Training Working Group FY2019 EFCOG Working Group Chair Meeting Shayne Eyre Idaho National Laboratory Working Group Chair June 4, 2019
Summary TWG leadership positions are stable (no chair vacancies) TWG activities are consistent with Annual Work Plan Excellent engagement & collaboration Planning input from other EFCOG groups
TWG Mission and Scope Drive Excellence in DOE training programs by promoting efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of the training function. The TWG will take a leadership role in leveraging collaborative initiatives that support training. The TWG will assist DOE in identifying areas of improvement Assess and provide feedback concerning proposed policy/regulatory changes Introduce new or changed processes Gather information in support of proposals or initiatives related to training
Working Group Leadership Position Name Organization Chairman Shayne Eyre INL Vice Chairman Mike Davis N3B - LLLC Secretary Melissa Walker LANL DOE Liaison Karen Boardman DOE EFCOG BOD Sponsor Sandra Fairchild SRR
Subgroup Chairs Subgroup Chair Organization Regulatory Affairs Mike Davis N3B LLLC Leadership Training Amy Loevy BNL Learning Management System Don Toups REL
Task Group Chairs Task Group Chair Organization Course Efficiency Ted Giltz NTC 508 Compliance Amy Loevy BNL Knowledge Capture Kathy Hibbs CHPRC FAR Contract relief Tina Vialard MSTS Annual Workshop Newsletter Technology Sharing Forum Melissa Walker LANL
Highlights Annual Training Working Group meeting - Dec ‘18 Collaboration with Labor Training Working Group Record attendance Excellent response Action items added to work plan Revitalized Steering Committee 508 compliance standard checklist development Recommend update to DOE-STD-1070-94 to form basis for updating guides and performance of assist-visit assessments
2019 Annual Work Plan Focus Area: Course Efficiency Course Reciprocity Added second NFPA-70E training provider Continuing to support AU11 update to Rad Worker Training Standardized Courses 2 courses nearing completion (Cyber security, Radiological Worker) CARDS database expansion 6313 new catalog entries 7 course material uploads
2019 Annual Work Plan Focus Area: Course Efficiency Added 508 Compliance Drafted compliance checklist, working with NTC to finalize Plan to share on CARDS for use across DOE
2019 Annual Work Plan Focus Area: Process Efficiency Update DOE-STD-1070-94, Criteria for Evaluation of Nuclear Facilities Training Programs Task team formed, will build on the NTC TAP self-evaluation matrix and INPO ACAD 02-001, as applicable Revision will provide a graded approach for non-nuclear facilities Update & reissue legacy training standards 1070-94 rewrite will serve as a pilot for revision efforts Support implementation of complex-wide Learning Management System capability Feds (including NTC) moving to new system 2019 New LMS support & services available to contractors Transition of Power Administration and HQ support service contractors will start first in November timeframe
2019 Annual Work Plan Focus Area: Process Efficiency Added FAR contracts - training on overtime Gathering information on mission impact for DOE sites Developing proposal to reconsider clarifying definition of training using CFR Added Knowledge Capture Project plan drafted, implementation mid-2019
2019 Annual Work Plan Focus Area: Collaboration Partner with Labor TWG Conducted successful joint session Grantees are fully funded and available to instruct almost any safety and health course required by CFR 851 and other DOE requirements Implement peer-review DOE-STD-1070-94 assessments through site visits Revised 1070-94 rewrite will serve as a platform for joint assessments across nuclear and non-nuclear facilities Facilitate and capture peer-to-peer interactions Tool created, implementation being worked
2019 Annual Work Plan Focus Area: Collaboration Added Annual workshop in a central location to showcase best practices & capabilities Great success in December 2018 In planning for 2019 meeting Added TWG Collaboration Newsletter Content & process approaches determined. Launch June 2019 Technology Forum Launch July 2019
Potential Strategic Initiatives DOE-wide sharing employee data & content across LMS HAZWOPR change from time-based to content-based Explore pros/cons of a standard procedure set Need standard set of interpretations for DOE O 426.2, etc. Implementation inconsistent across facilities due to differences in interpretation for some requirements
Challenges Need for EFCOG Board to follow up with DOE on regulatory reform recommendations Building awareness of EFCOG groups and activities Competing forums Publication of DOE Order 426.2A held up for two years Awareness: including with untapped resources available through the NIEHS grantee process