Common Core Standards: L.9-10.4 Monday, April 15th, 2019 Aim: How can we expand our vocabulary knowledge through context clues and sentence completion? Objective: Students will be able to decipher the meaning of unknown words by looking at the context in which they are being used. Do Now: Answer one of the following questions. 1.) If you were Juliet being told the events of Act 3, Scene 1, would you side with Romeo or blame him for Tybalt’s death? OR 2.) How might Romeo’s exile from Verona affect the story?
Common Core Standards: L.9-10.4, RL.9-10.5 Monday, April 15th, 2019 Aim: How can we expand our vocabulary knowledge through context clues and sentence completion? Objective: Students will be able to decipher the meaning of unknown words by looking at the context in which they are being used. Agenda 1.) Do Now: Answer one or both questions, turn and talk with your tablemates. Captains will prepare to share with the class. 2.) Mini-Lesson: Vocabulary Lesson on words we will find throughout our reading of the play. 3.) Open-Notea Vocabulary Quiz: Vocabulary quiz on the ten words we learned today!
Untimely (Adjective) This gruesome new series focuses on unexpected accidents that have caused untimely deaths. Unfortunately the band was hit by the untimely death of a member; no one saw it coming and no one knew what to do afterwards. Untimely most likely means? (of an event or act) happening or done at an unsuitable/unexpected time
Procure (Verb) Lilly made a trip to her favorite bakery to procure a bag of their amazing chocolate chunk cookies. If you would like to go on the school field trip, you must first procure your parents’ signature on this permission form Procure most likely means? obtain (something), especially with care or effort
Haste (Noun) The boy showed much haste as he ran to avoid missing the bus. As the teacher came around to check the work the students worked to finish it with haste. Haste most likely means? Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action
Fickle (Adjective) What does fickle mean? The fickle little boy couldn’t decide whether he wanted the red balloon, blue balloon, or yellow balloon. Fred is the worst person to go to the movies with. He is so fickle and can never decide what movie we’re watching. What does fickle mean? changing frequently, especially as regards one's loyalties, interests, or affection
Dissemble (Verb) We can assume the definition of dissemble is? He dissembled happiness at the news that his old girlfriend was getting married—to someone else. The con man did his best to dissemble his real motives from the wealthy widow. We can assume the definition of dissemble is? concealing one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs
Valor (Noun) The soldier’s valor earned him a medal of honor. After the police officer was killed in the line of duty, he received an award of valor that was accepted by his wife. We can infer that “valor” means: great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
Truce (Verb) Friar Lawrence thinks that marriage between Romeo and Juliet will bring about a truce between the families. When the truce ends at noon tomorrow, it will only be a matter of time before the two gangs start fighting again. Truce means: an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
Devise (Verb) The students hoped they could devise a strategy to steal the test answers without being caught. We should devise a fundraising event in order to get money for our trip to Europe later this year. Devise means: plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by long, careful thought
Commend (Verb) praise formally or officially The student government had done so much for the school that everyone was commending their hard work. The veterans were commended for their bravery upon returning from deployment. Commend means: praise formally or officially
Minion (Noun) As the manager’s minion, Henry had no choice but to do all of his personal errands. In the movie, the yellow minion obeyed his master’s every command. Minion means: a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.