Symbiotic Relationships Sym - together Bio - life
Symbiosis means “living together” Sym - together Bio - life So….. Symbiosis means “living together”
Symbiosis When one organism depends on another for its survival, they have a symbiotic relationship. Another way to say it: Symbiosis is a relationship between one organism and another.
Symbiotic Relationships Key Players 1. Host → the animal or plant on which another organism lives
Symbiotic Relationships Key Players 2. Symbiont/Symbiote → organism that lives on a host—receives a benefit from the host; ex: food, protection, transport
Can you identify the host and the symbiote?
Symbiotic Relationships The host and symbiote can affect each other in 3 different ways: 1. Benefit (help)
Symbiotic Relationships The host and symbiote can affect each other in 3 different ways: 2. Harm (hurt)
Symbiotic Relationships The host and symbiote can affect each other in 3 different ways: 3. unaffected (does not help or harm)
Types of Symbiotic Relationships Commensalism Definition Symbiote – benefits Host – unaffected (no harm, no benefit)
Barnacles on a clam shell Mites on Dragonfly Ex: Commensalism Birds nesting in tree Barnacles on a clam shell Epiphytes on Tree
Types of Symbiotic Relationships Mutualism Mutual = BOTH “The feeling is mutual” Definition Symbiote – benefits Host – benefits
Crocodile & Crocodile Bird Bacteria in gut Pollinator & Plant Ex: Mutualism Cleaner Fish & Eel Crocodile & Crocodile Bird Clown fish & Anemone
Types of Symbiotic Relationships Parasitism Definition Symbiote – benefits Host – is harmed
Tapeworm in Intestines Mosquito Feeding on Human Blood Tapeworm in Intestines Tick
Giardia—protist parasite (causes serious diarrhea!) Dracunculus Pubic or “Crab” Lice Loa Loa Worm Giardia—protist parasite (causes serious diarrhea!)