Echo Hill PTO Meeting November 12, 2018 Your time is valuable and we appreciate you sharing it with the PTO. Please log your volunteer time for attending the PTO meeting.
Introductions Introductions Principal Remarks - Mr. Dan Ludwig Lexia Presentation
Committee Updates Hy-Vee Receipts: Katie Mohasci – Box tops: Tracy Budzinski - First submittal was November 1st Next reward for most Box Tops is Popcorn during the movie on December 21 Hy-Vee Receipts: Katie Mohasci – Goal: $650K
Committee Updates Hospitality: Carrie Hay – Thank You to everyone who donated items for conference week! The extra snacks and lunch was much appreciated by the teachers and staff November birthday cupcakes delivered last week
Committee Updates Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer Coordinator: Karen Daubs Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Old Business Recap Chipotle Night went well and raised $214.20 Second Round of T-shirt orders Today last day to order Delivery the week of December 10th Received 1st grade Thank You’s for Boogie Boards
Financial Report Amazon Smile Income (July - Sept) $94.67, More matching gift D4C $513.38 Schwans Cares Income $27.09, Chipotle Night Income $214.20
Financial Report Approved 1st grade Boogie Boards $599.76, Osmos $409.85, Ukuleles $1,539.99, Movie License $250, Website fee $13.94, Print shop $14, Yard sign (misc) $41.31
Financial Report There is roughly a little over $13,000 available (after the 5th grade t-shirts is paid out) to spend or put towards a large school request.
Teacher Request 2nd Grade Boogie Boards $603.25 Allison Adams
Teacher Request
New Business/Events Perkins Night – 25% back to PTO Thursday, Nov 15th 4pm-9pm Yellow flyers went home today January Movie Night – January 25 Coco Incredibles 2 Hotel Transylvania 3 There will be free popcorn and water
New Business/Events Science Night – Sarah Schrobilgen Planning committee Echo Hill Spirit Days
New Business/Events Possible Community Fundraising Event PTO is contacted frequently regarding fundraisers These potential fundraiser events are local businesses I want to get PTO members opinion on how many or how often to have community fundraising events
New Business/Events Possible Community Fundraising Event Marion Music Academy For every new Echo Hill student who registers at Marion Music Academy they will donate $20 to PTO. Speedeezz Indoor Karting Monday-Thursday date available 4pm-9pm (no holidays) Must be years old to and 54” tall to drive and must be 36” tall to ride in double seat Promo that night of BOGO ½ off on all individual tickets Regular price Kart is $7.00 and Double Kart is $9.00 PTO will receive 10% of all sales, whether the school is mentioned or not They will provide a flyer and promote it on their social media page too
New Business/Events Possible Community Fundraising Event Usborne Online Book Fair The book fair at the Meet and Greet went well Martha wondered about a 2nd book fair online Option to receive a check on a sliding scale but the best return is in the form of purchasing more books. If $250 is reached in sales 50% goes back to purchase more books. The online store would have shipping costs Schwans Cares Over the summer PTO launched a Schwans Cares Campaign Roughly 16 supporters participated and it brought in $231 It is something families all ready purchase and PTO benefits from it. PTO will earn 20% on food purchases and 40% on eGift Cards for the first 45 days and 5% on food orders for the next 90 days.
New Business/Events Crayola ColorCycle Possible ways to collect Recycling program for markers Collect and count all the markers (any brand including dry erase and highlighters) Package markers and print a shipping label FedEX Ground will pick up and Crayola pays for all the shipping Possible ways to collect Put in PTO folders, bin in the pod area to collect, or bin in classrooms
New Business/Events December Meeting Change Proposing to cancel because there are not any PTO events in December Next PTO meeting January 7th January events: Moe’s Night Jan. 8 4pm-8pm Movie Night Jan. 25
Thank you joining us! Please log your time for joining us tonight!