Enlightening Circuits
Lesson Outline Objectives: The students will be able to construct a complete circuit and explain the component parts. Learning Experiences: TSW problem-solve a scenario necessitating the construction of a circuit. The students will analyze outcomes and revise hypothesis as needed Assessment: TSW transfer observations to diagrams of an electrical circuit and explain the similarities.
RQ: How can you get your flashlight to work? Read the scenario Brainstorm ways that you may get your materials to light your way through the forest Come to consensus on a hypothesis to test
Test It! Write your procedure Using the materials provided test your hypothesis Observe the results
Results Was your hypothesis confirmed? Refuted? If so, explain how you were able to make your flashlight work? If you are given another bulb, how could you make your flashlight brighter?
Results If your hypothesis was refuted, come to consensus on a new hypothesis and procedure. Test it!
Whole Group Discussion THINK ~ PAIR ~ SHARE Share what worked/did not work Explain why using your observations
Conclusion Analyze the circuit diagrams to identify how it is similar to the way you constructed your flashlight Explain what are the essential parts of a complete circuit
Exit Ticket Why do you think the flashlight became dimmer even when we added more bulbs?
Lesson Features in Agreement with Model Development of independent learner in a disciplined manner Presentation of a puzzling event is motivational Students analyze strategies New knowledge is tentative/built to existing knowledge (direct instruction) Cooperative inquiry fosters appreciation of alternative explanations
Q & A Possible drawbacks? Strengths?
Summary Research Where these models have been well implemented with adequate attention to the teachers study of academic content and teaching process, the results have been impressive (Bredderman, 1981; El-Nemr, 1979).
Conclusion The biological science inquiry model fosters the skills and processes of doing science in a structured yet open-minded atmosphere of cooperation Therefore the model accomplishes academic rigorous goals as well as addressing the social needs and development of students.