EEC 484/584 Computer Networks Java Tutorial #2: Java IO Wenbing Zhao Cleveland State University Materials taken from:
EEC484/584 Computer Networks Java IO To do Java IO, need to Import* System InputStreamReader BufferedReader File BufferedWriter FileReader FileWriter 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks System standard input (of type: InputStream) System.out: standard output import*; public class TrivialApplication { public static void main ( String args[] ) throws IOException{ //reads one byte as an integer from standard in int ch =; System.out.println((char)ch); // print to standard out }; } 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks InputStreamReader InputStreamReader: a bridge from byte streams to character streams, i.e., it reads bytes and decodes them into characters Constructor: InputStreamReader(InputStream in) Methods: close(); read(); etc. import*; public class TrivialApplication { public static void main ( String args[] ) throws IOException{ InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(; int ch =; System.out.println((char)ch); // print to standard out }; } 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks BufferedReader BufferedReader: is used to improve IO efficiency, i.e., it may read more bytes from the underlying stream than necessary to satisfy current read operation Constructor: BufferedReader(Reader in) Methods: close(); read(); readLine(); etc. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks File File: used to create a file with designated filename File inputFile = new File("testFile.txt"); // relative path, in current working directory File outputFile = new File("/home/users/2p92/outFile.txt"); // absolute path, separators OS dependent 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks BufferedWriter Make write operation more efficient: allows for one writing step by providing data output storage which can then be outputted efficiently Constructor: BufferedWriter(Writer out); Methods: close(); flush(); newLine(); write(int c), etc. 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks FileReader Allows an application to gain access to character input from file Constructor: FileReader(File file) Methods: close(); read(); etc. File inputFile = new File("test.dat"); FileReader Joe = new FileReader(inputFile); 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks FileWriter Allows an application to place character output in the designated file Constructor: FileWriter(File file); Methods: close(); flush(); write(); etc. File inputFile = new File("test.dat"); FileReader Joe = new FileReader(inputFile); File outputFile = new File("out.dat"); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile); int c; While ((c = !=-1){ out.write(c); } joe.close(); out.close(); 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks
EEC484/584 Computer Networks A Useful Example public class IOTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("iotest.dat"))); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("iotestout.dat"))); while(true) { String s = br.readLine(); if(null == s) break; bw.write("Out: "+s); bw.newLine(); } bw.flush(); br.close(); bw.close(); } } 6/4/2019 EEC484/584 Computer Networks