TGA1 and TGA4 expression is enriched at boundaries in the inflorescence in a pattern that overlaps with BOP1 and BOP2. TGA1 and TGA4 expression is enriched.


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Presentation transcript:

TGA1 and TGA4 expression is enriched at boundaries in the inflorescence in a pattern that overlaps with BOP1 and BOP2. TGA1 and TGA4 expression is enriched at boundaries in the inflorescence in a pattern that overlaps with BOP1 and BOP2. Arrows denote enriched areas of expression. A to G, Shown are TGA1pro:GUS expression patterns in a 10-d-old seedling (A),rosette leaf petiole (B), inflorescence apex (C), longitudinal section of a young flower (D), abscission zone of a mature fruit (E), inflorescence stem (F), and stem cross section (G). H to N, Shown are TGA4pro:GUS expression patterns in a 10-d-old seedling (H), rosette leaf petiole (I), inflorescence apex (J), longitudinal section of a young flower (K), abscission zone of a mature fruit (L), inflorescence stem (M), and stem cross section (N). O to U, Shown are BOP1pro:GUS expression patterns in a 10-d-old seedling (O), rosette leafpetiole (P), inflorescence apex (Q), longitudinal section of a young flower (R), abscission zone of a mature fruit (S), inflorescence stem (T), and stem cross section (U). V to Z", Shown areBOP2pro:GUS expression patterns in a 10-d-old seedling (V), rosette leaf and petiole (W), inflorescence apex (X), longitudinal section of a young flower (Y), abscission zone of a mature fruit (Z), inflorescence stem (Z′), and stem cross section (Z″). X, Xylem; Ph, phloem. Scale bars = 1 mm (A–C, E, F, H– J, L, M, O–Q, S, T, V–X, Z, and Z′) and 50 µm (D, G, K, N, R, U, Y, and Z″). Ying Wang et al. Plant Physiol. 2019;180:937-951 ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists