Manage Enlisted Distribution and Assignments A D J U T A N T G E N E R A L S C H O O L
Two years later what will F U T U R E U N I T U N I T T O D A Y Two years later what will your unit look like? Manning Guidance / MOS Grade Precision / Projections / Reassignment / Non-Available / Dwell Time / Retention / Reenlistment/ Crew Stability
Terminal Learning Objective A C T I O N S T A N D A R D S C O N D I T I O N Manage Enlisted Distribution and Assignments
Terminal Learning Objective Classroom environment with access to: AR 611-1 AR 11-6 AR 600-8-11 AR 614-200 DA PAM 611-21 Student Reading Material + OE Awareness Variables + Actors A C T I O N S T A N D A R D S C O N D I T I O N
Terminal Learning Objective Met when student: Communicates basic terms of the Enlisted Classification System. Defines the elements of the MOSC. Determines approval authority for PMOS, SMOS, and AMOS due to reclassification. Assigns Soldiers to an organizational element according to authorized MTOE/TDA/DMO positions. Applies the basic principles of Enlisted Personnel Management Distribution into unit assignment policy. Administers enlisted personnel assignments within the brigade. A C T I O N S T A N D A R D S C O N D I T I O N
Enlisted Classification System Terms Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Career Management Field (CMF) Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOSC) Primary MOS (PMOS) Secondary MOS (SMOS) Additional MOS (AMOS) Duty MOS (DMOS) Special Qualification Identifier Code (SQI) Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) Language Identifier Code (LIC) Space Imbalanced MOS (SIMOS) AR 611-1, Chapter 6 AR 614-200, Chapter 3 DA Pam 611-21, Chapter 2
Enlisted Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOSC) Structure MOS 42A 3 O 00 YY First three characters from an alphanumeric combination. Skill Level Fourth character is a number which show skill and grade level in the MOS. ASI Fifth character; will contain an “O” when the Soldier is not qualified for an SQI. SQI LIC Sixth and Seventh characters; may be alphanumeric. Eighth and Ninth characters; two letter combination awarded after demonstrated proficiency through testing.
Enlisted MOSC Structure Considering the criteria in the examples given, create the MOSC. MOS: Animal Care Specialist Skill Level: 4 SQI: Equal Opportunity Advisor ASI: Battle Staff Operations LIC: None MOS: Information Technology Specialist Skill Level: 1 SQI: Linguist ASI: None LIC: Chinese Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 MOS: Finance Specialist Skill Level: 2 SQI: Special Operations Support Personnel ASI: Master Fitness Trainer LIC: Czech MOS: Human Resource Specialist Skill Level: 3 SQI: Instructor ASI: Jumpmaster LIC: Arabic-Syrian Example 1 Answer: 68T3P2S
Personnel Utilization Objectives The Army develops talent to match the requirements it deems necessary to complete the Army mission. Ensure efficient use of Soldiers in accomplishing Army mission. Place Soldiers in positions appropriate to their PMOS, SMOS, or AMOS. Provide policies that strengthen and broaden MOS qualifications. Prepare Soldiers for career progression, greater responsibility, and diversity of assignment.
Commander Utilization Priorities 4th, 5th & 6th Priority SMOS AMOS Urgent Military Requirements Report as Immediately Available MOS Substitution PMOS/ CPMOS 2nd and 3rd Priority 1st Priority
Reclassification Guidelines Staff Sergeant (Promotable/ Non-Promotable) SSG (P) and above: Commander, Human Resources Command (HRC) Controls SSG (P) and above reclassifications, regardless of MOS. SSG and below: Commander, Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) approval is further delegated to Commanders of Training Activities (Installations) and Commandants of Army Service Schools. Commanders of Army Commands (ACOM), Army Service Component (ASCC) and Direct Reporting Units (DRU) approval is further delegated to Commanders of FORSCOM Installations.
Enlisted Assignment System Goals Primary Goal Satisfy the personnel requirements of the Army Secondary Goal Professionally develop Soldiers Maximize Dwell Time Meet Soldiers’ personal desires
EDTM Monthly Distribution Targets Enlisted Distribution Target Model The Target Model can also be used to simulate or explore alternative manning strategies, the impact of inventory changes, while accounting for the effects of Stabilizing Deployed Units. EDTM Monthly Distribution Targets Personnel Manning Authorization Document Unit Authorization Document Directed Military Overstrength Manning Guidance (ARMY G1) Projected Inventory SHOW SLIDE: ENLISTED DISTRIBUTION TARGET MODEL TARGET (EDTM) e. How do we identify what a unit’s strength should actually be? While it sounds easy to compare a unit MTOE against the projected strength, and thus, calculating what personnel a unit should still be able to receive, the process is much more complicated. The inventory doesn’t exist to fill everyone to authorization; therefore, the Army G-1 creates an annual manning guidance document, as previously discussed in the PRM Overview. Targets ensure the equitable distribution of scarce resources (people) according to the manning guidance; however, it should be noted that units should expect to operate in an austere personnel environment with significant shortages across the force, complicated by continuous changes to operational requirements. f. When calculating monthly distribution targets, several factors have to be taken into consideration. First, we take the units’ authorizations, which are based off PMAD, UAD, and DMOs. Next, we look at what the Inventory Projections (APAS) should look like, and factor in the latest Army G-1 manning guidance. After all three factors are taken into consideration, the EDTM then calculates what the monthly targets for the Army will amount to. g. How do targets help achieve Army G-1 manning guidance? Targets for some MOS and grades are higher than authorizations to make up for the shortages of other MOS/grades. In order to achieve manning guidance published by the Army G-1, it is necessary to over target the healthy MOS. Likewise, if the manager of an unhealthy MOS fills to higher than target, there won’t be enough inventory to spread around – some unit will pay the price. A target represents the strength that a unit should have! The REAL challenge is determining what the unit’s strength will be! 14
Requisition Validation Tool Target Current Strength Gains Losses Open Requisitions The projected strength is compared to the DMSL’s target at MOS & grade level. If the projected strength is below the target, requisitions are built to increase the projected strength. Projected Strength
BDE/BCT Strength Distribution Process -DISTRIBUTE ALL GRADES TO BDE DMSL -DIRECT COMMUNICATION W/BDE S-1 -ADHERE TO AMG/PMAD PRIORITIES -WORK EXCEPTIONS W/G-1s/CDRs -REPORT SHORTAGES W/ EMILPO -DISTRIBUTE TO BNs/SEP COs -MANAGE DMSL UIC MAPPING -DATABASE ERROR RECONCILIATION -ENSURE G-1 BY EXCEPTION DISTRIBUTION REFLECTED IN EMILPO -MONITOR BDE/BCT PRM (COPS) -MANAGE DISTRIBUTION BY EXCEPTION ICW HRC/BDE S-1 -INCORPORATE PRM IN TRO -ENSURE DMSL MAPPING CORRECT -MONITOR BDE/BCT PRM -ASSIST DIV G-1 BY EXCEPTION DISTRIBUTION -MONITOR COPS -ENSURE HRC UNDERSTANDS BDE DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE HRC AMG: ARMY MANNING GUIDANCE PMAD: PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT PRM: PERSONNEL READINESS MANAGEMENT DMSL: DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT SUB-LEVEL TRO: TRAINING AND READINESS OVERSIGHT G-1 XXXX Division SHOW SLIDE: BDE/BCT STRENGTH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS r. Slide 25 describes the Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) processes of strength management and strength distribution directed by the CSA as part of the Modular Transformation HR IPT: Strength is managed from HRC direct to BDEs and BCTs. This slide describes the major roles and tasks which comprise this process. The critical players are the DMSL managers at HRC and the BDE S-1 section. The majority of assignments will be made direct from HRC to the BDE and all gains will be reflected in HR systems so the BDE S-1 can track future strength changes and initiate, finally, a responsive sponsorship program. Note that the Division G-1/Cdr are still involved in this process, but focus on by exception distribution management. The Division CG is directed with TRO for subordinate BDEs/BCTs and has an interest in BDE PRM. However, the current efficiencies of HR systems and directive Army Manning Guidance make BDE-direct distribution (for the largest majority of inbound Soldiers) viable. Division G-1s may make by exception distribution diversions, but are required to coordinate the same moves with HRC and the gaining/losing BDEs. HRC has developed detailed TTPs for this process to better prepare BDEs/BCTs and Divisions for this process. DMSL G-1 XX Division X Brigade S-1 16
HRC assigns directly to BDE.
BDE S-1 manages strengths and assignments within the BDE. HRC assigns directly to BDE.
Assignments between divisional BDEs: Coordinated between BDE S-1, Division G-1, and HRC (Readiness Division for Enlisted Personnel). BDE S-1 manages strengths and assignments within the BDE. HRC assigns directly to BDE.
If all agree: BDE S-1s will complete eMILPO departure and arrival transactions. Assignments between divisional BDEs: Coordinated between BDE S-1, Division G-1, and HRC (Readiness Division for Enlisted Personnel). BDE S-1 manages strengths and assignments within the BDE. HRC assigns directly to BDE.
If there is a disagreement between BDEs: Division G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. If all agree: BDE S-1s will complete eMILPO departure and arrival transactions. Assignments between divisional BDEs: Coordinated between BDE S-1, Division G-1, and HRC (Readiness Division for Enlisted Personnel). BDE S-1 manages strengths and assignments within the BDE. HRC assigns directly to BDE.
If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC channels. If there is a disagreement between BDEs: Division G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. If all agree: BDE S-1s will complete eMILPO departure and arrival transactions. Assignments between divisional BDEs: Coordinated between BDE S-1, Division G-1, and HRC (Readiness Division for Enlisted Personnel). BDE S-1 manages strengths and assignments within the BDE. HRC assigns directly to BDE.
Assignments between divisional and nondivisional BDEs: Coordinated between the BDE S-1, Division G-1, Corps G-1, and HRC. If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC channels. If there is a disagreement between BDEs: Division G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. If all agree: BDE S-1s will complete eMILPO departure and arrival transactions. Assignments between divisional BDEs: Coordinated between BDE S-1, Division G-1, and HRC (Readiness Division for Enlisted Personnel).
HRC will publish orders reassigning the Soldier(s) HRC will publish orders reassigning the Soldier(s). Units will ensure eMILPO transactions are completed. Assignments between divisional and nondivisional BDEs: Coordinated between the BDE S-1, Division G-1, Corps G-1, and HRC. If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC channels. If there is a disagreement between BDEs: Division G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. If all agree: BDE S-1s will complete eMILPO departure and arrival transactions. Assignments between divisional BDEs: Coordinated between BDE S-1, Division G-1, and HRC (Readiness Division for Enlisted Personnel).
If there is a disagreement between units: Corps G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. HRC will publish orders reassigning the Soldier(s). Units will ensure eMILPO transactions are completed. Assignments between divisional and nondivisional BDEs: Coordinated between the BDE S-1, Division G-1, Corps G-1, and HRC. If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC channels. If there is a disagreement between BDEs: Division G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. If all agree: BDE S-1s will complete eMILPO departure and arrival transactions. Assignments between divisional BDEs: Coordinated between BDE S-1, Division G-1, and HRC (Readiness Division for Enlisted Personnel).
If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC Channels. If there is a disagreement between units: Corps G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. HRC will publish orders reassigning the Soldier(s). Units will ensure eMILPO transactions are completed. Assignments between divisional and nondivisional BDEs: Coordinated between the BDE S-1, Division G-1, Corps G-1, and HRC. If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC channels. If there is a disagreement between BDEs: Division G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC.
Soldiers assignments between BDEs on the same installation in different ACOMs will be managed by HRC. If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC Channels. If there is a disagreement between units: Corps G-1 will work to resolve internally and coordinate final action with HRC. HRC will publish orders reassigning the Soldier(s). Units will ensure eMILPO transactions are completed. Assignments between divisional and nondivisional BDEs: Coordinated between the BDE S-1, Division G-1, Corps G-1, and HRC. If there is a disagreement between units and HRC: The issue, with the field commander’s recommendation, will be worked through HRC channels.
What identifies duty positions that require closely related skills and broadly identifies types of skills without regard to skill level? Career Management Field (CMF) Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOSC) Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS)
What identifies duty positions that require closely related skills and broadly identifies types of skills without regard to skill level? Career Management Field (CMF) Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOSC) Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) Answer:
What one character code is used with the MOS and SL to form the basic five character MOSC? Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) Language Identifier Code (LIC) Special Qualification Identifier (SQI) Language Qualification Identifier (LQI)
What one character code is used with the MOS and SL to form the basic five character MOSC? Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) Language Identifier Code (LIC) Special Qualification Identifier (SQI) Language Qualification Identifier (LQI) Answer:
What is the approval authority for SSG(P)? Battalion Commander Brigade Commander First General Officer in Chain of Command Commander, Human Resources Command
What is the approval authority for SSG(P)? Battalion Commander Brigade Commander First General Officer in Chain of Command Commander, Human Resources Command Answer:
Assignment Selection Criteria Primary considerations in reassigning Soldiers- Current qualifications and ability to fill a valid requirement. Other Factors Include- Soldier Availability Voluntary Reassignment CONUS/OCONUS Tour completion School/Training completion Stabilization
Assignment Preferences CONUS and OCONUS Areas of Preference are considered; however, assignments are made to fulfill Army requirements. Choose installations or geographic areas where PMOS, SQI, and ASI are required. Detailed Recruiter Assignment Preference Program (DRAPP) Must submit three assignment preferences; two CONUS locations from a Divisional Installation listing and one CONUS location from a more expanded listing. Must complete their tour of duty as Detailed Recruiters. Preferences must be updated through the Assignment Satisfaction Key (ASK) no less that 18 months prior to projected release date from Detailed Recruiter duty. Drill Sergeant Assignment Preference Program (DSAPP) Must submit three assignments preferences; in any combination of CONUS or OCONUS locations. Must complete their tour of duty as a Drill Sergeant. Preferences must be updated through the Assignment Satisfaction Key (ASK) no less than 18 months prior to projected duty release date from Drill Sergeant duty.
Soldiers must volunteer for optional assignments. Must be highly motivated to complete required training and successfully perform the duties. Stringent screening processes exist and only fully qualified Soldiers are accepted for duty in the following optional assignments: Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces positions United States Army Parachute Team (The Golden Knights) United States Army Marksmanship Unit Civil Affairs Positions Psychological Operations Positions
Assignment Eligibility and Availability (AEA) Codes Minimum TOS requirement in CONUS is 48 months. Some exceptions apply: Reassignment to OCONUS Reassignment of first-term Soldiers Reassignment for compassionate reasons High priority assignment AEA codes are used to identify Soldier’s eligibility and availability for reassignment. AEA transactions are submitted through eMILPO. Stabilization actions approved by HRC; HRC processed AEA codes will have precedence over field processed AEA codes. Currently there are 35 approved AEA codes.
Soldier-Initiated Assignments or Actions Exchange Assignments (SWAP Assignments) There are certain instances where a Soldier may request a reassignment, request to be deleted from existing assignment instructions (AI), or request to be deferred from reporting during the reporting month of an existing AI. Married Army Couples Program Assignment of Sole Surviving Son and/or Daughter SHOW SLIDE: BDE/BCT STRENGTH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS r. Slide 25 describes the Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) processes of strength management and strength distribution directed by the CSA as part of the Modular Transformation HR IPT: Strength is managed from HRC direct to BDEs and BCTs. This slide describes the major roles and tasks which comprise this process. The critical players are the DMSL managers at HRC and the BDE S-1 section. The majority of assignments will be made direct from HRC to the BDE and all gains will be reflected in HR systems so the BDE S-1 can track future strength changes and initiate, finally, a responsive sponsorship program. Note that the Division G-1/Cdr are still involved in this process, but focus on by exception distribution management. The Division CG is directed with TRO for subordinate BDEs/BCTs and has an interest in BDE PRM. However, the current efficiencies of HR systems and directive Army Manning Guidance make BDE-direct distribution (for the largest majority of inbound Soldiers) viable. Division G-1s may make by exception distribution diversions, but are required to coordinate the same moves with HRC and the gaining/losing BDEs. HRC has developed detailed TTPs for this process to better prepare BDEs/BCTs and Divisions for this process. Permissive Assignments Compassionate Actions Stabilization (EFMP/ High School Seniors) 41
Soldier-Initiated Assignments or Actions Exchange Assignments (SWAP Assignments) There are certain instances where a Soldier may request a reassignment, request to be deleted from existing assignment instructions (AI), or request to be deferred from reporting during the reporting month of an existing AI. Married Army Couples Program Assignment of Sole Surviving Son and/or Daughter SHOW SLIDE: BDE/BCT STRENGTH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS r. Slide 25 describes the Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) processes of strength management and strength distribution directed by the CSA as part of the Modular Transformation HR IPT: Strength is managed from HRC direct to BDEs and BCTs. This slide describes the major roles and tasks which comprise this process. The critical players are the DMSL managers at HRC and the BDE S-1 section. The majority of assignments will be made direct from HRC to the BDE and all gains will be reflected in HR systems so the BDE S-1 can track future strength changes and initiate, finally, a responsive sponsorship program. Note that the Division G-1/Cdr are still involved in this process, but focus on by exception distribution management. The Division CG is directed with TRO for subordinate BDEs/BCTs and has an interest in BDE PRM. However, the current efficiencies of HR systems and directive Army Manning Guidance make BDE-direct distribution (for the largest majority of inbound Soldiers) viable. Division G-1s may make by exception distribution diversions, but are required to coordinate the same moves with HRC and the gaining/losing BDEs. HRC has developed detailed TTPs for this process to better prepare BDEs/BCTs and Divisions for this process. Permissive Assignments Compassionate Actions Stabilization (EFMP/ High School Seniors) 42
Soldier-Initiated Assignments or Actions Exchange Assignments (SWAP Assignments) There are certain instances where a Soldier may request a reassignment, request to be deleted from existing assignment instructions (AI), or request to be deferred from reporting during the reporting month of an existing AI. Married Army Couples Program Assignment of Sole Surviving Son and/or Daughter SHOW SLIDE: BDE/BCT STRENGTH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS r. Slide 25 describes the Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) processes of strength management and strength distribution directed by the CSA as part of the Modular Transformation HR IPT: Strength is managed from HRC direct to BDEs and BCTs. This slide describes the major roles and tasks which comprise this process. The critical players are the DMSL managers at HRC and the BDE S-1 section. The majority of assignments will be made direct from HRC to the BDE and all gains will be reflected in HR systems so the BDE S-1 can track future strength changes and initiate, finally, a responsive sponsorship program. Note that the Division G-1/Cdr are still involved in this process, but focus on by exception distribution management. The Division CG is directed with TRO for subordinate BDEs/BCTs and has an interest in BDE PRM. However, the current efficiencies of HR systems and directive Army Manning Guidance make BDE-direct distribution (for the largest majority of inbound Soldiers) viable. Division G-1s may make by exception distribution diversions, but are required to coordinate the same moves with HRC and the gaining/losing BDEs. HRC has developed detailed TTPs for this process to better prepare BDEs/BCTs and Divisions for this process. Permissive Assignments Compassionate Actions Stabilization (EFMP/ High School Seniors) 43
Soldier-Initiated Assignments or Actions Exchange Assignments (SWAP Assignments) There are certain instances where a Soldier may request a reassignment, request to be deleted from existing assignment instructions (AI), or request to be deferred from reporting during the reporting month of an existing AI. Married Army Couples Program Assignment of Sole Surviving Son and/or Daughter SHOW SLIDE: BDE/BCT STRENGTH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS r. Slide 25 describes the Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) processes of strength management and strength distribution directed by the CSA as part of the Modular Transformation HR IPT: Strength is managed from HRC direct to BDEs and BCTs. This slide describes the major roles and tasks which comprise this process. The critical players are the DMSL managers at HRC and the BDE S-1 section. The majority of assignments will be made direct from HRC to the BDE and all gains will be reflected in HR systems so the BDE S-1 can track future strength changes and initiate, finally, a responsive sponsorship program. Note that the Division G-1/Cdr are still involved in this process, but focus on by exception distribution management. The Division CG is directed with TRO for subordinate BDEs/BCTs and has an interest in BDE PRM. However, the current efficiencies of HR systems and directive Army Manning Guidance make BDE-direct distribution (for the largest majority of inbound Soldiers) viable. Division G-1s may make by exception distribution diversions, but are required to coordinate the same moves with HRC and the gaining/losing BDEs. HRC has developed detailed TTPs for this process to better prepare BDEs/BCTs and Divisions for this process. Permissive Assignments Compassionate Actions Stabilization (EFMP/ High School Seniors) 44
Soldier-Initiated Assignments or Actions Exchange Assignments (SWAP Assignments) There are certain instances where a Soldier may request a reassignment, request to be deleted from existing assignment instructions (AI), or request to be deferred from reporting during the reporting month of an existing AI. Married Army Couples Program Assignment of Sole Surviving Son and/or Daughter SHOW SLIDE: BDE/BCT STRENGTH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS r. Slide 25 describes the Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) processes of strength management and strength distribution directed by the CSA as part of the Modular Transformation HR IPT: Strength is managed from HRC direct to BDEs and BCTs. This slide describes the major roles and tasks which comprise this process. The critical players are the DMSL managers at HRC and the BDE S-1 section. The majority of assignments will be made direct from HRC to the BDE and all gains will be reflected in HR systems so the BDE S-1 can track future strength changes and initiate, finally, a responsive sponsorship program. Note that the Division G-1/Cdr are still involved in this process, but focus on by exception distribution management. The Division CG is directed with TRO for subordinate BDEs/BCTs and has an interest in BDE PRM. However, the current efficiencies of HR systems and directive Army Manning Guidance make BDE-direct distribution (for the largest majority of inbound Soldiers) viable. Division G-1s may make by exception distribution diversions, but are required to coordinate the same moves with HRC and the gaining/losing BDEs. HRC has developed detailed TTPs for this process to better prepare BDEs/BCTs and Divisions for this process. Permissive Assignments Compassionate Actions Stabilization (EFMP/ High School Seniors) 45
Soldier-Initiated Assignments or Actions Exchange Assignments (SWAP Assignments) There are certain instances where a Soldier may request a reassignment, request to be deleted from existing assignment instructions (AI), or request to be deferred from reporting during the reporting month of an existing AI. Married Army Couples Program Assignment of Sole Surviving Son and/or Daughter SHOW SLIDE: BDE/BCT STRENGTH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS r. Slide 25 describes the Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) processes of strength management and strength distribution directed by the CSA as part of the Modular Transformation HR IPT: Strength is managed from HRC direct to BDEs and BCTs. This slide describes the major roles and tasks which comprise this process. The critical players are the DMSL managers at HRC and the BDE S-1 section. The majority of assignments will be made direct from HRC to the BDE and all gains will be reflected in HR systems so the BDE S-1 can track future strength changes and initiate, finally, a responsive sponsorship program. Note that the Division G-1/Cdr are still involved in this process, but focus on by exception distribution management. The Division CG is directed with TRO for subordinate BDEs/BCTs and has an interest in BDE PRM. However, the current efficiencies of HR systems and directive Army Manning Guidance make BDE-direct distribution (for the largest majority of inbound Soldiers) viable. Division G-1s may make by exception distribution diversions, but are required to coordinate the same moves with HRC and the gaining/losing BDEs. HRC has developed detailed TTPs for this process to better prepare BDEs/BCTs and Divisions for this process. Permissive Assignments Compassionate Actions Stabilization (EFMP/ High School Seniors) 46
AEA Codes are a management tool used to identify a Soldier’s eligibility and availability for assignment. As a BDE S-1, when two or more AEA code apply, which one is submitted through eMILPO? AEA Code that the commander approves AEA Code with the longest period of stabilization AEA Code with the shortest period of stabilization Verify with HRC which of the AEA Codes would benefit the Army
AEA Codes are a management tool used to identify a Soldier’s eligibility and availability for assignment. As a BDE S-1, when two or more AEA code apply, which one is submitted through eMILPO? AEA Code that the commander approves AEA Code with the longest period of stabilization AEA Code with the shortest period of stabilization Verify with HRC which of the AEA Codes would benefit the Army Answer:
Which of the following is/are purpose(s) of requesting a permissive assignment? Request Joint Domicile Assignments (ONLY) CONUS to OCONUS short tour requests (ONLY) Request CONUS to CONUS assignments (ONLY) OCONUS to OCONUS short tour requests (ONLY) Both A and C
Which of the following is/are purpose(s) of requesting a permissive assignment? Request Joint Domicile Assignments (ONLY) CONUS to OCONUS short tour requests (ONLY) Request CONUS to CONUS assignments (ONLY) OCONUS to OCONUS short tour requests (ONLY) Both A and C Answer:
When should a Soldier request a deletion from AI rather than a deferment? When a disqualifying factor cannot be resolved within 210 days of the report month. When a disqualifying factor cannot be resolved within 150 days of the report month. When a disqualifying factor cannot be resolved within 120 days of the report month
When should a Soldier request a deletion from AI rather than a deferment? When a disqualifying factor cannot be resolved within 210 days of the report month. When a disqualifying factor cannot be resolved within 150 days of the report month. When a disqualifying factor cannot be resolved within 120 days of the report month Answer:
Web Enlisted Distribution and Assignments
Terminal Learning Objective A C T I O N S T A N D A R D S C O N D I T I O N Manage Enlisted Distribution and Assignments
Terminal Learning Objective Classroom environment with access to: AR 611-1 AR 11-6 AR 600-8-11 AR 614-200 DA PAM 611-21 Student Reading Material + OE Awareness Variables + Actors A C T I O N S T A N D A R D S C O N D I T I O N
Terminal Learning Objective Met when student: Communicates basic terms of the Enlisted Classification System. Defines the elements of the MOSC. Determines approval authority for PMOS, SMOS, and AMOS due to reclassification. Assigns Soldiers to an organizational element according to authorized MTOE/TDA/DMO positions. Applies the basic principles of enlisted personnel distribution into unit assignment policy. Administers enlisted personnel assignments within the brigade. A C T I O N S T A N D A R D S C O N D I T I O N