Welcome RMHS Senior Parents Tuesday, November 30, :30pm and 6:30pm
Graduation Requirements 22 credits including MSDE required courses 22 credits including MSDE required courses High School Assessment (HSA) High School Assessment (HSA) Student Service Learning Hours Student Service Learning Hours (SSL) completed by Friday, May 6 th * Please contact your childs counselor for questions about his/her status
Senior Fees/Obligations Both must be cleared in order to participate in the following: Both must be cleared in order to participate in the following: - Senior Banquet - Prom - Graduation Refer to mailing letter Refer to mailing letter for details of dates for details of dates
Senior Banquet This is a voluntary event on Tuesday, April 12 th This is a voluntary event on Tuesday, April 12 th Spirit of Washington/Spirit of Mt. Vernon Spirit of Washington/Spirit of Mt. Vernon Time/Cost – TBD Time/Cost – TBD Begin to clear obligations now Begin to clear obligations now
Graduation Rehearsal Friday, June 3 rd at 7:25 a.m. Friday, June 3 rd at 7:25 a.m. All graduates are required to attend rehearsal in order to be able to walk during the ceremony. All graduates are required to attend rehearsal in order to be able to walk during the ceremony. Tickets will be distributed at the end of rehearsal. Tickets will be distributed at the end of rehearsal. Students must be on time for rehearsal and stay until the end to receive their cap and gown Students must be on time for rehearsal and stay until the end to receive their cap and gown
Senior Picnic Immediately follows Graduation Rehearsal on Friday, June 3rd Immediately follows Graduation Rehearsal on Friday, June 3rd Cost of the picnic TBD Cost of the picnic TBD Smokey Glen located in Gaithersburg following graduation rehearsal Smokey Glen located in Gaithersburg following graduation rehearsal Students must provide their own transportation there and home Students must provide their own transportation there and home Details will be sent home in the spring Details will be sent home in the spring
Graduation Announcement A postcard will be mailed home with information about when the representative will be available at the school to take orders. A postcard will be mailed home with information about when the representative will be available at the school to take orders. Announcements will be delivered directly to your home Announcements will be delivered directly to your home
Graduation Ticket Information Each senior will be allotted 5 tickets. Each senior will be allotted 5 tickets. Extra tickets will be considered on a first come first serve basis as requested. Tickets are very limited. Extra tickets will be considered on a first come first serve basis as requested. Tickets are very limited. Please notify the main office of the amount of tickets not needed Please notify the main office of the amount of tickets not needed Notification of honored ticket requests will be done the week of May 31 – June 3 Notification of honored ticket requests will be done the week of May 31 – June 3
Graduation Transportation/Parking Bus option Bus option –Cost TBD –Ticket sales will begin after Spring Break Parking is very limited Parking is very limited Metro is an option Metro is an option
Graduation Ceremony Tuesday, June 7, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 7, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. DAR Constitution Hall DAR Constitution Hall Graduates must arrive no later than 9:00 a.m. Graduates must arrive no later than 9:00 a.m. All graduates should be dressed in appropriate attire when they arrive All graduates should be dressed in appropriate attire when they arrive