4.4.1 Unblocking the Arteries
Goals for Today: 4.4.1 Unblocking the Vessels—Title, date We will fill in lab partners later Intro notes and vocab, Steps 1-7 today View videos & animations and take notes/make drawings Get a good idea of what atherosclerosis is and how it happens In step 7—Please research all three treatments and take notes! Look for images and videos that help explain what’s happening, make drawings, take notes We will build models of these to share with small teams next week When you’re done, show me your notebook and I’ll assign you a team
Unblocking the Arteries—Day 2 QUICKLY AND QUIETLY! Please get your laptop, log on and open 4.4.1 “Unblocking the Vessels” Notebooks and pencils out Cell phones in backpacks, please! Gather any materials you set aside for your team yesterday!
Debrief from Day 1: I Learned. . . There are ways to treat blocked or partially occluded arteries Defined stent insertion, angioplasty, and CABG Heart tissue changes color in an area where the heart attack occurred Angiograms use iodine dye to visualize how blood is pumping in the heart “Angio” is Greek for “vessel” Stents stay in your vessel; angioplasty is more of a temporary fix
Debrief from Day 1: I Want to Know. . . How bad does the artery occlusion have to be in order to get surgery? What does it feel like to the patient? Does the metal from a stent ever damage the artery? How effective is the treatment? How long does the intervention last? How common is this intervention? Which treatment is used when? Are you physically affected forever? Can you play sports? How much does it cost? How long is the recovery period? How long do the surgeries take?
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft WARNING! Images may be disturbing. . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqYRsPEJOTI&has_verified=1&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DKqYRsPEJOTI%26oref%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DKqYRsPEJOTI%26has_verified%3D1&has_verified=1
Debrief from Day 1: Questions about the model or intervention: Why use models instead of a video showing the treatment to patients?
Model ideas
More ideas. . .
Be Creative! Use water to mimic the movement of blood! Use your heart pump models from 4.3.3!
Design Process Please focus on steps 2-5 today Finish research, develop a possible solution and construct and test your prototype Evaluate your solution: How could it be improved for tomorrow? What could you change about the materials or the function?
Goals for Today: Finish researching your heart intervention using valid, reliable sources. Watch videos. . .find diagrams and images. Stent Insertion Angioplasty Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Use the Design Process to develop and test a prototype model today! Audience: a patient who is about to undergo this treatment Accurate and simple Model an occluded artery and show how the treatment will affect it Movable parts Easily repeatable
GOALS FOR TODAY FINISH YOUR FINAL MODEL! Audience: a patient who is about to undergo this treatment Accurate and simple Model an occluded artery and show how the treatment will affect it Movable parts Easily repeatable Make a KEY for the parts so a patient could understand the model even without your help Be ready to present at 3:00!
Clean up: Please save your materials in a safe place for tomorrow ORGANIZE the materials and put away all the tools and equipment in the correct bins please! Check the floor for any materials Sweep, spray down tables, dry with paper towels HOMEWORK: Think about how you can improve your model for tomorrow. What materials do you need? Be ready to develop your final prototype and share by the end of class!