical expenses.
Income Changes New employment Increase in earnings Loss of employment Decrease in earnings Unearned income changes Types of income changes that may be reported.
Income Changes—Medical Assistance MA M1520.100.B.1 A reported decrease in income or termination of employment must be verified when the change in income causes the individual to move from a limited-benefit covered group, or to a full-benefit covered group. For terminated employment, if the reported change is not compatible with information obtained from online system searches, obtain verification from the enrollee or authorized representative. MA Policy on income changes.
Income Changes—Medical Assistance MA Continued M1520.100.B.1 The agency may not deny, terminate or reduce benefits for any individual unless the agency has sought additional information from the individual and provided proper notification. A reported increase in income and/or resources can be acted on without requiring verification, unless the increase causes the individual to meet a Medical Needy covered group and is eligible to be placed on a spenddown. Policy continued.
Income—TANF Income Changes The assistance unit must report increases in income that exceed 130% of the FPL. (305.1 Page 9 Section D) Any changes in income that are reported or become known to the agency must be used in a prospective determination to establish ongoing eligibility. (305.1 Page 9a) If, based on the income information provided by the client, there is a decrease in benefits, income must be verified by the next renewal. (305.1 Page 9a Section 2.a) If a decrease in income occurs, the change must be reflected, based on information provided, in the following payment month. Verification must be provided by the second month after the change becomes known. (305.1 Page 9a Section 2.c)
Income—SNAP New Employment: New employment can be reported at Interim Report and/or Renewal. For an ongoing case it depends on the length of the certification period as to whether or not the new employment must be reported. Note: If the household reports new employment the worker must act on this information.
Income—SNAP Continued Increase in earnings already being counted in VaCMS: This information must be reported at Interim Report if the change is $100.00 or more and/or the source of this income changes. It also must be reported at Renewal. This would also need to be reported for cases that are certified for more than 5 months and the income would now cause the household to be ineligible for SNAP. Note: If the household can give you the needed information to enter into VaCMS such as: name of employer, date employed, rate of pay, number of hours working per week, how often paid and on what day of the week the pay is received. You can make this change based on the clients statement as it will decrease the household’s benefits and verify at a later time, such as interim report or renewal.
Income—SNAP Continued Loss of Employment/Decrease in Income: If the client reports the loss of employment the worker must evaluate for a job quit and determine if a sanction is necessary. If the household contains an ABAWD member that has a reduction in work hours this must be evaluated and could cause the household member to have a change in their ABAWD status. Note: Must use the Work Number to verify income if the employer participates in this system. Should verify new employment and terminated employment. Loss of employment/income must be reported at interim report and/or renewal and possibly earlier if the certification period is less than 5 months. Also remember, when there is a decrease in the amount of income for the household you can make the change for one month to increase the SNAP benefits, request verification and give the household 10 days to verify. If verification is not provided revert back to the amount being counted prior to the change.
Income—SNAP Continued Unearned Income Changes in Unearned Income should be reported at Interim Report if the amount changes by $50.00 and/or if the source of income changes. Changes in Unearned Income must be reported at Renewal.
Expenses—Medical Assistance MA Medical expenses can impact ABD or F&C Spend down eligibility (Ml320.400) and LTC Patient Pay (M1470). Shelter expenses can impact LTC Patient Pay when the community spouse receives a spousal allowance (M1480). Child/Incapacitated Adult care expenses impact income calculation used for determining F&C MN SD (M0720.540). For Medicaid: Shelter expenses used to calculate community spouse monthly maintenance allowance. M1480.410.
Expenses—TANF The TANF program does not acknowledge any household expenses in its TANF eligibility determination.
Expenses—SNAP Expense Changes: Changes in expenses such as shelter, day care and or child support can possibly have an impact on the allotment amount received. A change in shelter expenses should be noted on the Interim Report and/or Renewal form. Changes in Child Support and Day Care Expenses should be noted on the Renewal form. Note: Client statement is accepted for the shelter expenses and day care expenses unless the information given meets the questionable criteria in Part 3.
Expenses—SNAP Continued Medical Expenses: If a client has medical expenses that exceeds $35.00 they could be eligible for the Medical Standard Deduction. Once the Medical Standard is given, you do not remove it until Renewal. An in depth conversation with the client needs to take place to determine the appropriate medical expense to be allowed.
Living Arrangements Individual becomes incarcerated Individual enters medical facility Individual starts LTSS (CBC or PACE)
Living Arrangements—Medical Assistance MA Individual becomes incarcerated Complete partial review to determine if individual continues to meet full covered group for inpatient hospitalization (M1520.300). Individual starts LTSS (CBC or PACE) Complete full or partial review to determine individuals eligibility for MA payment of LTC (M1410.200.C) Asset transfer, Resource Assessment, Substantial Home Equity (MAGI Adults), Patient Pay.
Living Arrangements—TANF TANF Manual 201.5 Page 2 Section B If an assistance unit member is admitted to a psychiatric hospital, institution or ward, or to a correctional facility for over 30 days, they cannot be considered to be living in the home. If an assistance unit member has any other type of hospitalization, employment, education or training, vacations, or visits for over 60 days, they cannot be considered living in the home. Exception: A parent who is absent from the home due to active duty in the uniformed services is not subject to the 60 day time limit.
Living Arrangements—SNAP Individuals that become incarcerated if reported by the household must be acted on within 10 days. Individuals that enter a medical facility, such as a nursing home, rehab, etc. when reported by the household must be acted on within 10 days. These changes should be noted on the Interim Report form and/or Renewal form. Note: Best Practice to determine if the member will be at one of these facilities for more than 30 days.
Recap of Multi Program Guidance on the topic of Changes Part 2 Recap of Multi Program Guidance on the topic of Changes
Recap Once a client/household reports a change the worker must take action on the reported change. Reported changes will/can have different impacts on multiple programs. Let’s be reminded of the most common changes that impact cases.
Recap Address Household Composition Age Income Expenses Living Arrangements
Scenario 1 New Member Sheryl Crew receives SNAP, TANF, and MA. She reports that she married her boyfriend last month in Vegas. He will begin living in the home this month and she wants to add him to her case. He is not the father of her child Mick.
Scenario 1 New Member What actions should the worker take for: MA ? SNAP? TANF ?
A partial review is required Scenario 1 New Member—Medicaid A partial review is required The worker is responsible to keep a record of reported changes and take appropriate action on changes within 30 days. This is a required household member for MA, spouses living together effective the month of the change. He can be added to the case based on client report unless they are requesting MA for him, an application is required to add a new person. You need to request demographic information, income, potential third party liability (TPL), and resources if anyone in a group with a resource test. Demographic information, name , DOB, citizenship, SSN, tax filing,
Scenario 1 New Member—TANF Sheryl Crew receives SNAP, TANF, and MA. She reports that she married her boyfriend last month in Vegas. He will begin living in the home this month and she wants to add him to her case. He is not the father of her child Mick. (This is a step parent situation) For TANF, Sheryl Crew’s new husband would be added the month after the client reported the change of getting married: The change to add a person required to be in the AU must be made by the agency within 30 days following the date the new member was reported to the agency. The client must complete must complete the TANF Application to Add New Assistance Members or make changes on CommonHelp and provide any income information for the new household member. The client is not required to provide any other information to verify categorical requirements and conditions of eligibility because the step parent is not an eligible assistance unit member due to not having any child in the home. If the customer asks for him to be added, the worker will add him, based on the request, but VaCMS will deny him because he is categorically ineligible as he has no children. If the step parent has income, that income deems to the spouse and may remove their need from the TANF grant.
Scenario 1 New Member—SNAP For SNAP, Sheryl Crew’s new husband would be added the month after the client reported the change of getting married and should be done within 10 days of the report of the change. An application is not needed to add a new household member, this can be done by client request. New household members are added the month after the change is reported. Prior to adding the new member you will need to do all required system inquiries; discuss with the household and get education information, drug felon and fleeing felon information along with income and resources of this new member. As a Best Practice, you could discuss with the household to assess if the new husband is in the home more than 15 days per month which would make him a required household member. Another Best Practice, when adding the husband try to do this at the same time you’re working on other programs because once you put a case into Case Change/Closure mode you cannot touch any other program until this action is completed. IF TANF CLOSES: If the TANF case closes, the SNAP case is placed into Transitional SNAP for five months of frozen benefits with allotment prior to the changes to TANF; at the end of that period the new husband and income, etc. would be evaluated and counted when the Renewal is completed. Notes: Reminder about temporarily away and if the spouse is in the home less than 15 days per month and can provide an address where he lives while not in the client’s home he could potentially be excluded from the SNAP part of the case. Also, household can opt out of Transitional SNAP.
Scenario 2 New Job Cindi Lapper, a single mom with three children reports that she has found a great opportunity and started a new job. Cindi receives SNAP, MA and TANF.
Scenario 2 New Job What actions should the worker take for: MA ? SNAP? TANF ?
A partial review is required Scenario 2 New Job—Medicaid A partial review is required The worker is responsible to keep a record of reported changes and take appropriate action on changes within 30 days. Cindi’s new job can be acted on without verification, based on the reported change, unless the new income causes the individual to move from Medicaid to FAMIS or the individuals are eligible to be placed on a MN SD. Cindi’s family may also be eligible for Extended MA if anyone received LIFC correctly in three of the six months prior to the new earned income and the new income exceeds limits causing LIFC to be terminated. Same would apply to increased earnings for Extended MA
Scenario 2 New Job—TANF Cindi Lapper, a single mom with three children reports that she has found a great opportunity and started a new job. Cindi receives SNAP, MA and TANF. For TANF, Cindi Lapper’s new income is not required to be reported unless it exceeds the 130% poverty limit. However, once she reports it you must act on it: Document the case record to include the employer information, rate of pay, number of hours, frequency of payment and the payment cycle within the VaCMS in Case Comments on the Screen Level page. If, based on the information provided by the client, there is a decrease in benefits, income must be verified by the next renewal. If the case continues to be eligible, calculate the payment reflecting the new or increased income. If the case is ineligible due to the income, close the case as soon as administratively possible. If the case is closed while the client was enrolled in the VIEW program, communicate with the VIEW worker about the increase in income and allow the VIEW worker to determine if the client is eligible for a VIEW Transitional Payment (VTP).
Scenario 2 New Job—SNAP For SNAP, Cindi Lapper’s new income unless it exceeds the 130% poverty limit is not a required reportable change unless she is certified for more than four months. However, once she reports it you must act on it within 10 days and impact the following months benefits. Since Cindi receives TANF, if this new income closes her TANF case then the SNAP case will be placed into Transitional SNAP; meaning her SNAP benefits are frozen based on the allotment prior to the changes that closed her TANF case until her five months of Transitional SNAP ends. At Renewal time all of the changes will be evaluated/verified for SNAP. TANF DOES NOT CLOSE: If the TANF does not close, the worker would need to talk with Cindi, get the needed employment and income information and enter into VaCMS. This will decrease her SNAP allotment and as long as you have time to give a ten day advanced notice you can make this change. You would then need to verify at Interim Report or Renewal as you would other changes that might occur in a certification period that doesn’t require immediate verification. Notes: Reminder to put case into Case Change/Closure mode when ready to run all the way through. Also, household can opt out of Transitional SNAP.
Scenario 3 Child In Common Vonnie Raitt and her son Eric are receiving SNAP, TANF and MA. Vonnie and Eric live with Vonnie’s high school friend Darrell; he is a separate household from Vonnie and Eric. Vonnie reports that she has a new baby and the father is Darrell. Vonnie, Eric, Baby, and Darrell are all living together.
Scenario 3 Child in Common What actions should the worker take for: MA ? SNAP? TANF ?
Scenario 3 Child in Common—Medicaid A partial review is required (Newborn enrolled ASAP) The worker is responsible to keep a record of reported changes and take appropriate action on changes within 30 days. Darrell is a required household member only for the newborn. He is not required in the AU for Vonnie or Eric. He can be added as not requesting assistance to Vonnie’s case. The newborn can be added to his case as an AU member, but will be requesting on only one case. Eligibility for the newborn is protected from income changes for the first year. Evaluate eligibility at age one review to include Darrell’ s information. Either Vonnie or Darrell may conduct MA business for the baby , but unless they have named each other as AR’s, they cannot do so for each other.
Scenario 3 Child in Common—TANF For TANF, when Vonnie Raitt reports that she had a baby and is living with the father of the child the worker should take the following steps: The change to add a person required to be in the AU must be made by the agency within 30 days following the date the new member was reported to the agency. The client must complete the TANF Application to Add New Assistance Members, meet and provide verification of Categorical Requirements and Conditions of Eligibility. If adding the new household members result in the case continuing to be eligible the worker must assess if either of the adult household members meet a VIEW exemption and refer any adult household members who do not meet any VIEW exemptions. If adding the new household members result in the case being ineligible and the client was enrolled in the VIEW program, communicate with the VIEW worker about the increase in income and allow the VIEW worker to determine if the client is eligible for a VIEW Transitional Payment (VTP).
Scenario 3 Child in Common—SNAP For SNAP, when Vonnie Raitt reports having the baby the worker should take the following steps for SNAP provided the TANF case does not close: An application is not needed to add new household members to SNAP. New household members are added the month following the month the change was reported in. Find out from Vonnie if the baby is home from the hospital so it can be added for SNAP. Get the full name of the baby, date of birth, etc. for new baby and the baby’s father. Prior to adding the baby’s father as he is now a required household member you will need to do all required system inquiries; discuss with the household and get education information, drug felon and fleeing felon information along with income and resources of this new member. Make the change in time to give a ten day advanced notice if the father’s income should decrease or close the SNAP benefits. TANF CLOSES: If the TANF part of this case closes then the SNAP goes into the five months of frozen Transitional SNAP mode based on the allotment amount prior to the changes closing the TANF. These changes would be evaluated at renewal at the end of the five month frozen time for SNAP. Action on this reported change must occur within 10 days of the date the change was reported. Notes: Reminder to put case into Case Change/Closure mode when ready to run all the way through. Also, household can opt out of Transitional SNAP.
Scenario 4 Loss of Income Brittany Spout, husband Nick and children Alice and Ozzy are receiving TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid. Nick was working but lost his job because his car broke down and now has no way to get to work. Brittany called to report the income ended.
Scenario 4 Loss of Income What actions should the worker take for: MA ? SNAP? TANF ?
A partial review is required Scenario 4 Loss of Income—Medicaid A partial review is required The worker is responsible to keep a record of reported changes and take appropriate action on changes within 30 days. A reported decrease in income or termination from employment must be verified when the change causes the individual to move from a limited benefit covered group to another limited benefit covered group or from a limited benefit covered group to a full benefit group, i.e. Plan First to LIFC. Use online system searches to verify terminated employment to the extent possible, request from customer if system searches are not compatible with information reported.
Scenario 4 Loss of Income—TANF For TANF, based on the information given about Brittany Spout’s husband’s loss of employment the worker should take the following steps: The change must be reflected, based on information provided, in the following payment month. The worker must request verification of job loss that must be provided by the second month after the change becomes known. If the assistance unit does not provide verification, the assistance unit’s benefits will revert to the original amount (adding the income back) - unless a refusal to cooperate is documented, in which case an advance notice must be sent to terminate the case.
Scenario 4 Loss of Income—SNAP For SNAP, based on the information given about Brittany Spout’s husband’s loss of income it does not appear a job quit sanction would be necessary. Action on this change must occur within 10 days. Worker can accept take the client statement and make the change to increase the SNAP benefits for one month; request needed verification of date last income received and date last worked from the employer; notify client this is needed or benefits will go back to the original amount when counting the income. If verifications are provided update VaCMS if needed and continue with the increase in SNAP benefits. If verifications are not provided, revert income back to it’s original state prior to the increased benefits for one month and send a ten day advanced notice since this will decrease the SNAP benefits. Notes: Reminder to put case into Case Change/Closure mode when ready to run all the way through.
Contact: Julia Viet Clingempeel Frank Smith Ruth Ann Belcher Sr. Medical Assistance Program Consultant Sr. TANF/VIEW Program Consultant Sr. SNAP Consultant Piedmont Regional Office Central Regional Office Western Regional Office 540-204-9644 804-662-9747 276-676-5638