Earth’s Atmosphere
What does the term atmosphere mean? Atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surrounds the planet It is mainly made up of nitrogen and oxygen Other gases are present as well. There is about 0.03 percent of carbon dioxide in the air.
What are the four main layers that the atmosphere can be divided into? 1. Troposphere 2. Stratosphere 3. Mesosphere 4. Thermosphere
What are the four main layers that the atmosphere can be divided into? 1. Troposphere This is the layer that is closest to Earth. Almost all weather occurs here. It is the thinnest layer of the atmosphere and it contains about 75% of the gases that make up the atmosphere.
What are the four main layers of the atmosphere? 2. Stratosphere Is located above the troposphere. Air in this layer is much colder and drier than air in the troposphere It also contains the planet’s ozone layer
Why is the Earth’s ozone layer so important? The ozone layer absorbs certain types of radiation from the sun. Radiation from the sun can harm living things.
What are the four main layers of the atmosphere? Mesosphere Lies above the stratosphere. The top of the mesosphere is the coldest part of Earth’s atmosphere
What are the four main layers of the atmosphere? Thermosphere Contains very thin air. First part of the atmosphere that is struck by sunlight. Temperatures can reach 1,700 degrees Celsius.
What are the four main layers of the atmosphere? Thermosphere Mesosphere Stratosphere troposphere
Observe the layers of the atmosphere diagram Look at pg. D17 in your textbook
First part of atmosphere to get sunlight-temperature can reach 1,700ºC Above stratosphere, upper part is the coldest of all the atmosphere Colder, drier, contains the ozone layer Layer closest to the earth; weather occurs here
There are also other spheres of the earth that we are more familiar with…. Take a look.
What is the Biosphere? Part of Earth including air, land, surface rocks, and water, within life occurs The prefix bio means life
What is the Hydrosphere? The prefix Hydro= water Includes all water on Earth; it covers most of our planet
What is the Geosphere? The prefix geo= Earth It is the solid part of the Earth consisting of the crust and mantle.
Write the questions and your answers in your notebook Why is the ozone layer important? Explain Contrast the Hydrosphere, Geosphere, and, Biosphere Which layer of the atmosphere is where most of the weather occurs? Name the 4 main layers of the atmosphere