The Work Place Report June 2018
Essential details Length of report is 5,000 words Submission of draft work is Friday 27 July… this is to be in Word Submission of final work: Thursday 24 August Final submission is in pdf All submissions to me Susan:
Presentational skills An abstract is… this is different from the introduction A table of contents is required A summary/conclusion is required Word-processed (with English UK spelling and grammar. Pre-set the spell check default in electronic submission) The text size should be 12 point Arial and typed with 1.5 line spacing, except for the abstract and any quotations which should be single spaced
Page and figure numbering All pages should be numbered Sections and subsections should be numbered e.g. Introduction Background Report aims and objectives Report structure All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively with the sources given
The task: write an academic report Conventional academic report writing: your report should be structured as follows: - Cover page - Abstract - Table of Contents - List of figures/tables - Abbreviations - 1. Introduction - 2. Company and job role - 3. Methodology - 4. Analysis and critical discussion - 5. Personal reflection - 6. Summary and conclusion - 7. Reference list
Style and referencing Referencing: all work except the law module coursework must be follow the Harvard system of referencing: see London Met’s short and full guides (both on the intranet) Your report should be written in from the third person perspective, except in section 5 - where you should reflect on your role and personal development and write this in the first person (I/me etc.). All figures and tables should be labelled and the original source cited (including page number if copied direct from source/or without any modifications).
Authorities and methodology What you say must be supported by authority Primary and secondary authority Methodology: how you find out your information/conduct your research Using literature and theory
The aims of the report The value of work experience on a BSc The WPR should link in academic work with workplace… why?! To use and relate your academic work To develop your personal/professional qualities To develop a more analytical understanding of how your organisation works… why?
Organisation/direction of the report Principal products/services of the company and their characteristics (what are these?) The main markets served… why this is important: analysing market characteristics The main sources of competition Types of technology involved Historical development of the company Mission statement and declared objectives…
… continued Financial structure Communication and information systems Management style-values and priorities, responsiveness to external change and management succession (etc.)
And it may include… The Report may also be expected to show the impact of Political changes Government measures and policies Changing social attitudes on the market – either in general or specifically that market supplied by the organisation Changes in the industry to which the business belongs
Academic/other theories: essential Your discussion may compare theory studied with operational practice You will need to support arguments/ideas and suggestions by theory: Primary authority… e.g. the law, organisational statements, company accounts, fact-sheets… Secondary authority… published discussion, which contributes to a debate
The abtract Why are we writing the report/what gap to fill/how did we do the research/what did we learn/what are the implications? The abstract summarises the entire discussion, in that it: Outlines purpose of report and its research methods Outlines the findings and recommendations It is NOT the introduction….!
The introduction Should introduce both the company and your role within the company Needs to set out the specific objective of the report… which is- ?! What are the key areas of focus of the report? Should provide an overview of the report structure, contents and method of analysis Needs to show how it will proceed to explore the topic/subject matter being discussed
Research and referencing Use the Harvard referencing style… take time to proof and ensure that sources are correct Citation… essential to substantiate research A good range of literature is needed… and use Academic journals for top-class marks- why? Link your own knowledge to the relevant theoretical underpinning to substantiate… And to be able to give critical analysis.
Methodology Why and how? Essential questions Use appropriate theoretical model(s)… and justify why you have used them… how to justify? Support from academic texts. Examples of models for showing how/why you conducted your research: SWOT; Porter’s, PESTLE; fishbone; etc. So – how you analysed your evidence!
Finally… good luck! Get writing and get that draft in!