Nervous System Supplemental Questions Biology 12
The main functions of the nervous system Somatic: Part of peripheral nervous system controls skeletal muscles (voluntary) Autonomic: Central nervous system controls organs (sympathetic & parasympathetic)… involuntary Sympathetic: Associated with “fight or flight” response; uses norepinephrin as neurotransmitter Parasympathetic: Maintains/establishes “normal” conditions in body; uses Ach as neurotransmitter
Cranial & Spinal Nerves Cranial- 12 pairs; in head, neck, facial region, internal organs Spinal- 31 pairs; in specific body areas near the CNS
Cranial Nerves
Myelinated Nerve Fibers Good insulators of nerve Myelin formed from Schwann cells Speeds up process of impulse transmission
Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves White matter- takes messages to & from brain Grey matter- interneurons found here Spinal nerve- brings messages to/from spinal cord Ventral root- contains motor neurons leaving grey matter Dorsal root- contains sensory fibers entering grey matter Dorsal root ganglion- cell body of a sensory neuron
Spinal Nerve diagram
Reflex Arc Travels via dorsal root (sensory neuron) Moves to interneurons in grey matter Out via motor neurons in ventral root An autonomic response * Brain processing is bypassed
Nerve impulse transmission (diagram) Impulse travels from Y Z X W Axon axon bulb synaptic cleft dendrite Structure “Y” is a(n) axon and structure “W” is a(n) dendrite