Ultriva Item Attributes
About Us… Lori McNeely Ultriva Customer Support Specialist Supporting Ultriva > 5 years 2 Nandu Gopalun Supporting Ultriva from the beginning
General Webinar FAQ If you have a question please use the question box and we will try to go over them at the end. We will be recording this webinar and will have it available on the help site for download in the future. We plan on hosting additional webinars at this time on the 3 rd Friday of every month. The next webinar will be September 20 th and we will go over setting up User Groups, assigning users, Cloning users, and setting up My Routines We are doing the demos in Ultriva Version 7.5 and higher. 3
Item Attributes – General Info Better understanding of what information can be added to items and what Ultriva does with that information. We will focus on using the Ultriva CSP Website to add items We will have a few short surveys throughout this webinar and will give you the results 4
For Additional Information 5 Ultriva Inc S. De Anza Blvd., # 260 Cupertino, CA (408) Lori McNeely Customer Support Specialist (408) Helpdesk Ticket