My staff are amazing – how do I do the best for them?
Employment Advice Service Jane Hudson – HR Advisor Bob Owen – HR Advisor Email: Phone: 01904 704177
From recruitment & induction to performance management
Employment Life Cycle Employee’s Life Cycle Attraction Recruitment Induction Development Retention Separation Employment Life Cycle
Employee’s Life Cycle Recruitment Induction Employee engagement vs employer expectations Development and performance
Recruitment Recruitment is more competitive than ever! As an employer you want to attract and recruit the best candidate for the position and organisation. Look within your organisation & involve existing employees Review or develop job description & person specification Recruitment platform & advert Recruitment policy Interview skills
Induction Have all the necessary HR paperwork ready Organisational values and vision Outline expectations of the role Employee benefits Introduce and integrate with the team Health and safety Assign a mentor
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Employee Engagement
Engagement - What is it, the benefits and the risks? Attraction and retention Efficiency, productivity, collaboration and innovation Staff health and safety and wellbeing Supports change and direction
Engagement - What is it, the benefits and the risks? Staff disengaged Staff demotivated Lack of performance – discriminatory effort and collaboration Internal and external credibility
Engagement - What is it, the benefits and the risks? Types of approaches to consider: Communication transparency – updates and progress towards objectives Staff briefings, away days Staff survey Opportunity for gaining staff input and ideas
Development & Performance Management Types of approaches to consider: Check and understand engagement – encourage a relationship of openness and understanding Identify training needs together Supervision meetings - 1-2-1 Agree and review goals and targets together - SMART
Q & A Session
Employment Advise Service 01904 704177 Community First Yorkshire @CommFirstYorks Unit A | Tower House | Askham Fields Lane | Askham Bryan | York | YO23 3FS 01904 704177 | | Registered Charity No: 515538 | Company No: 1839458 | VAT No: 500834776