Forensic Anthropology Riddle What does the most typical human face on the planet look like?
Lab on Male and Female Skeletons “Making sense out of a jumble of bones to rebury Grandmother and Grandfather.”
Background Information Two months ago police were called to investigate the destruction of a section of Pine City’s cemetery. Several gravestones were overturned, graves dug up, and coffins emptied. Based on an eyewitness report, police were able to capture the two perpetrators shortly after the incident.
Helpful Handout… Archaeologists “read” a dead person's life by looking at all or part of the skeleton, and are sometimes asked to assist in solving past crimes. Because of their expertise with skeletal remains, they can often help identify the remains of people who have been dead for a long time. Many times they can determine age, sex, and lifestyle of the deceased.
Procedure: Cut out all of the bones in the “Skeletal Handout. Determine which bones belong to grandmother and which belong to Grandfather. Reassemble these bones into complete skeletons, using figures on skeleton handout.