Mr. Dane Jaber Ms. Vanessa Baker Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Miami-Dade County Public Schools Department of Science Science ICAD: Middle School Session 3 Mr. Dane Jaber Instructional Supervisor Ms. Vanessa Baker Curriculum Support Specialist MS Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Curriculum Support Specialist K-8 Welcome to the third Middle School Science ICAD Power cast for the 2016-17 school year.
Session Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify and develop their reflective practices around instruction (planning and delivery). Develop standards-based lessons through planning, implementation and feedback. Cultivate student understanding of science inquiry through hands-on exploration of an essential lab. This Power cast is intended to highlight expected outcomes for participants by discussing the explored content and applied strategies of the session. Department of Science
To begin with, teachers explored content within the second quarter using the Element Builder Gizmo from with the Senior Implementation Coordinator, Mario Junco, who demonstrated how to make Gizmos a STEM lesson through challenges. As this Gizmo explores how subatomic particles build elements, it can be used as a launching pad into standard SC.8.P.8.5 where elements combine to make a macrocosm of substances.
Zones of Comfort, Risk, and Danger (Protocol) Participants reflected on their instructional methods, emphasizing areas that are easy and not as easy for them. Facilitators zeroed in on the most common dilemmas and allowed other participants the opportunity to provide solutions for many dilemmas that posed risk such as project-based lessons, open inquiry, and using technology. This protocol affirmed that everyone has different levels of comfort within different topics emphasizing that learning requires moving outside of our comfort zones and taking risks by challenging ourselves to meet the needs of diverse learners.
The role of the learner… “The role of the learner is not to passively receive information, but to actively participate in the construction of new meaning”. B. Shapiro This quote by science educator, anthropologist and University Professor, Bonnie Shapiro reminds us that when we teach science, we ask students to accept a specific method of seeing and explaining the world. To support student learning, we educators need to allow students the opportunity to construct their own meaning by reviewing prior knowledge, questioning new ideas and making connections. The role of the learner… Department of Science
Fostering Frequent Open Inquiry in the Science Classroom Grade 8 : Essential Lab Clay Elements, Molecules, and Compounds In doing so, teachers can develop insight into the learners’ experience of science learning in the classroom through hands on activities such as the exploration of an essential lab for Grade 8 Science called Clay Elements, Molecules and Compounds that can be found in the website under the teachers tab. This lab is intended to help students recognize that there are a finite number of elements and that their atoms combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all the living and nonliving things that we encounter. Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter SC.8.P.8.5 (AA) SC.8.P.8.9 (Assessed as SC.8.P.8.5) Department of Science
Collaborative Lesson Exploration TLO Protocol adapted from Teacher / Learner / Observer Protocol is role-playing during PD to model a lesson. Each group gets the opportunity to practice and participate in the phases of lesson development under different “hats” After the modeled lesson, the Observers lead a dialogue on the pedagogy of the lesson with everyone. Teacher – Develop and teach a lesson Learner – Actively participate as students Observer – Observe, note and provide pedagogical feedback Participants underwent a collaborative lesson exploration where using the Teacher/Learner/ Observer or TLO protocol adapted from, teachers participate in the construction and delivery of the various parts of a lesson, viewing its implementation under a different lens each time to increase understanding of a learners’ interpretation of a lesson and ultimately construct more effective lessons. Department of Science
How does this STEAM Activity fit into the curriculum? To start the lesson, participants looked at how well this essential lab fit into the curriculum using the FCAT 2.0 Item Specifications for the standards addressed including how elements combine to make everything else we encounter and distinguishing among mixtures and pure substances.
Unwrapping the Standards In groups, unwrap the standard below Group 1: 2nd Nine Weeks: Standard: SC.8.P.8.5 Group 2: 2nd Nine Weeks: Standard: SC.8.P.8.9 Participants planned together and created a 5E STEAM lesson from the previously unwrapped standards from quarter two within topic six. This is a routine that should be instilled in their schools to promote effective planning.
Collaborative Lesson Exploration TLO Protocol adapted from Planning District Resources Essential Labs Lesson Plan Create a STEM 5E Lesson Plan Using the standard that was previously unwrapped: Standard: SC.8.P.8.5 Standard: SC.8.P.8.9 Present STEM 5E Lesson Plan Next, participants showcased best practices such as RAFTs, songs, and manipulatives when modeling their lessons using the TLO protocol where each group got the opportunity to practice and participate in the phases of lesson development through different roles. Department of Science
Collaborative Lesson Exploration Teacher – Develop and teach a lesson How does a small set of elements combine to form molecules, compounds and mixtures, which are used in your daily lives? As the teacher, participants delivered a lesson around topic six underlining the importance of combining atoms.
Collaborative Lesson Exploration Learner – Actively participate as students As the learner, teachers actively participated in the lessons presented by their colleagues.
Collaborative Lesson Exploration As the observer, teachers reflect on standard aligned and academic practices seen and shared them out with the group with an additional caveat where they observed the lessons using the Framework of Effective Instruction, noting identifiers in the Instructional Delivery component. This protocol can be integrated during common planning time and peer to peer support at the school site. Observer – Observe, note and provide pedagogical feedback
Science Department Dr. Ava D. Rosales Executive Director Elementary Middle School High School Mr. Dane Jaber Supervisor Dr. Millard Lightburn Ms. Noreyda Casanas Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Vanessa Baker Mr. Daniel Gangeri Ms. Yusimi Osteen Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Ms. Mary Tweedy Ms. Mildred Farber District Administrative Assistant Phone: 305- 995-1939 We thank you for viewing this Power cast and look forward to seeing the application of reflective practices within your schools. Please share any additional questions or comments that you may still have with the appropriate staff member listed on the screen. Department of Science