Assessing adaptation: A framework for comparing adaptation activities Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Assessing adaptation: A framework for comparing adaptation activities Eric Massey – IVM Prepared for the EIONET Workshop at EEA Copenhagen, November 28, 2007
Organizing Adaptation: The Challenge How can adaptation measures be organized? Not many actual adaptation policy measures in place, yet countries mention adaptation practices in national communications and reports Limited systematic cataloging or organization of measures done Definitions are still being debated
Organizing Adaptation: The Solution Identify level of country’s efforts (Adaptation Level) Adaptation policy concern = an area of adaptation concern has been identified e.g. “In the next ten years we foresee an increase in the incidence of heat waves, action must be taken." Adaptation policy recommendation = specific step or steps should be taken e.g. “It is recommended that in the next five years we allocate €20M to the development of a heat wave early warning system”. Adaptation policy measure = something in place e.g. “In 2005 an early warning system for heat waves was put in place”
Organizing Adaptation: The Solution contd. 2. Identify adaptation objective: What is the measure trying accomplish? Building adaptation capacity Minimization of risk & sensitivity to climate change Increased capacity to cope w/ extreme & damaging events Ability to exploit or capitalize on changes in environmental conditions
Organizing Adaptation: The Solution contd. 3. Identify adaptation aim: What problem does the measure address? Which vulnerable sector? Coastal zone management Landscape management (soil erosion, floods, fires) Water management (quantity & quality) Extreme temperatures (heat waves, freezes) Energy (security of supply) Biodiversity management Financial management (insurance & financial markets) Health & disease management Agriculture & food security Development co-operation
Sample Countries (more to be added) Western Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Central Europe Greece Czech Rep. UK Denmark Portugal Poland Germany Finland Italy Hungary Netherlands
Adaptation Level
Adaptation Objective
Adaptation Aims
Preliminary Conclusions/Questions The level of adaptation, in terms of implemented measures varies greatly among regions but is in general low. How can it be expanded? The objective of adaptation is greatly focussed on risk reduction: While there is no formula of how the objectives should be spread, is it the “right” distribution? There is little parity in the aims between regions. Since adaptation is “local” not surprising. But what can one region (or country) learn by looking at the aims of others?
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