Wellbeing Award Mrs Savage (EYFS Phase Leader) Miss Ring (KS1 Phase Leader) Mr Briody (LKS2 Phase Leader) Miss Bourne (UKS2 Phase Leader)
Wellbeing It is sometimes easy to forget what a school has in place to ensure the wellbeing of their pupils and staff. At Marlborough Primary School, we understand and value the link between children’s wellbeing and how it enhances successful learning.
Wellbeing of children at Marlborough Adult Led: Educational Psychologist School Counsellor and Brighter Horizons Sports Coaches Nurture and Friendship groups Going for Green Learning Dispositions PSHCE lessons Awareness Weeks eg. Anti Bullying week Frequent curriculum related trips for all year groups to enhance and widen children’s learning experiences
Wellbeing at Marlborough Child Led: Mini Mentors Playground buddies RRSA Ambassadors School Council Buddy Bench Peer reading Wellbeing Windows PSHCE floorbooks
Wellbeing Award This whole school award focuses on ensuring effective practice and provision is in place that promotes the emotional wellbeing and mental health of staff and pupils. The award has a focus on changing the long term culture of a school, and embedding an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.
Initial Ideas We spoke with staff about ideas to promote the wellbeing of the children in our school. Many valuable suggestions were made some are now in place alongside our existing strategies.
Emoji Displays “I like the emojis because when I am upset my teacher will know. My teacher then can listen to me. Blake, Year 2 “I like the emojis because when I’m sick my teacher knows and she can help me get better.” Daniel, Year 2
Worry/Thought Box “The children know that when they are feeling sad/worried, they can spend some time with Lennon!” Mrs Savage, EYFS Leader “I like the worry box because if you are sad then your teacher can help you solve your worries.” Sara, Year 2 “Worry boxes are good because when we have a worry our teacher can make us happy.” Ikraam, Year 2
Class/Phase Assemblies
Wellbeing Windows
Wellbeing of staff at Marlborough What are we already doing? What can we do in the future? Treats at break time, parents evening Staff room display Breakfast every Thursday morning Random Acts of Kindness Team building INSET Staff nights out TOIL days Staffing structure Greater communication – briefings Additional PPA session for Teachers Clear and calculated directed time
Staff Questionnaire I have been informed about the Wellbeing Award for Schools and what is involved in achieving it. I have a good understanding of the importance of emotional wellbeing and mental health on children’s performance in school. I understand my contribution in promoting emotional wellbeing and mental health within the school. Everyone involved with the school needs to support and look out for each other when it comes to emotional wellbeing and mental health. The school really cares about the emotional wellbeing and mental health of everyone involved with the school. It is clear that emotional wellbeing is valued and important across the school. I believe that increasing staff’s awareness, understanding and skills in relation to emotional wellbeing and mental health is a priority for the school. I feel comfortable with identifying signs of emotional or mental distress in both pupils and colleagues. I know what to do next if I see someone with signs of emotional or mental distress. The school offers good quality support for pupils with emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties.
Staff Shout Outs
Impact on Staff “Since the beginning of last term, the focus on staff wellbeing has had positive impacts all around the school. The staff shout outs in the staff room have been really inspiring and motivating to read – the small gesture goes a long way! Not only is it great and humbling to spot your own name up there, but it’s great to have the opportunity to boost everyone’s overall confidence. A fantastic idea!” Miss Mamdani, Year 3