The International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS). A network of organisations and individuals involved in Development Education and Education for Global Citizenship across Scotland.
Young Citizen Advocates To inspire and encourage young people to take a leading role in issues of interest to them, locally and globally. Using the SDGs as a starting point and focus. Young people to identify what they would l like to see/do in their community/the wider world. Create ‘youth advocates’ to inform and shape the Year of Young People in 2018. In these events we have partnered with YoungScot and SCVO. Resulting from this is our ability to award YoungScot points to the young people attending the events and further points depending on whether or not they have taken things forward.
FOUR MODELS Dunfermline High School Subject specific events STEM (gender, private sector, university) Modern Studies (SQA) Residential (3 days) To date the programme has reached over 300 young people in S4 ,5 & 6 from across 8 Las. Residential event will take place early next year – young people from the previous 3 events will help to plan and deliver.
The Pledge To make pupils aware that they have a voice and encourage them to use it ! Raise awareness of immigration and refugees and how school can help welcome others into our communities. Here is an example of the pledges each school was asked to create and take back to their school. We will followup 4 months after the event to hear how things have progressed and if not to hear details of the challenges faced.
Teacher SDG Networks Series of seminars from September 2016 – June 2017 for teachers Input from Oxfam and SMP Seminars focussed on specific goals: climate action, responsible consumption, no poverty and more Guest speakers / experts Discussion, resources, classroom ideas
Impact report An increase in teachers ability and confidence to teach and share the materials from the seminars. Pupils were reported to be more engaged and knowledgeable on the issues. More than half of the survey respondents reported having already used the ideas or resources from the seminars in their own practice.
Impact report Continue the seminars and more sharing good practice events Better marketing and promotion to engage more teachers More support needed to develop whole school approaches and reduce the ‘support gap’
SDG resource 17 activities to explore 17 Goals Pack for Scouts (online) Guides SDG Challenge badge and pack Developing schools versions
St.Eunan’s Primary School
Whole School IDL – The Global Goals ‘I Can Make a Difference’ Whole school IDL exploring the Sustainable Development Goals Participation in local/global community as core element Each stage focused on a different goal, taking part in some form of campaigning or social enterprise.
Primary 1 Primary 2 Explored a variety of different goals Learned to look after each other and our world – ‘Sewing the Seed’ Campaign to clean up the canal embankment Primary 7 worked with P.2 to create persuasive placards for their peaceful protest
Primary 3 Primary 4 Learned about pollution in the oceans. Took part in WWF Campaigned to save energy at school and at home.
Primary 5 Primary 6 Explored causes of poverty. Campaigned for rich countries to cancel the debt of developing countries. Explored the issue of Child Labour today and in the UK in Victorian Times. Campaigned against Child Labour
Primary 7 Explored causes and consequences of Global/Local hunger Contribution to local community through partnership with West Dunbartonshire Community Food Share Wrote and delivered speeches to various audiences, inc. MSPs at Parliament Gathered signatures for a petition
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