IS THE BIBLE STILL RELEVANT TODAY? Many try and assert that the Bible is antiquated and no longer has any relevance. However, if anyone will take the time to learn and apply what is found therein, it can easily be seen how relevant it is even after 2,000 years to issues of the day. “The grass withers, the flower falls off, but the Word of the Lord abides forever.” (1Peter 1:24b-25) “Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him…” (2Peter 1:3) Does God’s Word Live Up To What It Claims; LIFE & GODLINESS?
Recognition of Individual Responsibility… AT BEST MANKIND MERELY JUGGLES ISSUES THAT THE BIBLE ADDRESSES AND OFFERS REAL SOLUTIONS Image How Much Better Society Would Be IF ONLY More Would Apply The Principles Seen In The Scriptures As Relates To… PREJUCDICE/RACISM Acts 10:34-35; Galatians 2:11-14 HUMAN RIGHTS Matthew 7:12; Romans 13:10 SECURITY Romans 13:1-4 (societally) 2Thessalonians 3:10 (financially) Recognition of Individual Responsibility…
Listen Closely To The Scriptures… Clearly The Answers Are There To Be Found To Many Issues We Face Today…The Scriptures Remain Relevant Labor & Management: Matthew 20:2,13; Colossians 3:22-4:1 Crime & Punishment: Ecclesiastes 8:11; Romans 13:3-4 Alcoholism & Substance Abuse: Ephesians 5:18 Moral Standards: 1Corinthians 6:9-10; 1Thessalonians 4:3-7 Mental Health: Philippians 4:6-7; Matthew 11:28-30 Family Values, “what has been seen in your house?”
IN AN EXTREMELY STEALTHLY MANNER THE BACK BONE OF OUR NATION IS BEING ATTACKED…OUR FAMILIES “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34) Matthew 19:4-9; Ephesians 5:22-31 The Biblical Arrangement… “Acceptance” of homosexual lifestyle has led to “same sex marriages” being made “legal” by the law of the land… Genesis 19:5-8; Jude 7; Leviticus 18:22-23; 1Timothy 1:9-10; Romans 1:26-27 Abortion: “Sanctioned” taking of a human life under the guise of a “woman’s right to choose” Exodus 21:22-25
“God made man upright, but they have sought out many devices “God made man upright, but they have sought out many devices.” (Ecclesiastes 7:29 Mankind has gotten trapped, by thinking the Bible is antiquated or no longer relevant. Seeking “a way”, but not “THE WAY” (John 14:6) “Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men…” (Mark 7:8-9) God’s Word Is The Only Thing Relevant To Meet Mankind’s Spiritual Needs… Revelation 4:11 Romans 1:16 2Peter 1:12 John 6:67-68 “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age.” (Titus 2:11-12)