EREA Emergency Planning for 2018 and beyond Sam Rigby / 31.05.2018
PROPERTY RISK ASSESSMENT CORE ADVISORY SERVICES BUILDING SURVEYING EMERGENCY PLANNING FIRE ENGINEERING ASSET OPTIMISATION SAFETY MEASURES WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY PROPERTY RISK ASSESSMENT Combining industry-led expertise with cutting-edge technologies and digital innovations, we deliver advanced client-focused solutions that put's the control in your hands.
MY EXPERIENCE WHY EMERGENCY PLANNING National Manager, Emergency Planning 2018+ Manager, Emergency Management QLD 2016-2018 National Manager, Emergency Management 2008-2016 Emergency Management Consultant 2006-2008 WHY EMERGENCY PLANNING
AGENDA Current risk climate in 2018, key risks faced by education AGENDA Current risk climate in 2018, key risks faced by education Best Practice Planning, Response & Recovery Prevention Strategies
EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMON ISSUES What are the current issues faced in your schools? What would you like to get out of today?
EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMON ISSUES OBJECTIVES SCOPE OF PLANNING Focus is planning to run an exercise Run Compliance Exercise Minimal Disruption to Business Processes Quicker than last year Account for all students Full evacuation on a Perfect Day often same day same time each year SCOPE OF PLANNING Fire and Evacuation focused Dynamiq School Survey in 2017 ONLY 40% felt plans and procedures were aligned against key risks
Risk in 2018
Risk in 2018 Fire / Smoke Bushfire Bomb Threat Risk in 2018 Fire / Smoke Bushfire Bomb Threat Chemical Hazard / Gas Leak Severe Weather Cyclone Armed Intrusion Animal Threat Active Shooter / Armed Offender Terrorism Child Custody Issue Suicide Death Incident at School Camp Off-Campus Vehicle Accident Bullying / Cyber Bullying Criminal Acts Loss of facilities Crowded places pose a broad range of security challenges / are identified as attractive targets by those wishing to engage in terrorism, as well as disgruntled or mentally impaired individuals. Response The primary objective of any initial response planning should be to minimise the offender’s access to victims. Therefore owners and operators should develop and practise strategies aimed at evacuating people and isolating the offender. ESCAPE HIDE: (includes take action) TELL: The more information people can pass on to the police or owners and operators the better, but NEVER at the expense of an individual’s own safety or the safety of others. Crowded places are locations which are easily accessible by large numbers of people on a predictable basis. Layered Security Security is more cost effective when incorporated into the design phase of a crowded place.
EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMON ISSUES OBJECTIVES SCOPE OF PLANNING PEOPLE Focus is planning to run an exercise Run Compliance Exercise Minimal Disruption to Business Processes Quicker than last year Account for all students Full evacuation on a Perfect Day often same day same time each year SCOPE OF PLANNING Fire and Evacuation focused Dynamiq School Survey in 2017 ONLY 40% felt plans and procedures were aligned against key risks PEOPLE Planning focused around management of students and staff People specific plans / reliant on leadership of a school Limited consideration for school community and services providers Plans not flexible to protect against common Human Behavior traits
PLANS / RESPONSES GENERALLY TO RIDGED EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMON ISSUES OBJECTIVES Focus is planning to run an exercise Run Compliance Exercise Minimal Disruption to Business Processes Quicker than last year Account for all students Full evacuation on a Perfect Day often same day same time each year SCOPE OF PLANNING Fire and Evacuation focused Dynamiq School Survey in 2017 ONLY 40% felt plans and procedures were aligned against key risks PEOPLE Planning focused around management of students and staff People specific plans / reliant on leadership of a school Limited consideration for school community and services providers Plans not flexible to protect against common Human Behavior traits GENERIC PLANNING Every school is different (risks / comms / campus layout / staffing / operational hours etc..) Everyday is different in Education Can PLANS / RESPONSES GENERALLY TO RIDGED
CASE STUDY Single Assembly Area Whole School Evacuation TRADITIONAL SCHOOL EVACUATION Single Assembly Area Whole School Evacuation Had a Trained Warden Team Everyone knew their job However no one was managing the danger Focus was on accounting The Chief Warden was reactive not proactive
IMPLEMENT A FLEXIBLE APROACH EMERGENCY PLANNING IMPLEMENT A FLEXIBLE APROACH OBJECTIVES Plan to manage an emergency Any time anywhere Driven by a Chief Warden Based on Emergency Size / Type / Location & Site Considerations SCOPE OF PLANNING Plan for foreseeable emergencies aligned against key risks PEOPLE Shared responsibility all staff Teams of Wardens ready to response Manage the emergency to protect against common Human Behavior traits TAILORED PLANNING Consider site campus risks / comms / layout / staffing / operational hours etc.. Scenario based training
CASE STUDY Setup Flexible Response Structure
IMPLEMENT A FLEXIBLE APROACH EMERGENCY PLANNING IMPLEMENT A FLEXIBLE APROACH OBJECTIVES Plan to manage an emergency, any time anywhere SCOPE OF PLANNING Plan for foreseeable emergencies aligned against key risks PEOPLE Shared staff responsibility Prepare teams of response ready Wardens Protect against common Human Behavior traits TAILORED PLANNING Make the plan yours / 0436 698 319 QUESTIONS / 0436 698 319 / 0436 698 319