Dan Akers - Co-Founder, LightStart
Most Businesses...
Some quick rules Almost every company starts off doing things in the cheapest way There are multiple alternatives to every system Selecting the right systems is time-consuming, but important ‘Make do’ for the longest time
Team Access/edit docs anywhere, on any device Work on documents collaboratively - your team & your customers Access files anywhere, on any device Share files, don’t email Answer your business lines anywhere, on any device IVR, Voicemail, hunt groups, pick up groups Keep in touch with your (extended) team anywhere, on any device Create conversational ‘context’, share files and links
Team | Customer | Sales Use video-conferencing with screen sharing, waiting room, chat Reduce travel time, reduce ‘down-time’ and stress
Sales Store client details Track sales pipeline, trigger activities, integrate with other systems The most popular website platform Infinite themes & plugins - especially WooCommerce Track all visitors to your website, track campaign success Complicated, but powerful - data lasts ‘forever’ Real-time visitor details Follow up on other platforms
Admin Task lists & cards - checklists, files, images, due dates - on any device Invite customers to collaborate Virtual PA - outsource anything that doesn’t need to be done by you Pay by 15 minute slot Create and share calendars for team members, via any device See work tasks alongside personal tasks Do as much admin as you can, on your phone Learn to turn it off… long before you need to sleep!
Accounts Access/reconcile your accounts from anywhere - share with accountants/bookkeepers An OK accounting platform, with an amazing marketplace of add-ons Push receipts to your accounting software Share via photos, mobile app, email invoices Take payments as Direct Debits instead of card payments Re-attempt failed payments using rules Forecasting using live accountancy data - real-time cashflow or multiple scenarios Up to date export of profit & loss, balance sheet, cashflow
HR | Recruitment | Legals Outsource your HR & Legals to a 3rd Party - ask questions, avoid meetings Outsource referencing, upgrade your compliance, contracts and documents Probably the worst website in the world Still well used, and free Use an online signing tool to send, track and complete signature requests Time consuming to set-up, but absolutely worth it Ask for a video application - provide questions to answer Review candidates on your phone, anywhere
Marketing Maintain and contact email lists, remain GDPR compliant Integrate with other systems to track campaign success PPC - Pay Per Click - sponsored links in Google results Should return more than it costs - but super complicated Adverts via Facebook, LinkedIn or other social platforms Track success, capture leads, capture form data (LinkedIn) Run events - free events cost nothing, paid events cost % Gather details from attendees - chat with them before and after
Customers Chatbots allow multiple concurrent conversations - 1:1-20 - mixing AI & human Facebook Messenger for businesses is a chatbot (sort of) Add webforms to your website to capture enquiries Push form enquiries directly into your CRM Only set up on social platforms your customers actually use (try Google Analytics) Social networks are a time drain - outsource if you can, but commit to responding Share calendars, invite attendees to calendar bookings Use a slot sharing/booking platform to share availability
Products & Services (Almost) everyone needs a marketing website There are ‘off the shelf’ systems to do almost everything If you don’t need ‘new’ features or functionality, use something ‘off the shelf’ You only need an app if you need the features of a smartphone, or you want ‘stickiness’ - putting a marketing device in your customer’s pocket
About LightStart LightStart are an analysis-led, digital design house, based in Leeds: We provide analysis and specifications for projects, including ‘digital’ projects like apps, websites and platforms We develop apps, websites and digital platforms We run engaging, interactive business events, training and workshops Our clearly defined process helps digital projects run smoothly and predictably If you or anyone you know has a great idea, and would benefit from an analytical, integrated approach for their project, please contact us: ideas@lightstart.co.uk www.lightstart.co.uk 0113 360 8428