Further binary, Logic diagrams and truth tables
Starter In pairs answer these questions What does Boolean mean? Can you think of different sensors? Why would use a not gate with a light sensor? What is a transistor?
What is a transistor? Transistors are tiny electronic switches and amplifiers. Several thousand transistors can be put on a piece of silicon with a surface area of just 1mm2. Transistors have three main uses: as an electronic switch within a circuit to switch on another part of a circuit when a change in resistance of a sensor device is detected as an interface device, to receive signals from low current devices (such as ICs) and use these to turn on high current devices (such as motors)
Learning Objectives Application of logic circuits and truth tables using binary. Learning Outcomes All – will recognise symbols All - will be able to apply truth tables to questions Most - will correctly work through tables. Some – will be able to recognise and create real world examples.
And Gate
Or Gate
Not Gate
AND gate Input A Input B Output (Q) 1 Produces an output only if both inputs are on Input A Input B Output (Q) 1
OR Gate Input A Input B Output (Q) 1 Produces an output when one or the other input are active…. Input A Input B Output (Q) 1
NOT Gate Input (A) Output (Q) 1 A NOT gate inverts its input 1 could play the opposite game?
Xor (Exor)
NOT AND = NAND Input A Input B A.B Output (Q)=A.B 1
NOT OR = NOR Input A Input B A+B Output (Q) A+B 1
XOR – Exclusive OR Input A Input B Output (Q) 1
Application Seat belts in a car Could you add something? Do you always need all seat belts done up? Could you draw a new one, have a go.
Problems Number of seats. Not gates on switch going to Or gates perhaps?
Application. Do the truth table for this? What use could do with this?
Mark each others Are they correct.
What you have to do? D E F
You can create this in a spreadsheet using functions B C D E F Y 1 Try writing this in English? Eg: If A, B and C are off then nothing happens.
Plenary Finally: Logic gates: Not, And, Or, Nand, Nor and Xor. Truth tables. Binary (binary addition) Addition using logic gates i.e. how a computer works.
Prep Revision