Positioning Yourself To Be A Timeliness Superstar BPRO 2019
Screening (Part 2.B) All applications and late renewals must be SCREENED for EXPEDITED vs. NON-EXPEDITED PROCESSING the same day. The SNAP Hotline Form must be given or mailed to customer the same day. If initial screening is incorrect, as a best practice, DOCUMENT the case record and send a CORRECTED SNAP Hotline form to customer All applications must be SCREENED the same day they are received by the agency. The SNAP Hotline form must be provided to the applicant to advise if the case is eligible for EXPEDITED or NONEXPEDITED processing. The case record must be documented to reflect the outcome of the screening and that the SNAP Hotline form was provided.
Applications EXPEDITED (7 DAYS) NON-EXPEDITED (30 DAYS) *Income <$150 & Resources <$100 *Migrant/seasonal farm worker with liquid resources <$100 *Housing and utility expenses exceed total household income/resources *Applications that do not meet the expedited criteria *Cases previously expedited that failed to provide postponed verifications If the expedited entitlement is discovered at any time after the application filing date, the agency must determine eligibility and provide benefits, if eligible, within seven days of the discovery date.
Good interviewing skills and follow up questions are essential Interviews Part 2.D. For applications and reapplications, the local agency must schedule interviews as promptly as possible to ensure eligible households receive an opportunity to participate within seven days, if expedited, or within 30 days after the household files an application. Good interviewing skills and follow up questions are essential
ASK Open Ended questions Interviews DOs and DON’Ts DO schedule expedited interviews prior to day 7 DO schedule non-expedited interviews no later than 20 days after application date, to allow the HH 10 days to provide verification REVIEW the application EXPLORE incomplete information COMPLETE system inquiries ASK Open Ended questions EXPLAIN SNAP required procedures and policies RESOLVE questionable information PROVIDE checklist of required verifications DO NOT schedule interviews without allowing enough time for mailing the appointment letter/notice DO NOT cold call the customer and when they don’t answer consider it a missed interview DO NOT consider it a missed interview until at least 15 minutes after the scheduled time Best Practice – If client fails to answer when you call, allow them an opportunity to call back (at least 15 minutes) and be prepared to complete interview DO DON’T
Checklist If additional verifications are needed after the interview, the applicant is given a Checklist of Needed Verification that itemizes the verifications needed and the date they are due.
7 Day Requirement Expedited processing
Expedited – Part 5.C. Expedited applications must be processed within 7 calendar days following the date of application as long as identity verification has been received and interview was held Tip: Verification of identity is not limited to one specific type of document. Use DMV whenever possible.
Date of Discovery If the agency discovers that a household is entitled to expedited service after the application date, the agency must determine eligibility and provide benefits within seven calendar days of the discovery date. For Example Application received and screened as non-expedited on 05/07/19, during interview on 05/17/19 the worker discovers the application is expedited, the determination must be made by 05/23/19 (the 7 days includes the date discovered) Note: if discovered within first seven days from application date, you must process by day 7.
Postponed Verifications – Part 5.D. The local agency must postpone all verifications required except the identity of the applicant The agency must make all reasonable efforts to verify the household's residence, income statement (including a statement that the household has no income) and all other mandatory verifications within the expedited processing standards. The agency may verify the identity of the applicant through a collateral contact or readily available documentary evidence. Tip: Verify as much as possible by the due date The local agency should attempt to obtain as much additional verification as possible but should not delay the certification of households entitled to expedited service
Expedited: 15th or Earlier Example Expedited application received 05/02/19, screened and Hotline Flyer provided No later than 05/09/19 Case is processed if client has been interviewed and provided identity 06/03/19 Verifications not provided, case is closed *Note* 30th day, 06/01/19 is a Saturday-Close the next business day.
Case should be processed no later than 05/01/19 Expedited: 16th or Later Example Expedited application received on 04/24/19, screened and hotline flyer provided Case should be processed no later than 05/01/19 If postponed verifications not provided, case will be closed on 05/31/19
Expedited but Ineligible for Application Month 15th or Earlier Applications In instances when the household is not entitled to an allotment for the month of application, a determination of ineligibility must be made and the denial notice sent within seven days of the application date. If there are no PPVs Determination must also be made within seven days for the following month The allotment for the following month must be issued on the normal issuance cycle 16th or Later Applications In instances when the household is not entitled to benefits for the month of application, the household must receive benefits for the month following the month of application, if eligible, within seven days of the application date. Must deny 1st month and approve 2nd month by day 7 Example: Molly who was included in a SNAP case with her mother in May turned 21 and moves out of the home. Molly applies for SNAP on May 14th. She meets expedited criteria and there are no verification postponed. She is denied for May and approved for June.
Postponed Verifications for Previous Application There is no limit to the number of times a household can be certified under expedited procedures, as long as, prior to each expedited certification, the household either completes the verification requirements that were postponed at the last expedited certification; or, was certified under normal processing standards since the last expedited certification If the agency is aware that this is a second expedited application, the household will have seven days following the application date to provide the postponed verifications from the prior application regardless of how long it has been since the prior application. If the household does not provide verifications within the seven days, then the agency must process the reapplication under normal processing guidelines. This only applies if: The application has the same case name as the first expedited application for which the verifications were postponed
Failure to Provide Postponed Verifications For applications on the 15th or earlier For applications on the 16th or later If HH fails to provide postponed verification by the 30th day, close the case on the 30th day following the application date. If the 30th day falls during a weekend or on a holiday, close the case on the next business day. No additional notice is needed. If HH fails to provide postponed verification by the last day of the month after the month of application, close the case on the last day of the second month. If the last day of the second month falls during a weekend or on a holiday. Close the case on next business day. No additional notice is needed.
After Day 7 but Before Day 30 Handling Expedited Applications Beyond Day 7 After Day 7 but Before Day 30 Day 30 If the household does not provide requested information by the 30th day, the agency must send the household a notice to extend the processing of the application for an additional 30 days. If the household is interviewed and/or provides identity after the 7th day following the application date, the agency has 7 calendar days to process the application, beginning with the date the household provides the information
Client OR Agency Delay? WHICH IS IT??
Agency Caused Delays, Not Client Caused System issues that prevent processing Worker did not receive application timely Interview not scheduled timely Failure to set appointment Incorrect handling of postponed verifications, i.e. Identity Failure to process application timely Incorrect Screening Documentation of Interview and/or Missed Interview (This would be a reason QC would cite an error)
“Valid” Client Caused Delays Applicant misses their appointment Customer fails to provide identity verification by the 7th day
Missed Interview Notice If an applicant is scheduled for an interview within seven days and misses the appointment: Code the Interview Screen as “Yes” for Missed Interview Send Missed Interview Notice from VaCMS as soon as possible (Best practice is the same day of the missed appointment) Document the case narrative of the Missed Interview The MIN is only sent for the first missed interview
Coding the Missed Interview Screen Be sure to hit save and continue or save and previous to ensure work is saved.
Contact with prior locality or state Prior Participation Contact with prior locality or state
Prior Participation BPS must establish and document the effective date of case closure with the prior agency. BPS must request information from previous state to avoid duplicate participation (Use National Directory of Contacts - found on FUSION) BPS should also make contact with other worker in the event an applicant is participating in another VA locality
No Contact from Other State If worker cannot verify case closure by the end of the processing period (7th or 30th day) and all other eligibility factors have been met, the agency must process the application. The worker must continue to seek verification from the other state to minimize any overpayment period if an individual continued to receive benefits in the other state. NO response from the other state, contact the Regional consultant It is the workers responsibility to verify the end of benefits from another state. It is not the customer’s responsibility to provide a closure letter or notice.
Normal Processing Non-Expedited
Non-Expedited, Part 2.E. The local agency must provide eligible households that complete the initial application process an opportunity to participate, as soon as possible, but not later than 30 calendar days following the application filing date.
Non-Expedited: Day 30 or Later If the household does not complete the interview by the 30th day, system will deny on day 30. If interview is held and all verifications have been received, the case must be processed by day 30 or earlier. If verifications are still required, the worker will extend pend the case. The extend pend checklist must only include those verifications initially requested that have not been received or verifications for newly reported information Day 60 If the household is at fault for not completing the application process by the end of the second 30-day period, the local agency must deny the application. (System-generated closure)
Is today the 30th Day? Extend Pending a case
Extend Pending Steps Verify that the application is ‘Pending.’ From the Left Navigation, select Data Collection, Individual Information, and then Program Request; the Program Request – Summary page displays. Click the edit icon (pencil) next to the SNAP program; the Program Request - Details page displays Select the Administrative Delay Communication Form button. The verification check list (VCL) will display. Complete the VCL and select the OK button at the bottom of the form. Wait for the screen to refresh (blink) In the Programs section, select the appropriate Delay Reason from the dropdown menu. In the SNAP Information section, select Yes from the Extend Pend dropdown menu. Click Next. The Program Request – Clients page displays. Click Save + Continue. From the Left Navigation, select Forms and then View Pending Forms; the View Pending Forms page displays Pending forms are displayed. Click the hyperlink for each form. Click Print Locally and then print and mail the forms. The daily Pending Point in Time batch process will run in the evening. The pending case will display the ‘Extend Pend’ () icon the next day.
Extend Pending Steps
Extend Pending Steps
Extend Pending Steps
Extend Pending Steps
Extend Pending Steps
Extend Pending Process If the delay is client-caused then the household forfeits eligibility for SNAP from the date of application and benefits will be prorated based on the date the last verification is received. If the delay is agency-caused then the household remains eligible from the date of application. If the household fails to provide the requested verifications, VaCMS will automatically deny the application on the 60th day.
Timeliness – Renewals Part 4 C All SNAP renewals must be completed by the 30th day from the renewal date. If verifications have not been received the case must be denied on the 30th day or the next business day if the 30th day falls on a holiday or weekend. (Remember: the customer must have at least ten days to provide verifications) Late renewal application (renewals filed the month after the certification expired) must be screened on the date received and if expedited must be completed by the 7th day. Exception to 30 day processing for renewals: Early Filed Renewals For a HH that files the renewal so that the 30th day comes before the end of the current certification period, the processing time must be extended to the end of the current certification period. VaCMS Reminders: Add a person or another program PRIOR to beginning the Renewal Renewal applications filed after the certification period has ended must be evaluated for expedited processing. Document the evaluation results. Benefits for late recertifications/renewals will be prorated from the date of the application. All late SNAP renewals must be screened and a SNAP Hotline Flyer (SHF) must be sent on the date received. Remember: the screening must be documented If the case does not contain a copy of the SNAP Hotline Flyer, the date sent must be documented in the case.
Screening (Ongoing) All late SNAP renewals must be screened and a SNAP Hotline Flyer (SHF) must be sent on the date received. Remember: the screening must be documented If the case does not contain a copy of the SNAP Hotline Flyer, the date sent must be documented in the case.
Timeliness – Renewals Part 4.C SNAP households that submit timely renewal applications are entitled to uninterrupted benefits. The SNAP case must be approved or denied no later than the last day of the certification period. Timely means the application was submitted on or before the 15th of the last month of certification, the interview was completed, and all verifications are provided before the certification period ended. Workers may have fewer than 30 days to process a timely renewal application.
Untimely Renewals 4.C A renewal application filed after the 15th of the certification ending month is not considered a late renewal application These are considered Untimely renewal applications SNAP households that submit Untimely renewal applications are not entitled to uninterrupted benefits
Opportunity to Participate Very Important Opportunity to Participate
Opportunity to Participate The worker must contact the HH to offer a vault card if processing the cases after day 1, day 24 or day 54. Document the case that the HH requested to have the card mailed knowing it would take 5 to 7 business days. Advise HH of agency procedures for picking up a vault card. The SNAP Card Issuance Screen must be completed in order to avoid additional days being added to the participation date, which would cause a case to show out of compliance If you are approving a case on Friday or before a Holiday weekend and it is the 23rd day or after they should also be offered a vault card because they will not have their benefits available to them by the 30th day.
VaCMS – SNAP Card Issuance Screen Worker must complete this screen at application, reapplication, and renewal to indicate if the household received timely access to their SNAP benefits. APPTrack automatically adds 6 mailing days to the processing date to determine if a case is in or out of compliance. Expedited cases processed after day 1 and non-expedited cases processed after day 24 or 54, are considered out of compliance unless this screen has been completed to verify the household was given an opportunity to participate. Workers must contact the household to offer them a vault card. If the household cannot be reached, issue a vault card to stay in compliance. If the household opts to receive a mail card, indicate that a vault card was offered. The case will be considered in compliance if the date is within appropriate 7/30/60 day time frame.
Review Tasks/Reminders and Check Inboxes Daily Remember to complete the SNAP Card Issuance Screen Review Pending Point in Time Report Daily Remember to document all case actions including reason for delays Review your Wrap-Up Screens Remember your deadlines Use your dashboard
Superstar Time Saver Tips Allow sufficient interview time and allot time in between each interview Interview interactively as often as you can Send Missed Interview Notice and document case right away Enter appointments in scheduler timely Accept verifications via email Check DMIS inbox and mailbox frequently Designate time to process applications and renewals Help customer secure verifications when possible Once verifications are received, process the case right away Pay attention to due dates, process earliest dated first Don’t schedule back to back, allow time to gather thoughts in between. VRs – example child support, call employer, etc, avoid a checklist when possible.
Resources for SNAP Processing ProTips - Periodic Policy Tips SNAP Quizzes List Serv Updated Resources on Fusion SNAP page Desk Tools Documentation Guide FUSION - Income Calculation Guide coming soon, Frequently Asked Questions
Cynthia Powell Cynthia.Powell@dss.Virginia.gov 804 662-9776 Contact: Lisa Colandene-Nouri lisa.colandene-nouri@dss.Virginia.gov 540-347-6325 Or Cynthia Powell Cynthia.Powell@dss.Virginia.gov 804 662-9776