Communication Workshop: Pull up our outreach with existing resources Marijke Hunninck, ILVO Mid-term co-funded Projects Seminar 10-11th April 2019, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Table of contents Project objectives Communication objectives Back to basics: key principles in communication New ideas for SusAn and its funded projects Team exercise
1. Project goal and objectives By preparing and implementing a co-funded call for proposals; By selecting research projects, while monitoring and disseminating the projects’ results. By developing a Common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. GOAL: To enhance the scientific knowledge on sustainable animal production.
2. Communication objectives “Communication is: a strategically planned process that starts at the onset of the project and continues throughout its entire lifetime, aimed at promoting the action and its results, towards identified stakeholders via key specific channels.
2. Communication objectives In terms of communication… To communicate the co-funded call and additional calls to researchers, to facilitate knowledge exchange by bringing researchers together; To support the dissemination and communication of project results; To foster science-based policies in animal production. By preparing and implementing a co-funded call; By selecting research projects, while monitoring and disseminating the research results. By developing a Common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
2. Communication objectives In light of our communication objectives, today’s workshop aims: to discuss how to best increase the visibility of your research via 3 channels; to help your efforts gain understanding and support;
3. Back to basics: key principles for communication Regular updates and exchange of information are crucial for alignment and for planning activities ahead.
3. Back to basics: key principles for communication Regular contacts and exchange of information are crucial for to be aligned and plan the activities ahead. Keep it short and simple! (KISS)
3. Back to basics: key principles for communication Regular contacts and exchange of information are crucial for to be aligned and plan the activities ahead. Keep it short and simple! (KISS) In a cloud of projects, try to align with other initiatives for more impacts! Use cross-referencing.
4. New ideas for SusAn and its funded projects What could our legacy be? How can we reach the right people? Website? Newsletter? Twitter? How can we generate interaction through our media channels? How can we have impact with the resources at hand? Other questions?
4.1. Website What could we include extra? What do you think is missing? What could be interesting input for our target audiences?
4.1. Website How to attract more web-visitors? Use a shared calendar of publications Partners and projects to contribute on a regular basis with original content in line with the topic of the ERA Net. Partners and projects to provide news items and events worth for the website on a regular basis. Rotation between partners and projects in providing content. Write attractive news/opinion pieces: Keep it short and simple. Be provocative, don’t hesitate to bring new ideas, be concise (no more than a page and a half in word). Related with existing EU and international initiatives and topics: SDGs, Climate Change, Animal Welfare… Think about appealing titles! Share on social media Once published on the SusAn website, share it within your personnal network: twitter, linkedin, facebook… Share with colleagues and partners of other projects. Ask them what they think about your piece. Invite interested stakeholders to also participate in blog posts. Involve PhD studens to share the news in their networks. Integrate it in the newsletter(s)… Just the first paragraph, and the rest on the website with a hyperlink! Include it in your project newsletters.
4.1. Website Shared calendar of publications
4.2. Newsletter What could we talk about in our next newsletter? May 2019 Content: News from the Coordinator / Editorial Outcome of SusAn’s activities Short news items on the mid-term Projects Seminar News items on the outcome of workshop sessions News from EU-funded projects Short articles / publications / events held Upcoming events? Blog posts Interview with a stakeholder / partner / research coordinator? Policy developments?
4.2. Newsletter Example of short articles UniKassel exhibits PigSys project at EuroTier 2018 The German partner from University of Kassel has exhibited the PigSys project at EuroTier (13-16 November, Hannover, Germany). EuroTier is the world’s leading livestock farming exhibition focusing on farm management, feeding, health and welfare of animals with national and international visitors. UniKassel had the opportunity to present their latest findings on automatic monitoring of pig farms based on sensor-fusion and machine learning methods. A constructed model of pig farm with integrated CO2, NH3, temperature and relative humidity sensors along with a camera with deep learning approaches were presented to showcase the possibility of real-time monitoring of the pig farm to farmers, researchers and the general public. 4.2. Newsletter Example of short articles Short article for homepage, newsletter Original article (not copied, written yourself) 200 – 300 words + picture Possible topics: announcing an event, interview with a farmer, summary of a (scientific) article, opinion article, … Tell a story, don‘t just list facts – a story that can be understood by your neighbour, your grandmother or your ten- year-old son; a story that relates to the interests of the target audience you want to reach. Include it in the Excel file, and send it to
4.3. Twitter Further expanding the outreach of the projects' communication and achievements by replicating and communicating through SusAn’s account. Communicate about the projects on a regular basis following the publication calendar. Link the twitter account activities to EU and international initiatives: e.g. WHO, FAO. #ZeroHunger #OneHealth #AnimalHealth
4.3. Twitter Example
4.3. Twitter Example
4.3. Twitter Guidelines for your project account and for the tweets of the publications calendar SPECIFIC PROJECTS TWITTER PROFILE TWEETS FOR SUSAN’S CALENDAR Set goals to improve outreach Build a targeted profile Make social engagement a habit (link with other initiatives/campaigns) Share and retweet other tweets Tweet around 2-3 times a week Define the content of your tweets Identify the right angle for your message(s) Provide photos (own, or free pictures websites) Provide URLs for additionnal readings Shed light on your activities Provide on the spot information/images when meeting farmers, or participating in events… A tweet per project/every two weeks saved on the calendar Extra tweet provided to Marijke when attending events…
4.3. Twitter Exercise ! Think creative! SPECIFIC PROJECTS TWITTER PROFILE TWEETS FOR SUSAN’S CALENDAR Assess your project Twitter account: What would you change/improve/keep? Prepare suggestions and let’s discuss it Prepare 2 proposals for tweets. Help yourself with existing tools: like CANVA. ! Think creative! ! Think practical – what – who – how - when
Discussion and Q&A
4.3. Twitter SusAN’s tweet of the month = blog post from a project. SusAN’s topical tweets = events, retweets of another initiatives, videos with farmers… SusAN’s tweets of the weeks = messages provided by the partners and projects (3-5)
Thank you for your attention