Use of GUSTAR & Verbs like gustar
GUSTAR Me gusta la música. Nos gusta la música. Te gusta la música. Os gusta la música. Le gusta la música. Les gusta la música.
Note: Spanish really doesn’t have a verb for “to like”. But we know people who speak Spanish like people and things and activities. So, we express what we like/don’t like with the verb gustar, which means to be pleasing to.
Verbs Like gustar Here are some other verbs that always use indirect objects:
Verbs Like gustar encantar to be highly pleasing gustar to be pleasing importar to be important/to matter interesar to interest aburrir to bore fascinar to fascinate faltar to lack; need
Verbs Like gustar These verbs all use a similar construction: indirect object pronoun + verb + subject
Verbs Like gustar Me gusta el béisbol. Literally: Baseball is pleasing to me.
Verbs Like gustar The two forms of these verbs that are most commonly used are the Ud./él/ella and Uds./ellos/ellas forms.
Verbs Like gustar ¿Te interesan los deportes? Literally: Are sports interesting to you?/Do sports interest you?
Verbs Like gustar Remember that in the previous sentences, the subjects are béisbol and deportes, and me and te are indirect object pronouns.
Practica Me interesan los deportes Les falta la comida Sports interest me. They lack food. We are bored by English. Me interesan los deportes Les falta la comida Nos aburre el inglés
Te fascinan los colores You are fascinated by colors. It doesn’t matter to me. Te fascinan los colores No me importa
En sus libros, página dos cientos cuarenta y siete. Inténtalo
1. Le fascina 2. Me fascina 3. Nos fascina 4. Les fascina 5. Te fascina 6. Les fascinan 7. Les fascina 8. Les fascina 9. Nos fascina 10. Le fascina 11. Les fascina 12. Le fascinan 1. Les aburren 2. Te aburren 3. Le aburren 4. Me aburren 5. Les aburren 6. Nos aburren 7. Les aburre 8. Le aburren 9. Les aburren 10. Le aburre 11. Le aburre 12. Nos aburre