to LinkedIn Learning Upgrade Summer 2019
#NUTEXPO19 COMING SOON… LYNDA.COM will be upgrading to Linkedin Learning this summer SUMMER 2019
LinkedIn Learning Upgrade As part of the upgrade, the project team will be: Updating the URL and login process Creating process around creating groups, assigning, and tracking completion Partnering with training teams, faculty, and staff across to leverage LinkedIn Learning Creating process and governance around Northeastern Content that will be available in LinkedIn Learning
How to prepare for the upgrade To prepare for the upgrade, we recommend: Be on the lookout for communication over the coming months Sign-up to preview the environment Watch the course about LinkedIn Learning Be aware, after the upgrade URLs will need to be updated
SNEAK PEEK #NUTEXPO19 SNEAK PEEK In May, a limited number of faculty and staff will have the opportunity to preview the new LinkedIn Learning. If you are interested in previewing LinkedIn Learning, complete the form below.