Longitudinal Integrated Foundation Training Pilot II Paul Baker – Deputy Postgraduate Dean Kate Burnett - Head of School of Physician Associates Longitudinal Integrated Foundation Training Pilot II Delivering the workforce to achieve the NHS five year forward views Integrated training Transformed Workforce Enhancing Effiency PATIENT CENTRED, RESPONSIBLE WORKFORCE INTELLEGENT KINDNESS
Moving forward with LIFT 2 Why and What is LIFT Outcomes from LIFT Moving forward with LIFT 2
Why and what is LIFT Professor.David Hirsh explains the benefits of a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKGeWSws1So
Proven advantages of LIFT over traditional training; More Foundation trainees entered specialty training More Foundation trainees entering General Practice specialty training The trainees feel more valued, supported and satisfied The sickness absence rate amongst trainees is lower LIFT improves the accessibility of primary care services. The patient care provided is arguably safer, fewer incidents, more QI projects. LIFT trainees more reflective, addressing Values in their portfolios
Outcomes from LIFT 57% of LIFT entered specialty training without deferring. This compares with 38% of standard trainees * 50% of LIFT have chosen GP training, as opposed to 32% of traditional trainees * 91.7% of LIFT trainees rated their “ability to make informed career choice” as ‘high’ as opposed to 72.3% of traditional Foundation trainees. Change of training Any change involves a loss/ feels vulnerable Qualitative data consistent with normal psychology of change Closing the 3 gaps Health and well being Quality of care Financial efficacy Ultimately delivering the workforce required for the NHS five year forward view. * UKFPO Career destination survey
Personal Accomplishment Emotional Exhaustion Depersonalization Personal Accomplishment Year 2016 2018 LIFT (Cohort Mean) 23.2 24.4 7.1 8.7 37.6 37.3 None LIFT 21.6 27.2 7.6 11.7 38.1 35.5 Maslach Burnout Inventory; Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel
When LIFT scaled up to the NWoFS; 522 less patient safety issues reported 4,194 working days saved from sickness absence LIFT trainees reported 29 % less adverse clinical incidents than their traditional counterparts, scalable to the NW Foundation School this equates to a possible 522 less reported adverse clinical incidents across the school. LIFT trainees had an average of 2.33 less sickness days than their traditional counterparts. Scaled to the NW Foundation School this is equivalent of 4,194 days working days saved from sickness absence LIFT trainees provided 552 more GP sessions per track than the equivalent traditional track; scaled to the Foundation School this equates to 993,600 additional possible sessions in primary care if all tracks were converted to LIFT. 100% of LIFT trainees rate their “understanding of how primary and secondary care work together in the NHS” as high. This compares to 78.6% of trainees on the traditional Foundation route. LIFT trainees attended 11 % more formal teaching sessions than their traditional counterparts LIFT trainees felt significantly less emotional exhaustion, experienced less depersonalisation and more personal achievement than their traditional counterparts over the course of the training*2 83.4% of LIFT trainees reported they had been well supported pastorally/personally in the workplace as compared to 71.3% of traditional trainees. 100% of LIFT trainees reported they felt well supported educationally in comparison to 72.8% of traditional trainees. LIFT trained an additional 52 Primary Care Educational and Clinical Supervisors able to supervise Foundation trainees.
100% of LIFT trainees rate their “understanding of how primary and secondary care work together in the NHS” as high compared to 78.6% of traditional trainees 83.4% of LIFT trainees reported they had been well supported pastorally/personally in the workplace as compared to 71.3% of traditional trainees 100% of LIFT trainees reported they felt well supported educationally in comparison to 72.8% of traditional trainees LIFT trained an additional 52 Primary Care Supervisors.
Moving forward with LIFT 2