Teacher Instructions: Hand out cards to all students Teacher Instructions: Hand out cards to all students. Included are a limited number of cards. Add more terms and concepts as needed. Timed responses for set of cards will add to the fun of the game. Remember, for success in AP Psych it is speed and accuracy. Students Instructions: Upon receiving a card, identify your term in the “I have” category. As the definition is read, call out, “I have. . .” Then read the “who has. . .” portion of your card and wait for the response. Speed and accuracy is the key to success in AP Psychology.
Who has the basic building block of the nervous system? I have the first card. Who has the basic building block of the nervous system?
I have “neuron.” Who has the part of the body that takes information from the brain to the rest of the body?
I have “ motor neuron.” Who has the part of the body responsible for taking in information from our senses and sending that information to our brain?
I have “ sensory neuron.” Who has the communicator located in the spinal cord that enables reflexes?
I have “interneuron.” Who has the neuron’s bushy branching extensions the receive messages and conduct impulses toward the cell?
I have “dendrites.” Who has the neuron extension that passes messages through its branches to other neurons or to muscles or to glands?
I have “axon.” Who has a fatty tissue layer segmentally encasing the axons of some neurons; enables vastly greater transmission speed as neural impulses hop from one sausage-like node to the next?
I have “myelin sheath.” Who has a neural impulse; a brief electric charge that travels down to an axon?
I have “action potential.” Who has a period of inactivity after a neuron has fired?
I have “refractory period.” Who has the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse?
I have “threshold.” Who has a neuron’s reaction of either firing (with a full strength response) or not firing?
I have “all-or-nothing response.” Who has the junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron? ( It’s the tiny gap.)
I have “synapse.” Who has chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gaps between neurons? These chemicals influence whether a neuron will generate a neural impulse or not.
I have “neurotransmitters.” Who has a neurotransmitter’s reabsorption by the sending neuron?
I have “reuptake.” Who has “morphine within” – natural, opiate like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and to pleasure?
I have “endorphins.” Who has a molecule that, by binding to a receptor site, simulates a response?
I have “agonist.” Who has a molecule that, by binding to a receptor site, inhibits or blocks a response?
I have “antagonist.” Who has the neurotransmitter that enables muscle action, learning and memory?
I have “acetylcholine (Ach).” Who has the neurotransmitter that influences movement, learning, attention and emotion?
I have “dopamine.” Who has the neurotransmitter that affects mood, hunger, sleep and arousal?
Who has the neurotransmitter that helps control alertness and arousal? I have “serotonin.” Who has the neurotransmitter that helps control alertness and arousal?
I have “norepinephrine.” Who has a major inhibitory neurotransmitter whose undersupply is linked to seizures, tremors and insomnia?
I have “GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid).” Who has a major excitatory neurotransmitter that is involved in memory? Hint: Oversupply can cause migraines or seizures, which is why some avoid MSG in food.
I have “glutamate.” Who has the neurotransmitter that prepares the body to fight in the fight-or-flight response.
I have “adrenaline aka epinephrine.” Who has the natural morphine like neurotransmitter that is linked to pain control and to pleasure?
I have “endorphins.” Who has the chemicals which are agonists and produce a temporary “high” by amplifying normal sensations of arousal or pleasure?
Who has the part of the brain responsible for controlling hormones? I have “opiate drugs.” Who has the part of the brain responsible for controlling hormones?
I have “hypothalamus.” Who has the master gland that controls other hormone glands, regulates growth, and takes directions from the brain?
I have “pituitary.” Who has the ancient Greek philosopher who correctly located the mind in the spherical head- his idea of the perfect form?
I have “Plato.” Who has the study of the bumps on the skull to reveal the persons’ mental abilities and character traits?
I have “phrenology.” Who has the name of the early German physician who proposed the study of phrenology?
I have “Franz Gall.” Who has the scientific study of the links between biological (genetic, neural, hormonal) and psychological processes?
I have “biological psychology I have “biological psychology.” aka behavioral neuroscientist, neuropsychologist, behavior geneticists, physiological psychologist or biopsychologist And, I have the last card.