3 rd Conditional
Third Conditional: no possibility With the third conditional we talk about the past We talk about a condition in the past that did not happen That is why there is no possibility for this condition
3 rd conditional is also like a dream, but with no possibility of the dream coming true ConditionResult Past PerfectWould have + Past Participle IfI had won the lotteryI would have had a million !
its normal to use should have, could have, might have instead of would have If I had bought a lottery ticket I might have won !
Examples IfConditionResult past perfectWOULD HAVE + past participle IfI had seen MaryI would have told her IfNatasha had been free yesterday I would have invited her Ifthey had not passed their examtheir teacher would have been sad IfJim had been more soft-heartedMary would never have left him
Examples ResultIfCondition WOULD HAVE + past participle past perfect I would have told MaryifI had seen her I would have invited herifNatasha had been free yesterday their teacher would have been sad ifthey had not passed their exam Mary would never have left him ifJim had been more soft-hearted
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