2017-2018 CEDS Project Submission Laura Sibilia & Kristin Brooks BDCC November 7, 2017
What is a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)? Comprehensive Regional Plan addresses the following areas: Economy Population Geography Workforce Development Transportation Access Resources Environment
CEDS Objectives Objective 1: Act Regionally Objective 2: Create an Entrepreneurial Environment and Culture to enhance existing business and grow new business Objective 3: Improve wage parity with the surrounding labor-shed Objective 4: Increase the Size and Quality of the Workforce Objective 5: Retain and attract younger talent through engagement linkages, lifestyle amenities, and meaningful career opportunities. Objective 6: Develop immediate VY specific workforce and site impact mitigation strategies prior to the 2014 closure of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. target audience, for people who have no idea about CEDS explain
What is the value of submitting my project? Indicates to federal agencies that your project is aligned with the region's plan to grow the economy Informs state and regional partners about your project which may help increase access to technical assistance and awareness of financial resources assistance.
CEDS Project Process Submission Project Review/Ranking Period Press Event Release Project Rankings
2017-2018 CEDS Project Review Committee Kate O'Connor, Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce Leigh Marthe, Community College of Vermont David Rees, Bennington College Steve Neratko, Town of Dover Serenity Wolf, M&S Development Vicki Capitani, Deerfield Valley News Tim Scoggins, Town of Shaftsbury Todd Fahey, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Martin Langeveld, Town of Vernon Planning Commision Jill James, Chroma Technology Corp
How to Submit a Project New Project Submissions https://brattleborodevelopment.com/2017-2018-ceds-new-project-submissions/ Project Updates https://brattleborodevelopment.com/2017-2018-ceds-project-update-submission/
CEDS Project Timeline Projects Submission Period: October 2, 2017 – February 19, 2018 Proposals are due no later than Monday, February 19, 2018 at 5:00 pm Project Review/Ranking Period: February 19, 2018 - April 16, 2018 Project Ranking Released at Press Event: May 30, 2018
Contact for Questions For information on CEDS Projects visit, brattleborodevelopment.com/ceds-projects/ For inquiries, questions and clarifications, contact; Sarah Lang, SVEP Manager Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, slang@brattleborodevelopment.com, (802) 257-7731 x222
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