State of the Club April 2014
Objectives of the Club To further the advancement of all breeds of pure-bred dogs To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of all breeds of pure-bred dogs and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog conformation shows, companion events and performance events for which the club is eligible. To conduct sanctioned matches, dog conformation shows, companion events and such performance events as are governed by the rules of the American Kennel Club and for which the club is eligible
Member Survey, May 2012
CRITICAL IMPROVEMENTS/EXPENSE Additional parking French drain, front of building Sewer line repair Power to pond Matting Pre-paid expense prior to All Breed settlement ($17k) CRITICAL IMPROVEMENTS/EXPENSE
PENDING IMPROVEMENTS Paint exterior (at least front) Replace roof Driveway to pavilion Replace culvert on pavilion driveway Update pavilion Improve drainage from area behind and south of pond Add botanicals to pond Expand pond for dock diving Add kitchen Increase savings to rebuild treasury
INCREASE INCOME AKC Sanctioned Obedience & Rally Trials Conformation, Obedience, & Rally Matches Classes Seminars Week-end Run-Thrus Increase dues Increase use fees
Member Participation Help with building & grounds Mowing/trimming Club cannot afford to pay for a general manager, service contractor, bookkeeper, secretarial service, financial advisor, cleaning service, property maintenance, equipment maintenance, handy-man, party-planner/food service. The Good Fairy does not drop in at midnight to take care of these things! Help with building & grounds Mowing/trimming Landscape General interior cleaning Building maintenance Host practice sessions Volunteer to teach or assist with classes Volunteer to help with seminars
Activity Coordinators Seminars (Janet Norman) Trial/Match Coordinator Class/Instruction Coordinator Publicity Assist chairpersons with communications by developing & distributing flyers and forms Manage PSAs Communicate with media (radio, TV, & print) Coordinate Penndot Adopt-A-Highway Vendor Chair for All-Breed Show Exhibitor Advocate for All-Breed Show
Consider serving on Board of Directors Article IV, Section 1, paragraph “a” says, in part, “General management of the Club’s affairs are entrusted to the board.” This means board members do any and all work not done by someone else. IF YOU DON’T WANT TO GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY, WEAR GLOVES. BOARD MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CLUB EVENTS. LEADERSHIP MEANS RESPONSIBILITY, NOT PRIVILEGE
Ask not what your club can do for you, ask what you can do for your club