Key points The context The Guidelines Objectives The approach Proposed measures and roles of PES
Context for the Development of the Guidelines Return and Reintegration of Stranded Migrants in Libya Questions on the overall efficiency of reintegration programs in Africa and the actual role of key stakeholders in the reintegration process Need to encourage Member States, RECs and partners to develop and implement sustainable and coherent policies and approaches to reintegration AUC intention to produce guidelines on Return, Readmission and Reintegration Need to take into account the specificities of economic reintegration, and reintegration into the labour market
Context – The Dakar Workshop Organized in October 2018 with the support of GIZ and the Government of Senegal Overview of key policy frameworks and concepts on voluntary return and labour market reintegration Analysis of target groups and initiatives on voluntary return and labour market reintegration Initiatives on labour reintegration work by member states and international organisations. Discussions of key measures and stakeholder’s role in facilitating sustainable reintegration in to the labour market across the different stages.
The Guidelines
Objectives of the Guidelines Provide guidance to Member States on concrete measures to support sustainable reintegration of returning migrants into the labour market Identify roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders Governments of Member States (ministries and agencies) Social partners Private Sector (consular chamber, professional groups) CSOs and NGOs Development partners Diaspora Organizations Local governments
Needs of returning migrants Conducive policy environment that addresses the multi-faced needs of migrants. Psychosocial, medical and legal counselling at all stages of migration. Skills recognition in country of departure and country of return. Skills profiling of returning migrants and information on training opportunities to improve their employability in the country of return. Information on business opportunities and jobs opportunity in the country of return. Information on regulations concerning decent employment (salaried employment or self-employment). Social security benefits portability. Technical and financial support for entrepreneurs. Support to reintegration process for dependents (orientation, housing, child education, professional training, health, etc.)
REGULAR ASSESSMENT AND LEARNING The three-step systematic and integrated approach for sustainable (re)integration of returning migrants into the labour market Step 1 : Before departing Assisting migrants to engage in a safe, orderly and regular migration Step 2 : Before the return Assisting in meeting returnees’ needs and preparing reintegration Step 3 : After the return Ensuring returning migrants' sustainable reintegration into the labour market REGULAR ASSESSMENT AND LEARNING
Step 1: Before departure from Countries of Origin Key measure Stakeholder Sensitization on risks of irregular migration, as well as on business and employment opportunities in targeted countries Government of country of origin NGOs and Civil Society Private Sector (consular chamber, professional groups) Establish a skills profiling/employment scans or professional project for the candidates for the migration Government (National Employment Promotion Agencies, Directorate of Labour) Chamber of commerce and professional groups Social partners (employers and workers’ organizations) Ensure fair recruitment and decent working conditions for labour migrants in destination countries Government Social partners
Specific role of PES in Step 1… Key Measure 2: Establish a database on skills of immigration candidates Establish skills profiling Establish critical skills gaps and excess lists
Step 2: Before return (to countries of origin or other African countries) Key measure Stakeholders Provide up-to-date information on business and employment opportunities in African countries Ministry of Labour and Employment Ministry of Foreign Affairs (consular services, labour attaches) Social partners Diaspora organizations Set framework conditions to ensure regular access to labour markets, portability of skills and social benefits Government ministries and Labour Attaches Diaspora organizations and CSOs
Specific role of PES in Step 2… Ensure regular communication with labour attaches on: Business and employment opportunities Updates on policy and institutional frameworks (e.g. on skills portability)
Step 3: After the return (to countries of origin or other African countries) Key measure Stakeholders Provide psychosocial, medical and legal assistance to returning migrants Government Social partners CSOs and Development partners Support to skills assessment and recognition Support to sustainable employment and entrepreneurship Government (including migrants orientation centres) Social partners, National employment agencies, Local governments Ensure portability of social benefits Governments Social Partners
Specific role of PES in Step 3… Key Measure 2: Develop the mechanism and tools for skills assessment and recognition for returning migrants Cooperate with labour institutions in countries of destination to exchange information on skills of migrant workers Set up short training/certification programs to support skills recognition
Specific role of PES in Step 3… Key Measure 3: Facilitate placements with the private sector companies Identify and share information on skills gaps and employment needs
Other measures Coordination, monitoring, evaluation of migration and reintegration programs at national and regional levels Capitalization and sharing of lessons learnt and good practices