Bell ringer: (write only question 2) Provide one thing you learned from the brain dissection What is the other name for motor neurons? What is the part of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain? (hint: dissection notes) What type of cut was produced in our dissection?
What is the main function of the circulatory system? Main function: To transport fluids around your body and protect it from diseases The circulatory system includes two body systems The cardiovascular system The Lymphatic system
Bell ringer: (write the question) What is the primary function of the circulatory system? What is the primary function of the parietal lobe? What is another name for an afferent neuron?
Circulatory system Lymphatic system Cardiovascular System Transports blood throughout your body Blood carries gases, nutrients, and wastes through the body Collect the fluid that leaks from blood (LYMPH) and returns it to the blood Helps against diseases
How do both systems work together? The cardiovascular systems pumps blood The waste products produced by blood cells is picked up by the lymph Such as dead cells and pathogens White blood cells mature in the Lymphatic system
Bell ringer: What is the main function of the cardiovascular system? What is the main function of the lymphatic system? How do both systems work together to make up the circulatory system? True/False The cerebrum is the part of the brain consisting of all of the brain lobes
What are the parts of the Cardiovascular system? Heart The pump that sends blood around the body Blood Type of connective tissue Carries nutrients, gases, chemical messages and removes waste to maintain homeostasis Blood vessels Artery: carry blood away from heart Vein: carry blood to the heart Capillaries: where gas exchange occurs
What are the parts of the heart? Atrium the upper chamber through which blood enters the heart. There are two atria in the human heart – the left atrium connected to the lungs, and the right atrium connected to the venous circulation. Ventricle The lower two chambers of the heart Pump blood from the heart to the body Valves Aid in the circulation of blood through the heart Prevent blood from moving in the opposite direction Arteries Veins
Bell ringer: (write the question) How are the Atrium of the heart and ventricle of the heart different? How does blood flow through the heart? (hint: starts at ___atrium to) How do heart valves aid in blood flow? What are the three types of blood vessels?
Parts Continued Arteries Veins Aorta Coronary arteries Main blood supplier to the body Coronary arteries Left and right Pulmonary artery Takes oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs where it is oxygenated Veins Superior and inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary vein Carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
How does blood flow Systemic circulation Pulmonary circulation Delivers blood to all body cells, and carries away waste Carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart Pulmonary circulation Carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart, and returns oxygenated blood back to the heart Eliminates carbon dioxide and oxygenates blood (pulmonary Pathway)
Bell ringer (write the question) Provide the difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation True/False The pulmonary vein carries deoxygenated blood What is the main artery responsible for sending blood throughout your body? True/false Blood is a type of connective tissue
What is blood made out of? Plasma Fluid part of blood Water, minerals, nutrients, etc. Platelets Help with blood clotting White blood cells Fights off pathogens Red Blood cells
What are some problems that affect the cardiovascular system? Atherosclerosis Cholesterol build up, leads to blocked blood vessel in the heart Hypertension High blood pressure Heart attacks and strokes When artery that supplies blood to the heart becomes blocked Stroke: when blood vessel in the brain become blocked or burst