Literacy in the Middle Grades Teaching Reading and Writing to Fourth to Eighth Graders, 2e Second Edition Gail E. Tompkins California State University, Fresno Prepared by Helen Hoffner Holy Family University This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program. © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Teaching with Trade Books Chapter 10 Teaching with Trade Books Use a combination of instructional approaches Present literature focus units Incorporate choice, literature, and response into literature circles Provide opportunities for students to read self-selected books and write on self-selected topics
Steps in Developing a Literature Focus Unit Chapter 10 Steps in Developing a Literature Focus Unit Select the Literature Set Goals Develop a Unit Plan Differentiate Instruction Create a Time Schedule Assess Students
Literature Focus Units & The Reading Process Chapter 10 Prereading Teachers build background knowledge and interest in the book to be read. Reading Students read the book or hear a read-aloud. Responding Students participate in grand conversations and write in reading logs. Exploring Students examine text factors, learn comprehension strategies, and participate in word-study activities. Applying Students create visual, oral, and written projects.
Key Features of Literature Circles Chapter 10 Key Features of Literature Circles Choice Students choose their groups and the books they will read. Literature Students select interesting books at their reading level. Response Students meet several times to discuss the books.
Steps in Implementing Literature Circles Chapter 10 Teachers organize literature circles through a series of steps. Step 1: Teachers Choose Books Step 2: Students Form Literature Circles Step 3: Students Read a Book Step 4: Students Discuss the Book Step 5: Teachers Give Minilessons Step 6: Students Share with the Class
Literature Circles & The Reading Process Chapter 10 Literature Circles & The Reading Process Prereading Teachers give book talks. Reading Students read the book. Responding Students discuss the book. Exploring Students participate in related activities. Applying Students give brief presentations.
Time Choice Response Characteristics of Reading and Writing Workshop Chapter 10 Characteristics of Reading and Writing Workshop Time Students have large chunks of time to read and write. Choice Students assume ownership through self-selection of books to read and topics for writing. Response Students respond to the books they are reading and share their writing with classmates.
Reading Workshop Components Chapter 10 Reading Workshop Components Reading Responding Sharing Teaching Mini-lessons Reading Aloud to Students
Reading Workshop & The Reading Process Chapter 10 Reading Workshop & The Reading Process Prereading Students select books. Reading Students read independently. Responding Students conference with the teacher. Exploring Teachers teach minilessons. Applying Students often give book talks.
Writing Workshop Components Chapter 10 Writing Workshop Components Writing Students move through the 5 stages of the writing process. Sharing Students share their new publications with classmates. Minilessons Teachers teach minilessons on writing workshop procedures, qualities of good writing, and writing strategies and skills.