Welcome Mid-Term ERA-NET SusAn Projects Seminar Mr. Peter Paul Mertens, Department of knowledge of the Ministry of Agriculture, NL Dr. Martin Scholten, General Director Animal Science Group, Wageningen University, NL Dr. Elke Saggau, SusAn Coordinator, BLE, DE Wageningen, 10-11 April 2019
The ERA-NET Cofund SusAn Dr. Elke Saggau – Coordinator, BLE Germany 2nd SusAn Cofunded Projects Seminar 10-11 April 2019, Wageningen
The ERA-NET Cofund SusAn Consortium (Ministries & Agencies) 38 partner organisations from 22 European countries: 20 Member States 2 Associated Countries MS Partner contribution - cofunded call: € 12 Mio. Total EU contribution: € 5 Mio. MS Partner contribution to second joint call: € 17 Mio. Duration of ERA NET 5 years 2016 – beginning of 2021
Reminder Principle of ERA NET Cofunds ERA-NET Cofund = European Research Area Networks An ERA-NET Cofund supports public-public partnership between Member States under Horizon 2020 The main activity of an ERA-NET Cofund is the implementation of a cofunded joint call for proposals that leads to the funding of transnational research projects The transnational projects are funded by Member States plus the Commission (“EU top up funding”) The ERA-NET Cofund SusAn = ERA-NET Cofund on Sustainable Animal Production
Reminder ERA-NET Cofund SusAn – Scope Sustainable animal production, including animal health and welfare, but also in areas like breeding, nutrition and production systems Research areas supporting the three pillars of sustainability - environment , economy and society on farm, regional, national, EU and global scale
ERA-NET Cofund SusAn Current situation and Future activities Two successful calls for research projects EU cofunded call in 2016 on sustainable animal production systems with a total commitment of 16m € incl. EU Top-Up funding (14 cofunded projects) 2018 Joint Call with FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI2 on „Novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in animal production systems” with a total commitment of 17m € (19 proposals are eligible) Strategic Research Agenda – in progress Trainee Programme / workshop for young scientists – autumn 2019 Seek international cooperation in research and innovation – realized within the 2nd join call
Timeline The Co-funded SusAn Call Launch of the co-funded call 4th January 2016 Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 29th March 2016 74 pre-proposals were submitted Deadline for full proposal submission: 9th September 2016 29 projects recommended for full proposal submission Project selection: 24th November 2016 14 projects selected for funding by 23 European Funding Parties Total funding approx. 16 Mio EUR including Top-Up funding by the EU Cofund ERA-NET SusAn Projects Seminars Kick Off Seminar -23rd / 24th November 2017 in Bilbao – all 14 Research projects are realized Mid term Seminar - 10/11 April 2019 in Wageningen – all 14 projects present their current results & activities Final Seminar – Berlin, autumn 2020
Research approach for Co-funded SusAn call Research Projects Systems thinking targeting on animal production system taking into account the 3 pillars of sustainability An integrated approach which combines all aspects that are relevant to tackle challenges and barriers. A multi- and interdisciplinary approach which will bring together researchers from different disciplines and cross research disciplines . A cross-scale approach which takes into account the differences between scales e.g. farm, regional, national, European and global scale. A multi-actor approach which will encourage input and draw effort from across the European scientific and technical communities, at the fundamental, strategic and applied levels. (whole value added chain)
ERA-NET Cofund SusAn Mid term Project seminar Agenda
ERA-NET Cofund SusAn – Agenda 10th April 2019 Pitch Session – all species Lunch with Poster Market Presentation of Research Projects – Parallel sessions PIGS / Cattle Presentation of Research Projects – Parallel sessions SHEEP / OTHER SPECIES Update on WP4 CAMPUS Tour NMG Meeting (SusAn partner only) Social dinner
ERA-NET Cofund SusAn – Agenda 11th April 2019 Farm visit (by registration – only) – departure 7:00 h Break-out workshops Stakeholder engagement & communication NC members workshop Breakout workshops conclusions Goodbye & Networking Lunch – end 13:30
Thank you for your attention