First Nations People in Canada
First Nations people Aboriginal people Natives or Native people Indians
between 350,000 and 500,000 First Nations people first visitors from Europe – Vikings around 1,000AD Left after conflict with natives 1497, King Henry VII of England sent the Italian, John Cabot, on an expedition to Newfoundland Frenchman, Jacques Cartier sailed towards the St. Lawrence River during the 1530s 17th Century many European diseases kill native people American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) separates U.S. and Canada by 1867, between 100,000 and 125,000 First Nations people remained
the Indian Act (1820–1927) between 1871 and 1921, a series of land surrender treaties throughout new territories to secure Canadian sovereignty to open the land for settlement and exploitation to reduce possible conflict between First Nations and settlers Indian Education and Residential Schools 1883, Indian Affairs policy on First Nations education used residential schools to "civilize" and "assimilate” same subjects as Canadian children (reading, writing, arithmetic and English or French) abandoned traditional languages, dress, religion and lifestyle vast network of 132 residential schools established across Canada by the Catholic, United, Anglican and Presbyterian churches in partnership with the federal government more than 150,000 Aboriginal children attended residential schools between 1857 and 1996 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission started in 1998 (ongoing)
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