Lets start Lets start
For a free ticket click herehere
First Station: Israel To visit me in Israel, click herehere
Israel Israel Capital city symbols Famous places Do you know?? Write an I.D. card about your friend from Israel I.D. card
Second Station: A ntarctica To visit me in Antarctica, click herehere
Antarctica Antarctica Capital city symbols Famous places Do you know?? Write an I.D. card about your friend from Antarctica I.D. card
Third Station: China To visit me in China, click herehere
China China Capital city symbols Famous places Do you know?? Write an I.D. card about your friend from China I.D. card
Fourths Station: India To visit me in India click herehere
India India Capital city symbols Famous places Do you know?? Write an I.D. card about your friend from India I.D. card
After having a great time and knowing some special places: 1.Which country did you like the best? Why? 2.Write a short recommendation why should we visit there? 3.A new friend from a new country enjoy the club: Where is he from? Find some information about his countrysome information WriteWrite a short letter to him Click here Click here
Lets sing