2018/2019 Activities
Revised Regulations - HSRA Reflect changes in scientific understanding since 1994 Provide Consistency in Cleanup Standards Reduce risk from contaminated sites Correct values in the current lookup tables Set easily calculated default cleanup standards Provide additional flexibility for specific site conditions
RRS Changes – Flexibility Rule 391-3-19-.07 “Risk Reduction Standards” All RRS provide adequate protection of HH&E Use of soil area-averaging (site-specific) Use of soil composite sampling (site-specific) Provides for default non-residential groundwater standards Use of covenants for Type 4 (non-residential) groundwater compliance Consideration of anthropogenic sources and background studies Accounts for migration risk in determining free-product removal requirements Redefine default ‘surface’ soil as top one foot
Interim RRS Guidance
Revised Regulations Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule Effective November 2016 State permit applications due for all CCR Units 11/22/18 – Total of 30 received, review has started Application for Federal Permit Program Approval Submitted April 2018 – currently addressing EPA’s comments to ensure a complete application
Revised Regulations Solid Waste Management Rule Modernization adopted February 2018: Permit review periods for all new and existing Solid Waste Handling Permits; Ability to decrease post-closure care period for C&D and Inert landfills; Training requirements and increased thresholds for Class 2 Composting Facilities; and Clarifying requirements for Scrap Tire Sorters.
Underground Storage Tanks State Program Approval (SPA) Application EPD submitted its SPA application in August Final determination expected soon First SPA application in R4 UST Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Workbook Formally released June 2018 Consistent approach for determining risk posed by petroleum releases Establishes consistent target cleanup levels that are protective of HH&E Based on current petroleum VI and site risk evaluation publications Phase II – Improved user interface
Georgia epd online system (geos)
GEOS – land branch in place Brownfield Application Voluntary Remediation Program Application Lead / Asbestos Abatement Notification / Certification / Accreditation Haz Substance and Haz Waste Fee Reporting / Payment Scrap Tire Generator / Carrier / Sorter / Processor Trust Fund Reimbursement Requests UST Notification / CAP / Reporting
GEOS – land branch On the horizon All Brownfield and VRP Reporting Solid Waste Handling Permits Permit-By-Rule Solid Waste Reporting Surface Mining
Guidance Development Demonstrating Completion of Soil Removal Actions Environmental Covenant Guidance / Template FAQs for Evaluating the Soil-to-Groundwater Pathway Area Averaging Approach to Soil Compliance Vapor Intrusion Georgia Risk Assessment Guidance
Leaching and Area Averaging Drafts published 10/24/18 Comment period extended Comments from GIEC, GBA, Ashland, SCS Leaching Status Clarification/discussion meetings May Revised draft late May Area Averaging Status Extensive comments Clarification/discussion meetings May/June Revised draft and potential stakeholder meeting
Vapor Intrusion TAc Leverage External Technical Expertise 2 EPD representatives and 8 external Kick-off Meeting 1/22/19 Monthly meetings for 6-month period Sub-groups Issue draft guidance document Engage in public review process
Why enroll in the VRP? More flexible framework to meet compliance obligations Update compliance status Make property “Brownfield Ready” Make sure cleanup meets all Brownfield requirements (source material, use of controls) Defer HSI listing (case-by-case basis) Framework for EPD concurrence with investigation / cleanup that is not otherwise regulated
VRP and the hazardous site inventory VRP Applications: % on HSI HSI Delistings in Last 3 Years
2019 Legislative Update
HB 220 Reauthorization of both HWTF and SWTF Until June 30, 2020 Solid Waste Surcharge remains at 75 cents/ton New Replacement Tire Fee remains at $1.00 July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2022 Solid Waste Surcharge is 51 cents/ton New Replacement Tire Fee is 38 cents/ton
HR 164 Constitutional Amendment relating to dedicated fees House version broadly applied to all dedicated fees Senate version narrowed to focus on SWTF and HWTF Versions were not reconciled before Sine Die – Expect discussion to continue next year
2019 Priorities
Solid Waste Trust Fund Scrap Tire Fees Reimburse local government for scrap tire costs Abandoned landfill investigation and closure
HAZARDOUS Waste Trust fund Solid Waste tipping fees, Generator fees, Penalties Reimburse local government landfill costs Abandoned site cleanups
2019 Priorities LPB Guidance Development UST Stakeholder Committee - GUST Participation and Fund Liability CCR permits MSW 5 Year Reviews GEOS / LEMIR Enhancements HSRA Rule Change – Round 2 PFAS?