BIOTECHNOLOGY Embryonic stem cells and gene therapy GM Golden Rice. 7/1/2019 BIOTECHNOLOGY Embryonic stem cells and gene therapy GM Golden Rice. Dolly and surrogate Mom G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Biotechnology Biotechnology, defined broadly, is the engineering of organisms for useful purposes. Often, biotechnology involves the creation of hybrid genes and their introduction into organisms in which some or all of the gene is not normally present. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology Animal cloning GMO’s and Bioethics Gene Cloning Gene 7/1/2019 Biotechnology Animal cloning GMO’s and Bioethics Gene Cloning Gene Therapy DNA Fingerprinting G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Why Clone Animals? Discovery Pharmaceutical production. Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Why Clone Animals? Discovery Pharmaceutical production. Herd improvement. Human desires G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Is Animal Cloning Ethical? Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Is Animal Cloning Ethical? As with many important questions, the answer is beyond the scope of science. This has given rise to the field of Bioethics. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Iranian scientists recently cloned a wild sheep (mouflon) for 2 reasons: To protect food webs To protect gene stocks G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Carbon Copy– the First Cloned Pet Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Carbon Copy– the First Cloned Pet (Science (2002) 295:1443) Significantly, Carbon Copy is not a phenotypic carbon copy of the animal she was cloned from. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 The Next Step? This is highly unlikely. Attempts at human cloning are viewed very unfavorably in the scientific community. . G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Recombinant DNA, Gene Cloning, and Pharmaceutical Production Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Recombinant DNA, Gene Cloning, and Pharmaceutical Production DNA can be cut at specific sequences using restriction enzymes. This creates fragments useful for gene cloning. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Restriction Enzymes Cut DNA Only at Particular Sequences Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Restriction Enzymes Cut DNA Only at Particular Sequences Different restriction enzymes have different recognition sequences. This makes it possible to create a wide variety of different gene fragments G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
These Fragments Can be Joined Together in New Ways Biotechnology 7/1/2019 These Fragments Can be Joined Together in New Ways G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Plasmids are Used to Replicate a Recombinant DNA Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Plasmids are Used to Replicate a Recombinant DNA Plasmids are small circles of DNA found in bacteria. Pieces of foreign DNA can be added to create a recombinant plasmid. Replication produces up to 100 copies of a recombinant plasmid in each cell. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Route to the Production by Bacteria of Human Insulin Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Route to the Production by Bacteria of Human Insulin Cloning animation G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Production of Human Insulin Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Production of Human Insulin G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology Pharming 7/1/2019 The production of pharmaceuticals in animals engineered to contain a foreign, drug-producing gene. These goats contain the human gene for a clot-dissolving protein that is produced in their milk. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 The Stem Cell Concept A stem cell is an undifferentiated, dividing cell that gives rise to a daughter cell like itself and a daughter cell that becomes a specialized cell type. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Some Thorny Ethical Questions Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Some Thorny Ethical Questions Are these masses of cells a human? Is it ethical to harvest embryonic stem cells from “extra” embryos created during in vitro fertilization? G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
The Technology of DNA Fingerprinting Biotechnology 7/1/2019 The Technology of DNA Fingerprinting A DNA fingerprint used in a murder case. The defendant stated that the blood on his clothing was his. What are we looking at? How was it produced? G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Different individuals carry different alleles. Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Different individuals carry different alleles. Most alleles useful for DNA fingerprinting differ on the basis of the number of repetitive DNA sequences they contain. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
DNA Fingerprinting Basics Biotechnology DNA Fingerprinting Basics 7/1/2019 If DNA is cut with a restriction enzyme that recognizes sites on either side of the region that varies, DNA fragments of different sizes will be produced. A DNA fingerprint is made by analyzing the sizes of DNA fragments produced from a number of different sites in the genome that vary in length. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Gel electrophoresis. The DNA fragments are separated on the basis of Size. The pattern of DNA bands is compared between each sample loaded on the gel. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 A DNA Fingerprint When many genes are analyzed, each with many different alleles, the chance that two patterns match by coincidence is vanishingly small. DNA detective animation HGP fingerprinting page G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 DNA and the Law SLT 3/8/05 Some applications of DNA fingerprinting in the justice system. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Genetically Modified Foods Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Genetically Modified Foods Many of our crops in the US are genetically modified. Should they be? G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 GM Crops are Here Today Source: Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, August 2004. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Methods for Plant Genetic Engineering are Well-Developed and Similar to Those for Animals G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Golden Rice is Modified to be Provide a Dietary Source of Vitamin A Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Golden Rice is Modified to be Provide a Dietary Source of Vitamin A Golden rice (yellow) with standard rice (white). Worldwide, 7% of children suffer vitamin A deficiency, many of them living in regions in which rice is a staple of the diet. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Genetically Modified Crops Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Genetically Modified Crops Genetically Modified Cotton (contains a bacterial gene for pest resistance) Standard Cotton G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
GMOs, Especially Outside the US, Are a Divisive Issue Biotechnology 7/1/2019 GMOs, Especially Outside the US, Are a Divisive Issue Protesters at the 2000 Montreal World Trade Summit European sentiment G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Current Concerns by Scientists Focus on Environmental, Not Health, Effects of GM Crops The jury’s still out on the magnitude of GM crop’s ecological impact, but the question is debated seriously. G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010
Biotechnology 7/1/2019 Current Concerns by Scientists Focus on Environmental, Not Health, Effects of GM Crops G. Podgorksi, Biol. 1010