What’s Your Status Delivered by: Natalie Jay-Short, Trainer and Instructor III Benefit Program Training Unit If you are presenting these slide you may want to inform people that this is not a training. It is to give an overview of basic information about SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, Child Care, and Energy Assistance.
OBJECTIVES (Basic Overview) Learn Non-Financial Alien policy for SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid Assistance Identify most common Immigrant Status Identify immigration documents Enter data in VaCMS to obtain correct results OBJECTIVES (Basic Overview) This is to cover the objectives during the presentation. Non-financial, common immigrant status, documents, and VaCMS entry.
SNAP part 7 chapter F QUALIFIED U.S. Citizens Eligible Immigrants are eligible to receive Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR) Refugees Asylee Parolees Deportation Withheld Cuban/Haitian Conditional Entrants Battered Non-Citizens Trafficking Victims Amerasian Afghan or Iraqi Special Immigrant VISA (SIV) SNAP part 7 chapter F QUALIFIED SNAP – Manual citation Part 7 chapter F. This list the QUALIFIED eligible immigrant
SNAP Conditional Conditional Eligible Immigrants Must be a LPR who: Lived in the U.S. for 5 years or Has 40 qualifying work quarters or (SVES) or Receiving disability or blindness benefits or Under age 18 or Has a U.S. military connection Active or veteran (2 years active duty) Legal spouses Unmarried surviving spouse Unmarried dependent children SNAP Conditional This list the Conditional Eligible immigrants
SNAP Part 12 Chapter C Sponsored Aliens – Applicant can opt to exclude self from receiving SNAP benefits Sponsorship signed prior to 12/19/97 Children under 18 Indigent applicants (report to USCIS) Battered spouse/child or parent SNAP Part 12 Chapter C SNAP citation – Part 12 chapter C. Sponsored aliens
Portion of the sponsor and sponsor’s spouses income and resources must be considered Calculate the earned income of sponsor and sponsor’s spouse Deduct 20% earned income deduction Add unearned income of spouse and sponsor’s spouse Deduct gross income eligibility limit for HH size of sponsor The remainder is the countable income for the sponsored immigrant SNAP Continued sponsor information when looking at their income and resources
SNAP Termination of sponsor’s obligation Immigrant becomes a U.S. Citizen Immigrant is credited with 40 social security quarters (with no public benefits after 1/1997) Sponsor is deceased SNAP Termination of sponsor obligation
How do we verify? At initial application, add a member or status change U.S. Citizen client statement unless questionable I-551 resident alien card Foreign passport with I-551 endorsement I-94 arrival/departure record I-688b or I-766 employment authorization document SAVE is required for SNAP eligibility (appendix II of Part 7) SVES to verify 40 quarters (social security credits)(appendix I of part 7) SNAP Documentation – how do we verify.
Medicaid M0220 Full Benefits (must meet covered group) U.S. Citizen Qualified alien entered prior to 8/22/1996 LPR alien for 5 years with 40 SSA quarters Under 19 or pregnant lawfully residing in the US Deportation withheld INA 243(h) or 241(b)(3) SSI recipient meeting alien requirement First 7 years only for Qualified Aliens Medicaid M0220 Medicaid citation – M0220. Who can receive full benefits (they must meet a covered group)
Medicaid M0220.310 Qualified Alien defined LPR Refugee, Asylee, Amerasian, Afghan or Iraqi SIV Parolee Deportation withheld Cuban/Haitian Battered alien Victims of trafficking Veterans and Active Duty Military Aliens Conditional Entrant Medicaid M0220.310 Medicaid citation – M0220.310. A list of Qualified alien.
Emergency Medicaid (entered after 8/22/1996) (must meet covered group that provides coverage of emergency services ie. Not Plan First) First 5 years LPR, conditional entrants, parolees, battered aliens (LPR’s who have at least 40 qualifying quarters of work are “full benefit” alien) After 7 years of residence in the U.S. Asylee, Refugee, SIV, Cuban/Haitian, Amerasian, victim of severe form of trafficking Individual with non-immigrant status (undocumented) Medicaid If a person is not eligible for full benefits, they may be eligible for Emergency Medicaid. This talks to who they are. Temporary visitors
M0220.100 Medicaid M0220.500 How do we verify? Federal HUB verifies U.S. citizenship and identity U.S. Citizen client statement unless questionable 90 days to verify with U.S. Passport, naturalized documents, birth certificate, id.. Alien documentation verification is needed at initial application, add a member or status change I-551 resident alien card foreign passport with I-551 endorsement I-94 arrival/departure record I-688b or I-766 employment authorization document M0220.100 Medicaid M0220.500 Medicaid citation – M0220.100 & M0220.500. This talks about the HUB and documentation they need to verify.
Medicaid Emergency Medicaid certifications (EMC) Emergency medical certification needed DMAS certifies emergencies – send medical records and EMC LDSS can certify PG emergency Medicaid Labor and delivery (vaginal) – 3 day hospitalization C-section – 5 day hospitalization Complete EMC send to provider and upload to DMIS Medicaid Emergency Medicaid certifications talks about DMAS role and Emergency Medicaid talks about the role of the LDSS worker during labor and delivery vs c-section
TANF 201.7 U.S. Citizens Qualified alien legal permanent resident entered prior to 8/22/96 or 5 LPR years Asylee Refugee or SIV Paroled 212 (d) (5) for 1 year Entered prior to 8/22/96 or 5 LPR years Deportations withheld 243 (h) 241 (b) (3) Battered Cuban/Haitian TANF 201.7 TANF citation – 201.7. List of who the Qualified aliens are
TANF Sponsored aliens Agency/organization sponsor Individual sponsors Deeming TANF How do we handle Sponsored aliens
TANF How do we verify? U.S. Citizen 18 or older – signed application under 19 – birth letter, birth certificate Immigrants – use SAVE to verify alien status At initial application, add a member or status change U.S. Citizen client statement unless questionable I-551 resident alien card Foreign passport with I-551 endorsement I-94 arrival/departure record I-688b or I-766 employment authorization document TANF How do we verify for TANF
Child Care 3.3c-e U.S. Citizens Qualified Alien Legal permanent resident Asylee Refugee or SIV Paroled 212 (d) (5) for 1 year Conditional entrant – EAD Deportations withheld 243 (h) 241 (b) (3) Battered Cuban/Haitian Current TANF recipients have had citizenship/alien status verified Child Care 3.3c-e Child Care citation – 3.3c-e. List of the Qualified Alien
Child Care 3.3 d How do we verify? U.S. Citizens Birth letter furnished by hospital BC U.S. Passport FS-240 form issued by Department of State (birth aboard verification) FS-545 Certificate of birth issued by a Foreign Service post Qualified alien I-551 LPR card I-94 arrival/departure I-688B employment authorized card Child Care 3.3 d How do we verify.
Energy Assistance C6 U.S. Citizens Qualified alien Legal permanent resident Asylee Refugee or SIV Paroled 212 (d) (5) for 1 year Conditional entrant – ead Deportations withheld 243 (h) 241 (b) (3) Battered Cuban/Haitian Energy Assistance C6 Energy Assistance citation – C6. List of Qualified aliens
Energy Assistance How do we verify? Attestation on signed application, unless questionable I-551 LPR card I-94 arrival/departure I-688B employment authorized card If not declared individual is ineligible however income of individual counts Energy Assistance How do we verify
Alien Documentation Examples Sample of a permanent resident card. Pointing out the codes that will give you information
Alien Documentation Examples Sample of the front and back of an Permanent Resident card. Going over the codes
VaCMS data entry Using Federal HUB to verify immigrant status Complete drop down menu accurately for alien status e.g. Asylee; Refugee; Special immigrant visa; LPR w/40 quarters; LPR w/o 40 quarters; individual with non-immigrant status (do not use other for alien status) Complete drop down menu with accurate document type and verification source e.g. I- 551 LPR card; I-766 employment authorized; I- 94 Complete alien number and document number Check using the Federal HUB button Alien category: documented or undocumented VaCMS data entry Steps in how to enter the information in VaCMS. Explain the drop down menu and the some of the choices.
If you do not have the document number enter AAA0000000000 and for all enter 111111111 or use document type other and verify with the HUB If you are using 40 quarters a SVES must be pulled verifying the 40 quarters and uploaded to DMIS VaCMS data entry Explaining when you do not have documentation what you should enter and when you pull the 40 quarters off it must be uploaded to DMIS
VaCMS data entry Sample of a screen shot when entering for Child Care only
VaCMS data entry Pointing to where you would put the DOE, emergency/restricted coverage date, and immigrant sponsor information
VaCMS data entry Using SAVE to verify immigrant status Enter name, date of birth and A number Upload to DMIS VaCMS data entry What to enter when using SAVE and to upload to DMIS your result
Scenario 1 Mrs. Daye 42 year old – LPR DOE 9/15/2017 3 children 17 year old LPR DOE 9/15/2017 turns 18 on 11/15/19 10 year old LPR DOE 9/15/2017 (not Asylee, Refugee, SIV, SSI, no sponsor) DOE – Date Of Entry Scenario 1 The next 4 scenario’s help to cover the material that was talked about during the presentation. The answers come up one at a time to allow for the group to give you the answer first.
Scenario 1 SNAP – Which HH members are eligible? Medicaid – Which HH members meet full Benefits? Medicaid - What if 20 year old is pregnant? TANF – Which HH members are eligible? 10 year old, 17 until 11/30 Scenario 1 10 year old, and 17 Emergency service only NO
Scenario 2 Mrs. Zee Asylee 62 years old Asylee granted 7/6/2005 No 40 quarters Not SSI Mr. Dee Asylee 72 year old Scenario 2
Scenario 2 SNAP – which HH members are eligible? Medicaid – which HH members meet full Medicaid? Which HH members meet emergency Medicaid? TANF – which HH members are eligible? Yes - Asylee Scenario 2 NONE BOTH BOTH
Scenario 3 Mr. Tee 45 years old Disabled SSI recipient ends 9/2017 Iraqi/Afghan special immigrant Visa DOE 9/12/2010 Mrs. Tee 40 years old, 10 year old son, 8 year old daughter 2 year old son US citizen Scenario 3
Scenario 3 SNAP – Which HH members are eligible? Medicaid – Which HH members meet full Medicaid? Medicaid - Which HH meet emergency Medicaid? TANF – Which HH members are eligible? ALL Scenario 3 Children, not parents because of the 7 yrs Parents ALL
Scenario 4 Mrs. Dee 24 years old Pregnant due 6/25/19 Lives with boyfriend (unmarried) Individual with non-immigrant status Unemployed No other household members Scenario 4
Scenario 4 SNAP – Which HH members are eligible? Medicaid – Which HH members meet full Medicaid? Which HH members meet emergency Medicaid? TANF – Which HH members are eligible? NO Scenario 4 NONE Ms. Dee No children
What’s Your Status Delivered by: Natalie Jay-Short, Trainer and Instructor III Benefit Program Training Unit