Customer Service Ticket Management System Guide
ⅰ、Brief Workflow Create a work ticket Process work order Service Manager provides solution (Respond to customer timely / Progress control/ Submit final solution/… ) Waiting for feedback (Customer Satisfaction Survey) Disapproving Approving Close the work ticket (Closure Validation )
ⅱ、Account Registeration 1. Login the system via address " “,choose “Register” to enter the registration page. 2. Fill in the information following with the interface requirements. Please pay attention to below remark. ① The email address is account name, please keep in mind. ② One company can register more than one account. 3. Account audit: After regional service manager auditing the registration information, there will be a noted email sent to your emailbox. 4. Account activation: After receiving the note email, you can click the link to activate the account.
ⅲ. Account Information Management 1. After entering “My Information”, you can review the registration information, and modify the password and other basic information. 2. The email address is the unique account, it can not be modified after registration. 3、Find back password:Click “Forget Password” enter the email address, and then follow the guidance in the email to find your password back.
ⅳ. Ticket Management 1、Choose “New Ticket” to create a new ticket. 2、Choose “Ticket List”, you can see the page as below. Waiting for Process: The tickets which was submitted and waiting for handling by service manager. In this process, you can supplement problems anytime. Waiting for feedback: The tickets which was handled and supposed to be closed, and waiting for you to validate and feedback. Closed :The tickets which is finished handling and have been closed. 3、All the time showed in the system is based on Beijing time (GMT+8:00)
ⅴ. Create Ticket 1. The service manager is filled automatically based on the information of country of registered customer. The Tel number and email address is the contact information of service manager. 2. At least one terminal or system product should be filled. ① The mandatory information for terminal product is: Urgency Level, Problem Description. ② The mandatory information for system product is: BS Name, BS Address, Urgency Level, Problem Description. 3. The size of attachment should be no more than 10M, it’s not mandatory.
ⅵ. Validation and Callback 1. After the ticket is under the process of “Waiting for feedback”, you will see the final solution and you can validate the ticket and feed back opinion. And the ticket will transfer to the status of “Closed”.