It is assessment that occurs regularly It informs both students and teachers about their progress and where they need to grow It should be used to guide instruction
Good formative assessment results in: achievement gains for all students largest gains for low achievers increased confidence increased effort increased risk taking I can get this!
Examples of Formative Assessment
a true picture of student learning becomes a quick and easy assessment tool differentiates and shows level of students learning (open ended questions) guides future lessons
Got It 2 Getting There 1 Not Yet 0
Example: Open-Ended Journal
Evidence Wall
Oral Assessments/ Conferencing Can be done in small group setting or individually Discuss work and address misconceptions
Used to increase student reflection about the lesson which has just occurred. This quick 5-minute activity allows teachers to see what their students are thinking, provides insight on any misconceptions, and can guide future instruction.
1. Write about something you learned today or had difficulty understanding. 2. Describe how you solved a problem today. 3. Write a question you'd like to ask or something you'd like to know more about. 4. What math words do you clearly understand or have difficulty understanding? 5. In what ways do you see today's math connected to your everyday life?
Summative assessment usually occurs as test at the end of teaching a curriculum outcome. Multiple choice (bubble sheets) Mental Math quiz Short answer True/False Fill-In-The-Blanks
Gathers feedback which can be used by the instructor and students to guide improvement in the on-going teaching and learning context. Helps instructors to refine and improve their teaching practices. Measures the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of the instruction of an outcome. Designed to assess student knowledge of skills already taught. FormativeSummative
it must inform them of what they have done well, what they need to work upon, and what they need to do next in order to improve.
If students know what they are to learn, you increase the chances that they will learn. Harry Wong
Numeracy Nets Numeracy Nets …catching students before they fall through the cracks
So Lets Wrap It Up…