NM200UW Nuclear Underwater Laser Scanner
NM200UW Nuclear Underwater Laser Scanner Developed Specifically for the Nuclear Power Industry
Contents The Challenge The NM200UW Solution System Features & Materials Scanner Operation Background on Newton Labs
Contents The Challenge The NM200UW Solution System Features & Materials Scanner Operation Background on Newton Labs
The Nuclear Plant Maintenance Challenge Nuclear plant operators need precise measurements of as-built components located in-vessel and in the cooling pond in order to: Determine current condition Track cycle-to-cycle degradation in these areas Achieve a correct fit for fabricated replacement parts
The Nuclear Plant Maintenance Challenge Plant operators have relied heavily on indirect measurement techniques, which lack the detail required to effectively determine the precise dimensions of a component: “Ruler-on-a-stick” - using binoculars or a video camera to visually gauge dimensions from a pole-mounted ruler next to a component Video scaling - better accuracy, but is based on computing distances between pixels displayed on a 2-D monitor Example: This video frame shows a crack in a BWR steam dryer door. While it is possible to determine the length of the crack, the width and surface condition can not be precisely determined by the means traditionally used. This photograph is the property of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. Used with Permission
Contents The Challenge The NM200UW Solution System Features & Materials Scanner Operation Technical Specifications Background on Newton Labs
The NM200UW Solution The NM200UW Nuclear Underwater Laser Scanner delivers precise dimensional measurements in the underwater radiation environments found in BWR and PWR vessels The NM200UW is a landmark technology developed by Newton Labs in partnership with a major U.S. nuclear utility. The system combines rugged, industrial-grade hardware and electronics with sophisticated software to enable the generation of fully measurable CAD models. NM200UW System components
NM200UW Software – The Key to Results In-air laser scanners have existed for several years Precise underwater laser scanning is much more challenging, especially within PWRs and BWRs Newton-developed software makes underwater laser scanning possible CAD model of the steam dryer door indicating both precise crack length, width and surface condition. These photographs are the property of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. Used with Permission
NM200UW Software – The Key to Results NM200UW software compensates for water turbulence, heat and radiation to produce a point cloud of great detail and density The point cloud, when processed by industry-standard 3-D software, produces CAD files with dimensions that correspond precisely to the original target object Beam bolt scan-side Beam bolt scan-front CAD file The two images on the left are initial point clouds from scans of target from different angles. Processing stages by 3-D software results in the final CAD model. These photographs are the property of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. Used with Permission
Contents The Challenge The NM200UW Solution System Features & Materials Scanner Operation Background on Newton Labs
NM200UW System Overview Components: The scanner head encloses a laser, a high-resolution video camera and a high-intensity LED ring array The console unit contains scanner controls, processors and monitoring screen for viewing both the operating dashboard, as well as real-time video The communications cable is a standard length of 150 ft. (45.72 m); lengths up to 300 ft. (91.44 m) may be special ordered Newton Labs Scanning Software Components are housed in two airline-transportable luggage cases
NM200UW System Overview Construction and Materials: The 8 lb. (3.6 kg) scanner head is 6061T6 aluminum-hard anodized All fasteners and connectors are 316 Stainless Steel Windows are high-strength fused silica O-rings and gaskets are Buna-N rubber and the cable jacket is LLDPE polyurethane The scanner head is designed and built to tolerate radiation and has performed well in the presence of Gamma radiation levels of 5kR The head is configured with alternate mounting points on most faces and is waterproof to a depth of 150 ft. (45.72 m)
NM200UW Measurement Head Specifications Height 4.0 in. (101.6 mm) Width 4.60 in. (117.4 mm) Length 9.126 in. (232.8 mm) Weight (in air) 8 lbs. (3.6 k) Weight (in water) 2 lbs. (1 k) (plus cable weight) Construction Machined from 6061T6 aluminum billet Laser & video camera 40 mW & High Resolution Monochrome Power input Powered by control console LED ring array 2,320 lumens Fittings & retainers 300 series stainless steel Windows Fused silica or optical glass Scan range 6.0 in. (150 mm) to 36 in. (900 mm) Maximum resolution* +/-0.0004 in. (0.01mm) Depth rating 150 ft. (45.72 m) * After processing with 3D software
NM200UW Console Specifications Height 9.5 in. (241.3 mm) Width Length 22.5 in. (571.5 mm) Weight 29.2 lbs. (13.24 k) Construction Metal electronics cabinet within a molded, high-impact, airline-transportable case Output ports Ethernet, USB, DVI & HDMI Operating temperature 40° to 110° F (5° to 43° C) Power input voltage 100 to 240 VAC 50 to 60 cycle Data storage Internal solid state & USB stick Output format .ply point cloud file Data file size Approximately 100 MB per scan Shipping Console case & head/cable case are both airline-transportable
Contents The Challenge The NM200UW Solution System Features & Materials Scanner Operation Background on Newton Labs
NM200UW Scanner Operation - 1 The NM200UW operates by laser triangulation. The projected laser line sweeps the target surface and the high resolution camera captures and records any deformation of the line as a point cloud enabling ultimate 3-D computation. The NM200UW is designed to scan and capture much larger target areas, by combining several point clouds together to form larger composites.
NM200UW Scanner Operation - 2 The NM200UW is able to scan a target as close as 6 in. (150mm) and out to a distance of 3 ft. (0.9M) for a scan coverage area of 2.1 ft. x 2.9 ft. (65 cm x 88 cm) The system measures underwater targets up to an accuracy of +/-.0004 (0.01mm) Operators may select from several levels of scan quality via the user interface The shortest, most coarse scan takes approximately 15 seconds, while the highest resolution scan takes approximately three minutes
NM200UW Scanner Operation - 3 Laser light color is maximized for water penetration. The specific wavelength of the laser allows for highest possible efficiency underwater transmission The scanner camera only accepts the specific color produced by its own laser and LED lights, greatly reducing any contamination from stray light in the scanning environment. The NM200UW is relatively immune from any other underwater work lights during operation NM200UW scanning within a BWR annulus This photograph is the property of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. Used with Permission
NM200UW Scanner Operation - 4 In the visual observation mode, the LED ring array on the head illuminates the area and the camera transmits a monochrome image to the control console screen to assist the operator for optimum positioning and on-site analysis. The control console powers and communicates with the scanner through the cable via low-voltage DC power and signals with pictures and scan data transmitted via Gigabit Ethernet. The scanner head can be deployed by a variety of methods, including pole mounting, an articulated arm, an ROV or other robots. All data is permanently stored for later analysis and study.
Contents The Challenge The NM200UW Solution System Features & Materials Scanner Operation Background on Newton Labs
About Newton Labs - 1 Established in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1990 as an offshoot of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and moved to Seattle in 1995 Specializes in machine vision and robotics with an emphasis on automation Newton Labs has deployed more than 20,000 machine vision, robotic and automation systems worldwide Many of Newton’s projects are the first-of-their-kind in the world
About Newton Labs - 2 Newton engineers and staff design and code all of their own machine vision and robotics software Newton has a fully-equipped machine shop and vision lab They design, manufacture, or modify virtually all of their own hardware, including controllers, cameras, lighting, electronics, machine control and mechanicals The development of Newton's nuclear machine vision technology resulted from a 2008 partnership with Exelon Above: Newton 3-axis CNC vertical milling center Below: Newton Vision Lab
Contact Information Newton Labs 441 SW 41st Street Renton, WA 98057 USA Tel: 425-251-9600 Fax: 425-251-8900 www.newtonlabs.com
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