Civil-Military Relations in Brazil, Turkey and Pakistan Gp Capt M Khurram Shahzad
Outline Background Military Prerogatives Comparison Analysis Questions
Background Civilian government in 1980s Militaries continued to assert influence in domestic politics. Democratic reforms Diverse end state Degree of civilian control / oversight mechanism and military institutional autonomy?
Military’s Prerogative Stepan’s Framework 1 Institutional prerogatives / liberties of military as an institution according to the Constitution Acquired rights or privileges to exercise its institutional autonomy or control with in the military domain, as well as with in the overall affairs of state and society A useful tool to examine the military as an institution in political scenario of a country Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress “High” - Constitutionally granted autonomy or role of military, enhanced through military rule or interference in politics “Medium” - Civilian control as characterized in law “Low” - Prevented/ eroded through overpowering civilian control 1. Stepan, Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone, 93.
Military’s Prerogative Constitutionally sanctioned independent role of the military in political system Medium Low Relationship of the military to the head of the executive High Coordination of defense sector within the executive Active-duty military participation in the Cabinet Role of military in the legislature Role of military in the intelligence services Relationship with Police Role in military promotions Role of military in State enterprises Role in legal system
Analysis Operating like other democracies in the realm of CMR Brazil Operating like other democracies in the realm of CMR Balanced civilian control / oversight mechanism Turkey Military is under subjective civilian control Autonomy as an institution Impact on professionalism and operational effectiveness Discontent Pakistan Increased influence in politics Disregard of civilian control / supremacy
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