Kaltura Overview Lecture capture software integrated with Moodle Capture audio, video, screen, & partner devices with auto-upload to Moodle Repository for all audio, video and image files Ability to have students submit videos as a response to assignments Ability to add a quiz to videos and sync with gradebook Embed media anywhere in Moodle the editor window pops up (in assignment descriptions for example) by clicking this symbol
My Media vs. Kaltura Media Gallery Repository for audio, video & images files (like Dropbox or Google Drive) Media is private until published to a course gallery Accessible from your Moodle home page and all courses Accepts common media file formats File size is not restricted Kaltura Media Gallery Media published specifically to this course Anything added here will be added automatically to “My Media” Create “Playlists” for courses using the edit button which looks like this:
Click Add New to add Media My Media Click Add New to add Media Upload audio, video and image files in common formats Use the Desktop Recorder to capture a new video (audio, video, and/or screen) Link to a YouTube video (does not import/save) Add multiple choice questions to a video 1. 2. 3. 4.
My Media After you add media, publish selected media (use check boxes to select) to one or more course galleries
My Media Click media title to access ACTIONS including: Edit – change description, allow/disable comments, add tags, add collaborators, add attachments Publish - to one or more course galleries Add Quiz – add multiple choice questions to media (can be linked to gradebook but students can take only once) Analytics – includes plays, visits, view times and drop-off My Media
My Media Search media for words in title, description, tags, typed in an accompanying PowerPoint, or spoken (as recognized by machine transcription)
My Media Publish selected media (use check boxes to select) to one or more course galleries Search media for words in title, description, tags, typed in an accompanying PowerPoint, or spoken (as recognized by machine transcription) 1. 2. 3. 4. Upload audio, video and image files in common formats Use the Desktop Recorder to capture a new video (audio, video, and/or screen) Link to a YouTube video (does not import/save) Add multiple choice questions to a video Click title to access ACTIONS including: Edit – change description, allow/disable comments, add tags, add collaborators, add attachments Publish - to one or more course galleries Add Quiz – add multiple choice questions to media (can be linked to gradebook but students can take only once) Analytics – includes plays, visits, view times and drop-off Click to see course galleries in which this media has been published
Adding Resources & Activities to a Course Kaltura Media Assignment Create an assignment that requires students to upload and submit a video Can grade submissions and provide feedback Students can use Kaltura CaptureSpace in their My Media to create videos or use other recording software and upload to My Media Kaltura Video Quiz Link a Kaltura Video Quiz to the gradebook Students can submit only once If you want students to see the quiz, but not have it linked to the gradebook, publish the Quiz to the course gallery or as a Kaltura Video Resource Kaltura Video Resource Link to a video in My Media Allows you to place the media in the topic/week context of the course Adding this link will not automatically add the media to the Kaltura Media Gallery of this course, but you can publish there also